Not embarrassed for themselves - embarrassed to be Americans. And for foreigners, embarrassed for America. The Germans have a name for the latter:
- Fremdscham - "shame felt for actions done by someone else; vicarious embarrassment, secondhand embarrassment."
I'd bet that education correlates positively with the right side of the graph (better income, more liberal) and religiosity and porn consumption with the left. Also, odd that West Virginia, South Carolina, Montana, and Missouri are blue in this chart.
It's consistent with the claim that conservatives aren't sufficiently competent voters to represent their own interests, and where they congregate and more Republicans are elected, their quality of living is lower. And if Trump is elected, it will be because of these people. Make you rethink the Civil War and how great a president Lincoln really was or wasn't. America should have been allowed to become two countries. Each half would prefer to not have to deal with their opposites.
I feel like what we did expatriating was seceding from America. We left because we felt that America no longer represented our values and that the conservatives shouldn't be trusted. I would have liked to have done so with half a nation and remained in the part of the country of my birth with which I am compatible, which I would defend if necessary, and for which I would make other sacrifices - the liberal contingent - but that wasn't an option, and I wouldn't do any of that for the others.
And that leaves me conflicted regarding the outcome of the next election. Half of that country deserves what Trump will unleash on them if they have their way. Though my heart is with the liberals, who don't deserve that, part of me wants to see those people come to see what fools they've been and have Trump standing on their necks for their unfaithfulness to their country.