1. God did not create a place of torment. There is no mention of this in the Torah, and the use of it in the NT is symbolic Revelation 20:14
2. God created, and provided everything good, and if Adam and Eve chose to disobey that is on them. It says god allows us to make our choices while at the same time encouraging what is correct
3. But if the problems are solved, and we have the right way of doing things, and they decide to go another way that jeopardizes mankind, what then?
4. Adam had full knowledge of who god was, Eve was thoroughly deceived. He was smart, but people can also choose to be dumb, and boy have I seen smart people make dumb choices knowing the consequences
5. we were not designed the way we are now, we are offspring of rebellious humans that became rebellious. They were not designed rebellious.
6. 2 Peter 3:9
Ezekiel 18:23
Creation of mankind
In harmony with science
Genesis 9:4
Genesis 7:11
Leviticus 17:11
Isaiah 40:22
Job 26:7
Jonah 2:6
Leviticus 15:13
These scientific statements were written way ahead their discovery by mankind, not to mention that when these books were written they had many other popular ideas at that time.
If God provided everything good, why did God leave out the knowledge that Adam and Eve had missing? Since God knows everything, then God created Adam and Eve knowing they would fail. Why would God do that?
How could anything one could do jeopardize mankind? God is not going to allow mankind to destroy the classroom.
If smart people make dumb choices, there is something missing. They are not as smart as you think.
As I see it, your religion values Blaming, Judging, Condemning, Punishing, and maybe Abandonment. I won't mention frying the kids. Are these things really a Higher Level that God should be??? Of course not. The Higher Level would be to solve the Real problem.
How does one solve the Real Problem? As I see it, God teaches all His children by returning their actions and choices back to them so that they might understand what their actions and choices really mean. When one understands all sides, intelligence will make the best choices. This also teaches people to Love Unconditionally. After all, that is what everyone wants to return. People are Living their Lessons.
You see. there are ways better than Blaming,Judging,Condemning,Punishing, Abandoning or Frying the kids.
What is more important? The Kids or all those petty things mankind values. If God is not at a Higher Level, it is not God because to act any other way would not be intelligent. As I see it, the actions of your description of God is not intelligent.
I looked at some of those quotes that is supposed to predict science. I find it a joke. Just like with horoscopes, people will find a way to see what they want to see in them. The desperation to make that holy book reality is showing, however as I see it, there is far too much real evidence that shows it could not possible be God. Just like with the petty things it values, it simply does not add up.