I have seen the graphs....but please tell me when an "equine" was not an "equine" or a "feline" was not a "feline" or a"canine" wasn't a "canine"?....or any other "family" of creatures traced back to those (always missing) phantom "common ancestors"? Evolution depends on them, and insists that they "must have" existed.....but no one really knows who or what they were....and there is not a shred of actual evidence that they have ever existed, except in the fertile imagination of evolutionists.
Identifying mechanisms has its limitations as we all know. When a genetic road block is reached, imagination almost seamlessly falls into the evolutionary breach. It is a very big assumption to state that (macro) evolution can be extended beyond testable limits, and present those assumptions as if they were facts. The fact is, when you go back to those "common ancestors", they are most "
uncommon" except on graphs as "branches" of an imagined tree....but yet evolution falls apart completely without them.
I love how science makes its theories "scientific"....meaning that they don't need proof for any of their musings as long as there is some jargon to back it up.....but then some will demand proof for the existence of an Intelligent Creator. They can't test for him?...does that automatically rule him out as if science, which took the human race thousands of years to reach its present level of knowledge, must already know all there is to know about how life arrived and then how it evolved? The arrogance amuses me TBH.
All I see is proponents of two belief systems...neither has actual proof for their beliefs.....so the choice is up to the individual to believe whatever they wish...and for their own reasons.
LOL...you just demonstrated exactly what I mean.....when is a fact not a fact?
When its theory....when is a theory not a theory? When its a "scientific" theory....
I remain as unconvinced about evolution as you apparently are about God.....I guess we will all know the right answer one day.