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How do you handle depression?


Uber all member
Not the clinical kind which should be looked at by professionals, but the "down" days.

Do you have a self-relaxation schedule that minimizes those days?

Do you have something you do that gets you "back on track"?

Do you just let it ride and it rights itself?

What? Tell us how you cope.



Well-Known Member
Exercize, fresh air and do something for someone else. I realize that we need to be in the valleys once in a while, that is where you find the treasure.

Quoth The Raven

Half Arsed Muse
One of 2 things...if it's something that gets me down on a regular basis that I'm not currently in a position to do anything about, then I let it ride. Otherwise I mull it over until I figure out what the problem is and then deal with it if that's possible.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Non-clinical, I don't know very much about, I fear.

Take a bath, talk to pet, do some primal screaming? (Preferably at the person, if there is one, who's making you feel depressed? :) )


Well-Known Member
Hmm...read, I guess (Terry Pratchett!). But I generally ignore it and it goes away, although occasionally that does weird stuff to my moods...


Well-Known Member
What a great question pah!

Ladies and gentlemen, a quick round of applause for pah............ ok stop, I'm trying to type.

Playing with my kids and my wife....... it's hard to out-whine a four year old, so why try?

Prayer and Church help me and I'm looking forward to reading some good replies to this.... I would like to try some form of "Eastern" meditation... very interested in what others do to relax.



Vile Stove-Toucher
I've had far too much experience with the clinical kind, to ignore more than a couple "down days" in a row. I'll try to figure out why I'm down, and if I can do something about it, I will. If I can't, then I'll try to build a bridge and get over it. Might bury myself in a book or three to take my mind off it. Sometimes I have a cleaning spree. Sometimes I'll do something crafty, create something. Might do some yoga, or go for a walk...or eat junk food and watch movies. Just depends on what I feel like at the time. And I believe in positive thinking...even if I think a situation is a total crap heap, I'll always be able to find a silver lining...it helps a lot. That big black hole called clinical depression, is not a place I ever want to be again. It's scary.


Well-Known Member
To be completely honest, I've never been 'down' about my life. At least, if I have, I don't recognize it as being down... perhaps thats why a god has never touched or influenced me... no need.

I have been sad... death in the family, death of animals, homesickness... this never lasts more than a day... and I never 'do' anything specific to cope with it, it just goes away. I guess I usually end up having a good cry at some point... maybe that helps. These are situational though, and never get me 'down' about life.

Actually, maybe there was one time. But I was on mushrooms, had a grand ol' time (whoowee), until I got separated from my friends somehow... and then japanese people were screaming at me (in my head), I threw up, I *think* I was talking to people who didn't exist (maybe they did)... and then I went to wimper in my bed, while someone(in my brain?) chanted to me that I should kill myself... or that maybe I killed someone else? I did think that was a stupid idea though (suicide)... My friends eventually stopped by my room and I was better. But the whole "I was on shrooms" part kinda invalidates anything that happened. Shrooms are bad (when you're alone), m'kaay? And yes, you are permitted to laugh at me, I know I did the next day... along with my friends whom I told the next day. "Japanese people screaming at you?" they said...:bonk:


Prince of Dorkness!
I am like Meogi - this isn't a problem I generally need to deal with. That said, meditation is usually my preferred method for any sort of emotional or mood disorder. Of course, we have 4 or 5 different styles of meditation, and different sorts work well in different situations. When I'm angry, or excited, silent sitting doesn't work well, and neither does writing meditation. Mantra chanting works well in these situations. When down, or sad, silent sitting and/or writing work well.


I'm back!
lol. usually when im depressed its just that i dont have a boyfriend or anyone to shag. so i just sit on the couch, eat cookies and watch bravo.
I don't get 'down' a lot....I guess I'm a bit of a stoic. I realize that everything in life is temporary. I think of something my dad taught me:

"Today is the tomorrow
of all my yesterdays of fear;
and all of that worrying
did not prevent, or change its arrival--
but only worsened the journey to here."


Well-Known Member
I always like to say that I never have bad days, only bad moments. I would never waste a whole day just because one or two parts of it suck. Actually, with days that most people would consider bad, I finish with a feeling of elation and accomplishment because I was actually able to get through it.

Whenever I'm feeling down, I usually have to decipher whether its stupid girly stuff, or something justified. For the former, the only remedy is chocolate and sleep. As for the latter, I try to seek out a good friend to talk to....and then I eat some chocolate and go to sleep ;)