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homosexuality disproves evolution

The whole evolutionary function of homosexuality in social animals, including social group primates such as we, is to dilute the male dominance of the group with sub-dominant members. If all were hetersexual alpha males in constant struggle with each other ove the females, there could be no cohesive social groups at all.

As it is, and still is with us, the rest are content to accept the leadership of the alpha males, and society (the group) can live among each other in relative peace. The alpha leaders can then concentrate on protecting the group as a whole. They lead its subdominant members into battle with other groups when necessary.

So, this is the way the world is. There is always more to learn. It would be dull indeed, if everyone knew everything there ever needed to be known. We would all think exactly the same under such circumstances. How dull!


Veteran Member
The whole evolutionary function of homosexuality in social animals, including social group primates such as we, is to dilute the male dominance of the group with sub-dominant members. If all were hetersexual alpha males in constant struggle with each other ove the females, there could be no cohesive social groups at all.

As it is, and still is with us, the rest are content to accept the leadership of the alpha males, and society (the group) can live among each other in relative peace. The alpha leaders can then concentrate on protecting the group as a whole. They lead its subdominant members into battle with other groups when necessary.

So, this is the way the world is. There is always more to learn. It would be dull indeed, if everyone knew everything there ever needed to be known. We would all think exactly the same under such circumstances. How dull!

no wonder male chauvinism persists...it's purely animalistic to think in terms of the alpha male...rather than the alpha person...
strength is more than brawn...it's in the wisdom and knowledge that manipulates it.


Well-Known Member
no wonder male chauvinism persists...it's purely animalistic to think in terms of the alpha male...rather than the alpha person...
strength is more than brawn...it's in the wisdom and knowledge that manipulates it.

But women have smaller brains...

KIDDING! :flirt:


Well-Known Member
no wonder male chauvinism persists...it's purely animalistic to think in terms of the alpha male...rather than the alpha person...
strength is more than brawn...it's in the wisdom and knowledge that manipulates it.

Oh, and there are several matriarchal animals out there. Elephants and certain types of monkeys are examples. I believe Meerkats too...


Veteran Member
Oh, and there are several matriarchal animals out there. Elephants and certain types of monkeys are examples. I believe Meerkats too...

and these matriarchal animals exhibit a peaceful existence consisting of mutual respect within their species...:yes:

the elephant is a wonderful example of power and intelligence and which they choose to guide their way of life...

i never realized how much we have in common with elephants...

Elephants typically reach puberty at thirteen or fourteen years of age
They have offspring up until they are around fifty years old
They may live seventy years or possibly more
A cow produces a single calf and in very rare cases twins
The interval between births is between two and a half to four years...

Elephants cry, play, have incredible memories, and laugh!
Elephants are sensitive fellow animals where if a baby complains, the entire family will rumble and go over to touch and caress it.
Elephants have greeting ceremonies when a friend that has been away for some time returns to the group.
Elephants grieve at a loss of a stillborn baby, a family member, and in many cases other elephants...

When family members or friends meet, they can be seen to become collectively involved in a joyous meeting. This is usually observed when a friend or family member is absent for a long time. When he/she returns, an incredible welcoming takes place. During this greeting the elephants involved will spin around, defecate, and urinate.

About Elephants

i'll be honest, i've laughed so hard i peed my pants....:eek:


Well-Known Member
and these matriarchal animals exhibit a peaceful existence consisting of mutual respect within their species...:yes:

the elephant is a wonderful example of power and intelligence and which they choose to guide their way of life...

i never realized how much we have in common with elephants...

Elephants typically reach puberty at thirteen or fourteen years of age
They have offspring up until they are around fifty years old
They may live seventy years or possibly more
A cow produces a single calf and in very rare cases twins
The interval between births is between two and a half to four years...

Elephants cry, play, have incredible memories, and laugh!
Elephants are sensitive fellow animals where if a baby complains, the entire family will rumble and go over to touch and caress it.
Elephants have greeting ceremonies when a friend that has been away for some time returns to the group.
Elephants grieve at a loss of a stillborn baby, a family member, and in many cases other elephants...

When family members or friends meet, they can be seen to become collectively involved in a joyous meeting. This is usually observed when a friend or family member is absent for a long time. When he/she returns, an incredible welcoming takes place. During this greeting the elephants involved will spin around, defecate, and urinate.

