Non-debating member when I can help myself
This video is about 50 minutes long. As I don't expect people to watch it unless they want more proof, I will summarize the conclusion here.
Have you ever wondered whether your country is likely to unwittingly slip into civil war? Fortunately, we now know the factors that lead to civil war, the triggers that typically spark it, and the accelerant that exacerbates it. Armed with this knowledge we can take steps to stop it. In this episode I highlight lessons from Barbara Walter's book "How Civil Wars Start" coupled with some reflections especially on what we can do to avoid sleepwalking into a civil war.
In 2021 USA officially became an anarchrocy (In the twilight zone between a autocracy and democracy) , it slid to a value of +5 as a democracy. If you are a democratic society between 6 and 10 on the democratic scale you are all right basically in terms of civil war. The biggest danger is sliding to between +1 to -1 on the democratic autocracy scale.
It is highly factionalized and we now have what are called super factions. It started in the 1960s with race becoming on of the factions followed quickly by religious factions. We've got the urban-rural divide. We've got people feeling downgraded, people who've had power before feeling that they are being left out of the equation, that they don't have the same job and economic opportunities, that their culture and values are being overtaken, their home ownership, they are having trouble earning enough to own homes, their life expectancies are dropping. The loss of hope is also there. There's been a lot of disinformation there, they feel like maybe an election has been stolen from them, and that loss of hope is something that can trigger civil war so we have to be really really careful.
We can't afford to be complacent and sleepwalk our way into civil war. There's no need for that to happen. So the question is, how can we avoid civil war?
The most important thing is the role that leaders play. South Africa was nearer to civil war in 1989 than we are today in the US and yet they avoided it because political leaders, opposition leaders, business leaders came together and were willing to compromise to face down the danger and not sink into civil war so if they can do it we can do it. There's several things that leaders can and should do. The first is to deal with all areas in which people feel they are unjustly treated so we need to examine carefully the areas of society where reforms are necessary in order to make people feel like they are not forgotten, not left behind, that their voices are heard and that they are participating in decisions for the collective good.
The second thing is then undertaking reforms whether that means reforming voter registration, stopping gerrymandering, doing all kinds of reforms that are necessary for everyone.
The third is civic education making sure we all understand how our government actually works, where it's weak, where it's strong, where it can be easily manipulated. Why we have the safeguards we have, why it's important to maintain them.
The fourth is actually changing the conditions that extremists exploit so when they see weaknesses they go in and they use those as wedge issues to divide the country further, so by actually resolving those issues we take away the possibilities the weaknesses.
Another is to take away the social media bullhorn, and there are many ways we can do that, and again we need to come together and decide on what reforms and legislation is necessary to do that.
I want to end with what I believe we should start. (Up to here she is passing on the recommendations of the book's author) If we are to avoid the conditions and the sparks that trigger civil war we need to radically re-conceptualizing and restructuring our society because humanity has grown, we have come a long way but we haven't revised and revisited our identity, who we believe we are. We're still playing out old narratives and stories of who we were 200 years ago or 100 years ago or 50 years ago so we need to update our identity because human beings tend to always gravitate towards the self-identity the conception of self-identity that we have in our minds both as individuals and society.
So how do we do that?
Step one: raise awareness amongst ourselves at the grassroots. How do we do it?
Using the principle of consultation. Making sure that diverse that all voices are heard, that we are actually listening to each other, that we are actually valuing diversity because our collective understanding is enhanced as we listen to each other and see things from the gemstone of truth from different angles, we raise awareness that way.
The second thing we do at the grass roots is to identify certain key principles that we want our society to be built on. I submit are those of justice or fairness if you like and truth. Truth is something that has definitely suffered a lot of damage especially with the media and social media. I was stunned to hear one of the talk show hosts where he was asked about a particular subject that he had commented on the truth about saying didn't you tell the truth and he says hey look I can't go on my show and tell the truth, that's not what people are watching me for. I'm here to entertain. So this whole idea of news as entertainment is something we really need to think about. So if the fundamental foundation upon which we want to build all our institutions and processes and policies is truth then we need to re-conceptualize the role of the media and how the media should operate. Once we've identified these principles we then need to make sure they get woven into all our reformed institutions and processes.
The second thing we need to do is learn to elect fit leaders, leaders who are capable of doing a bunch of things. First of all that they have the qualities like the courage to do the right thing even if it's not popular. The courage to make changes when it's time to make change like in the face of climate change and global warming. We need leaders that are strong enough to do that. We need leaders who are free of prejudice and do not stoke prejudices that members of society have. In fact we need leaders that are unifiers, who are able to harmonize people and bring them together and give them a loftier view of their own reality and their future. We need truth tellers. No matter how painful the truth is we need leaders who can speak those truths. We need them to be farsighted and not wait for emergencies to happen, but to think about for instance in the face for instance of a looming global war, nuclear war, a conflict like Ukraine who can say we need a system of collective security. We need leaders who can bring us all along and harmonize our perspectives and help us transcend our differences.
So these are the suggestions we need over and above what are suggested in this book. So the very first thing we need to do is start having conversations at the grassroots bridging the artificial divides between us taking the labels off each other so we don't see each other as labels. Democrat, Republican, white, black, woman, man. That's not what defines us as human beings. We need to really listen to each other and to listen to each other's concerns and fears and then have a consultation on how we can. If we can go to the moon and we can and go to planets we can I am confident come up with ways to speak to everybody's fears and resolve them and create a system and create a system of governance that works for all. The good news is that these conversations are happening at the grassroots all around the world even as we speak they're and that's very exciting.
I endorse the above views. This woman is very smart in my view and I share her view on things. What do other people think should be done? Do you think we are in danger in the first place of sliding into civil war in America?