(Please if possible do not answer as you read, please first read the whole post and then answer,) ...............(only if possible)
That sounds like a tautology; obviously “evidence for manipulation” would be evidence for design. These are synonyms,
The question is, if you observe an object, what objective method could you use to determine if there is evidence for manipulation (design)?
No, those are not synonyms. One is evidence of the other.
And I already told you this. This is why we require knowledge of what manipulated things look like and what natural things look like, so that we are able to tell them apart.
We know what a carved stone looks like (which is to say, we understand what carving is and what it results in and can therefor recognize it in a rock) and we know what natural water erosion, in say a river, looks like and can therefor also recognize it when it occured.
You seem to be saying that we have our experience as the tool to detect design.
you are saying (it seems to me) that: We know that designers (artists) draw realistic and abstract humans , we know that nature can create mountains rocks or clouds that *moreless* look like humans)
Therefore if we observe the first we would conclude design, if we observe the former we would conclude “nature”
Is this a correct representation of you argument?
We can tell the difference between a carved rock and a naturally shaped rock, yes.
We understand these processes and can tell which occurred when examining an object that has been shaped by either.
If you don't understand either, then how could you tell the difference?
so under your view, if previously blind person, who recovered his sight yesterday, (or an alien) observes the drawign of a human created by an artist, he would have no way to tell if it was design or not, unless he ask us?................is this correct?..............
No. The blind person will still have had interaction with other humans and have learned about things. Being blind does not make one oblivious to anything and everything.
Well take for example the first “Neanderthal made spear” that was ever found by archeologists. Since it was the first ever found there were no other samples to compare them with , but still scientists where capable of concluding design.
Are you seriously saying we had absolutely no previous examples of
spears or spear-making?
Are you being deliberatly obtuse?
In other words, we do not need prior knowledge for how neatherthals made their spears, in order to conclude design
We know what spears are and how they are made. Regardless of who makes them
For example scientists for the SETI project are looking for “Dyson Spheres” in other stars, because such an object would be evidence for design and evidence for a super advanced civilization of aliens.
SETI is not looking for such spheres, for starters.
Secondly, even if they were, dyson spheres are things WE have come up with.
It's not like we found them before we conceptualized the idea.
These objects , if they exists would be detectable and scientists would conclude “design” despite not having any other samples to compare with, nor prior knowledge of the aliens that live near that star.
You should think things through. If these scientists, as you say, are in fact actively looking for them....then that literally implies that we have conceptualized them before finding them...
And the way we conceptualized them was by... you guessed it... our own experience with technology.
We harness power in all sorts of ways, so we can use that experience to consider "more advanced" ways of doing so.
A Dyson sphere is in essence merely the "intergalactic empire"'s way of using solar panels.
It's an extension of our very own technology and manufacturing principles that we already use en masse today.
So by your view……… scientists would be mistaken in claiming “desing” is such an object is found?..........do you think that the whole premise of the proyect is wrong?
No, it's your understanding of the points being made that is wrong.
What scientists look for in terms of signs of advanced extra-terrestrial civilizations is 110% based on the knowledge of how we do things here on earth.
The fact that in your very own example they mention explicitely what it is they set out to look for, should give you a clue.
Now before you start changing the topic and claiming that God is evil and that the bible has contradictions and all other irrelevant stuff
please note that my only point tis that you are wonrg in this particular point..........................we dont kneed knowledge of the manufacturing procesess in order to conclude design.........................
You have completely failed to make that point. Every example, both real and hypothetical, that you have given here has shown the exact opposite.