I have never used the term "all-compassionate" to describe YHVH.
That said, consider our own survaillance technology and how it has evolved in just a short time. Imagine what it would be like should humanity survive another 100,000 years. Or a million. A billion.
Consider also how life as we know it might just be some grand "simulation" created by god(s). Consider how "videogames" have evolved in just a few decades, and what they might become should humanity survive another 100,000 years. Or a million. A billion. From video game to simulation to alternate universe. It would likely be simple for whatever being(s) that created this simulation, this alternate universe, to observe every human if this being(s) so wished.
Humans have a tendency to assume that advanced extraterrestrial life (such as the Celestial beings described in the bible) would perceive the world as we do, with similar senses and bodies, and thus would possess similar limitations. This is not so. Advanced intelligent life that has had millions or billions of years to evolve biologically and technologically could be unfathomable to us, perhaps even indistinguishable from nature, or so advanced that we don't even have the senses to fully comprehend them.
The above material merely considers hypothetical issues. My spiritual-religious system does not require terms like "omniscience" or "omnipotence" to describe god(s), as that is completely irrelevant to the role of god(s) in my life.