About Elephants

i'll be honest, i've laughed so hard i peed my pants....:eek:

I would pay to see an elephant laugh out loud. That would have to be a hilarious sight.


Veteran Member
The whole evolutionary function of homosexuality in social animals, including social group primates such as we, is to dilute the male dominance of the group with sub-dominant members. If all were hetersexual alpha males in constant struggle with each other ove the females, there could be no cohesive social groups at all.
Ahhhh, evolution is not goal driven.
Even if homosexuals did not reproduce, that does not mean they have no survival function. Their presense in the small social groups (hunting/gathering) we evolved in through millions of years of evolution is beneficial to the survival of the group, and social behavior that serves the group more than the individual has always survived genetically.

homosexuality in humans as well as in most all social animals seves the function of diluting the alpha heterosexual male's bellicosity. That is, if all males brutally contested and fought for domiance in the group, there would be no peace in it and the females would leave with the offspring. In fact, this does happen when males fight too much in a chimp groups, for example. Can anyone doubt but what it happense in ours as well?

You might say that the homosexuals comprise only a small part of the male population, but that would be incorrect. Between the homosexual and the alpha hetersexual males are the bisexuals and it has been found out that most of them are predominantly homosexual. When a society is patriarchal-monogmous as civilizations have been for the last 5,000 years, most bisexuals will still go into a heterosexual marriage in order to fit in. When society begins weakens and develops growing social problems, the marriage institution fails and the number of those who have homosexual relationships grows.

The result is a growth in "gay cutlure," something which is resisted by the growth of religious regression, that is, currently, the conservative Republican-Christian alliance.

This pattern has repeated itself in every civilization for the last five milleniums. Too bad the social theory consensus would rather not deal with it . . .


Intentionally Blank
Even if homosexuals did not reproduce, that does not mean they have no survival function. Their presense in the small social groups (hunting/gathering) we evolved in through millions of years of evolution is beneficial to the survival of the group, and social behavior that serves the group more than the individual has always survived genetically.

homosexuality in humans as well as in most all social animals seves the function of diluting the alpha heterosexual male's bellicosity. That is, if all males brutally contested and fought for domiance in the group, there would be no peace in it and the females would leave with the offspring. In fact, this does happen when males fight too much in a chimp groups, for example. Can anyone doubt but what it happense in ours as well?

You might say that the homosexuals comprise only a small part of the male population, but that would be incorrect. Between the homosexual and the alpha hetersexual males are the bisexuals and it has been found out that most of them are predominantly homosexual. When a society is patriarchal-monogmous as civilizations have been for the last 5,000 years, most bisexuals will still go into a heterosexual marriage in order to fit in. When society begins weakens and develops growing social problems, the marriage institution fails and the number of those who have homosexual relationships grows.

The result is a growth in "gay cutlure," something which is resisted by the growth of religious regression, that is, currently, the conservative Republican-Christian alliance.

This pattern has repeated itself in every civilization for the last five milleniums. Too bad the social theory consensus would rather not deal with it . . .

I don't think you have any data to support your last claim.

I don't think evolution is about group survival, rather primarily individual survival. Thus you need to look for a way that homosexual behavior benefits the individual as opposed to the group.

I think there is a good chance will turn out to be at least partially genetic, carried on the X chromosome, and vestigial to a trait that is evolutionarily beneficial to their female relatives, such as increased fertility.

Female homosexuality exists. Men tend to forget this.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
As it is, and still is with us, the rest are content to accept the leadership of the alpha males, and society (the group) can live among each other in relative peace. The alpha leaders can then concentrate on protecting the group as a whole. They lead its subdominant members into battle with other groups when necessary.
No man is in a position of dominance over me. As far as alpha goes, actually in my family my mom has always been the one in charge and keeping the family together. As far as an alpha goes, I do not need one. I don't particularly care much to lead, but I am certainly not subservient. Your theory also falls short because women too are homosexual which means they will not be interested in "diluting the alpha male". It falls short because physical sexual attraction is based, as far as humans are concerned, in so many factors and variables that it is simply impossible to say people are homosexual to fulfill some social role in regards to the "alpha male."
Oh and BTW, monogamous cultures have been a minority.