I have a feeling some peoples would be a lot lower if they were honest
p ShadowWolf)
I was honest.
I've broken the law, looked at porn pics, secretly wished harm, have said things to make people cry, do illegal drugs, have spit in peoples drinks, I got my friend's ex to break up with him when I turned her against him, I download alot of pirated music, have done some flirting to make others jealous, I have told many racist/sexist jokes, have called people many "c" words, I make empty promises to quite a few people, I enjoy corrupting minors (the younger the better), and almost everything else. The only "Nos" I had was "You've kissed someone you shouldn't be kissing" (I haven't had the chance) "You don't believe in God" (I do believe) "You've been arrested" (I don't consider being pulled over and issued a speeding ticket being arrested, even though it says "Arresting Officer:") and "You've done the "walk of shame" (Be ashamed of my evil doings?) Well, maybe I should have answered no to "You've shot a gun... and liked it." I don't like it. To be accurate, I LOVE it.