Religion is more about spiritual things and science is about secular
Yes. Science forms and tests models of reality. It assesses evidence. Religion is more multi-faceted. It's different things to different people.
Ideally religion deals with questions of purpose, values, significance, morality, &c. Unfortunately it often trespasses onto science's turf with doctrinal claims about physical reality.
Science is about the world secular view, religion with the biblical dealing with the ethical view of should or should we Not do it
Science is about ontological reality; about how the world or universe works. Religion is a separate magisterium.
Science generally stays in its lane. Religion tends to wander.
Secular education today is more about scrubbing out the Bible in Academic U.
Secular education is about concrete facts. It would prefer to ignore religion, if only religion weren't repeatedly getting in its face, trying to subvert scientific reasoning and block student exposure to doctrinally inconvenient facts.
Education is supposed to teach us how to think
And religion tries to subvert it.
Religion often retards analytic skill and the habit of thinking rationally. It discourages skepticism, questioning, reason, and analysis, in favor of faith.
It is well established that religiosity correlates inversely with intelligence. A prominent hypothesis states that this correlation reflects behavioral biases toward intuitive problem solving, which causes errors when intuition conflicts with reasoning. ...
Schools today are more like indoctrination centers
The religious schools are, yes. Secular education, on the other hand teaches evidence-based facts and
I don't consider teaching investigation and questioning to be indoctrination.
Propaganda teaches us what to think
Propaganda indoctrinates us into believing a preferred narrative. It discourages questioning it.
Science is Not the teacher of morality
Is it supposed to? Does it claim to? What's your point?
Religion doesn't do a very good job, either.
The Bible (religion) teaches us the way to serve God ( morality to be governed by )
It depicts a jealous, impulsive, cruel and vindictive god. It gives many conflicting examples of proper conduct, and promotes a lot of behavior that very few would consider moral today.
The world struggles desperately Not to learn about the teachings of Christ and how that affects our lives
Governments often do suppress His more compassionate teachings as impractical and seditious.
Genesis is about getting Earth ready for mankind to inhabit Earth. Who named planet Earth _________ Genesis 1:10
How did you come up with that interpretation?