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How do you make people happy?


Prince of Dorkness!
I guess it depends on what sort of happiness you are aiming for. As a Buddhist my aim is the true and lasting happiness engendered by the elimination of all suffering. This is a very long-term goal; I offer people the opportunity to begin to walk that Path, if they so choose. Doing so is part of me walking that path for myself.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
By far, the best way to make people happy is to spread jelly on their chest and then let their dog lick it off. Simple, yes. But also highly effective. If we all did this, there would be less time for wars.


Oldest Heretic
I am not very good at making people happy, It is an art I was never able to learn.
so I just do my best.

Blessed are the merciful, mercy shall be shown unto them.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Sunstone said:
Is it possible to make someone else happy? Or are we responsible for making ourselves happy?
Real happiness comes from within, I think - OK, someone might meke me feel momentarily happy by giving me a good bottle of Whiskey, but that would evaporate as quickly as the whiskey would when I remember that I am a tee-totaller....:D

I have a problem with trying to make people happy. I just can't help it, I feel it is something that I have to do all the time, whenever I am awake; apparently it is because of 'learned behaviour' from when I was young - reinforced by the fact that whenever itried to do so, my attempts proved totally futile...As it is, I am now only just beginning to realize that I cannot make anyone happy without being happy in myself; I don't know if that is a generality for everyone, but that's the way I seem to work.

I also seem to have a totally ennervating habit of assuming that if anyone is unhappy, that is as a result of something I have done wrong. Apparently that gets up people's noses, because I am solicitous to the point that I frequently say "What's wrong?" if someone doesn't have a smile on his/her face. I can understand why it gets on their nerves - and for me, it is hard, and tiring.

Even when they tell me there is nothing wrong, I still go on; "Are you sure ? - have I said something to upset you?......"

I forget the exact quote about "You can make some of the people happy some of the time, but you will never succeed in making everyone happy all of the time" - but I think that is a truism; what is more though I know that it makes sense, I know that I ought to put my own happiness high up on the list of priorities - because, as I said, if someone is unhappy, I don't think he/she can make others happy - except maybe a clown. Hey, thats what I should have been - a clown!:biglaugh:


Virus of the Mind
Sunstone said:
By far, the best way to make people happy is to spread jelly on their chest and then let their dog lick it off.
Ain't there laws agaisnt that ? :biglaugh:

Michel , there was a Canadian t.v. show , where a lady had a running line that went " If it makes you happy to be happy , then be happy ".... she never smiled in the show . :) Some people are like that . They aren't happy unless they are misserible . Happiness is a point of view . An outlook on life .

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Sunstone said:
By far, the best way to make people happy is to spread jelly on their chest and then let their dog lick it off. Simple, yes. But also highly effective. If we all did this, there would be less time for wars.
And yet, doing the same thing with ferrets instead of dogs makes for one of the most painful experiences possible.

I vote to see if we can use the last method on some select individual politicians, in order to study if it makes them happy, though.


Well-Known Member
Fluffy said:
I try never go into a situation with the goal of making somebody happy. I find that this often defeats me before I even get started.
Rather true. Like doing something just to make yourself feel good doesn't work too well.

But helping somebody, especially in a way that few others would manage or consider doing, brings satisfaction. It could be as simple as taking my neighbour lady (84) who doesn't own a car along together with mother (88) for the weekly shopping, or else buying a laptop for my classmate (who age-wise could have been my daughter or almost my granddaughter), just trusting her to pay back as agreeed. I thrive on things like that, but am always almost painfully aware that I'm enjoying it and so, there is no sacrifice on my part. No credits earned. And I don't believe in karma theories or any reincarnation stuff, Christian or other, anyway.


Well-Known Member
anders said:
I thrive on things like that, but am always almost painfully aware that I'm enjoying it and so, there is no sacrifice on my part. No credits earned. And I don't believe in karma theories or any reincarnation stuff, Christian or other, anyway.
Why painfully? Does giving have to be completely self-sacrificing to be worthy? I think the best type of giving is the kind that makes both parties happy.


Well-Known Member
Melody said:
Why painfully? Does giving have to be completely self-sacrificing to be worthy? I think the best type of giving is the kind that makes both parties happy.
The thing is that I'm questioning myself, do I do this or that because I really care for that person, or only to egotistically feel good.

To be on the safe side, though, I go on. That "makes both parties happy" anyway.


Not your average Mormon
Sunstone said:
By far, the best way to make people happy is to spread jelly on their chest and then let their dog lick it off. Simple, yes. But also highly effective. If we all did this, there would be less time for wars.
:biglaugh: About ten seconds before I read this, my huband asked if I'd mind feeding the dogs. What timing! :biglaugh:

Pussyfoot Mouse

Super Mom
I think it's important to find out why this person is unhappy to begin with. Then you can decide what measures must be taken to help them. Sometimes it's just not a good time to be happy. Otherwise, I agree with Kowalski, our own misfortunes are what make people laugh the most. And I have so many of them...:rolleyes:


Following Christ
michel said:
Real happiness comes from within...
I think we have a winner!

You can love another person and treat him with respect and work to remove all his suffering, but you cannot make that person happy.


michel said:
I have a problem with trying to make people happy. I just can't help it, I feel it is something that I have to do all the time, whenever I am awake; apparently it is because of 'learned behaviour' from when I was young - reinforced by the fact that whenever itried to do so, my attempts proved totally futile...As it is, I am now only just beginning to realize that I cannot make anyone happy without being happy in myself; I don't know if that is a generality for everyone, but that's the way I seem to work.
Michel it is impossible to give someone else happiness before you are happy yourself. What you wish to give to others you must first give to yourself, all thing come from within and end within.

All in all on this subject of happiness, you cannot give anything to anyone if they do not wish to have it. All you can do is to focus on yourself, some people say that is self-centered, but what f what you want is to make people happy? In this case you would concentrate on you GIVING the happiness, and trying to make people happy rather then concentrating on if the person is receiving the happiness or not. This would fulfill your wish to make others happy and you would be gifting your happiness to others. But, always concentrate on yourself, give your self back to yourself rather then giving yourself to others. When you do something loving and concentrate on what you are doing rather than what is to come of it then that is loving instead of the outcome then that is the moment where you truly love yourself, and others.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
By far, the best way to make people happy is to spread jelly on their chest and then let their dog lick it off.
My dog licks me all the time already. I don't need to add something that would make his licks slobery. I did find if I scratch just above were his tail connects to his body, he can't stop sticking his tongue out. Reminds me of a snake sticking its tongue in and out. Must be a nerve I'm scratching, but it's funny.
Usually, since the only people I have to please are those at work, I either fill in thier spot while they go smoke, or I stay longer when someone calls off. When I get my arobic abilities back, landing a few high-risk moves gets the crowd going, even if the hate me.