How do you acquire or watch your movies? Go to the theater? Netflix? Video rental store? Pirate from the plethora of sources out there? Buy the DVDs/Blurays?
The number of movies I see in the theater in a given year is about two or three. It has to be a very, very appealing movie for me to want to do that. I generally know a year in advance whether I'm going to see a movie in theaters or not.
Sometimes I see movies at places of friends, who own the DVD/Bluray.
I will just say that in Ecuador, any dvd store that doesnt have 99.9% (probably more) of its merchandise be pirate dvds instead of originals would immidiately go broke.
Yes, legal video stores with more than 99% of their dvds pirate. TBH, I dont even know if they have originals.
I watch them on TV. I rarely go to the theatre (maybe once per year). I have a small collection of DVDs. I tend to watch free-to-air television or I buy serials on DVD. I don't like to 'pirate' because I believe they work and should get paid same as I do. They'll stop making movies and shows if we all stop buying them and that would be sad.