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How has the world changed since you were born?

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
All I'm going to stay is people have changed.
In my opinion any person who was born around 1970 and down should agree with that.

This comment made me want to ask this question.

What are some noticeable changes in the world or society or culture that you've seen growing up? Whether it be how people changed, how etiquette changed, how technology advanced, to music evolution, to fashion styles, etc. anything you want to mention. Bonus points if you share where you think it's going.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
This comment made me want to ask this question.

What are some noticeable changes in the world or society or culture that you've seen growing up? Whether it be how people changed, how etiquette changed, how technology advanced, to music evolution, to fashion styles, etc. anything you want to mention. Bonus points if you share where you think it's going.

The only thing that really seems different to me is the technology. Lots of cool gadgets. The people seem the same. Same issues same arguments. Just more "platforms" to express them on.

The future, I expect even cooler gadgets. :D


Well-Known Member
This comment made me want to ask this question.

What are some noticeable changes in the world or society or culture that you've seen growing up? Whether it be how people changed, how etiquette changed, how technology advanced, to music evolution, to fashion styles, etc. anything you want to mention. Bonus points if you share where you think it's going.
I think one of the biggest changes is communication with the mobile phones, social media, I grew up when people called you at home and you arranged things etc. met up and shared stories etc. Now everyone is constantly connected.

If there is an event going on, people just throw it on social media or share their life there and everyone can get the "latest" news. It often surprises me, despite having developed so many new technologies like these for improving communication and relationships, how distant everyone is from each other, sort of like digital relationships. People that barely know each other, knows almost everything about each other because they are "friends" on Facebook or whatever, and people hardly have time for real stuff anymore.

Given that im not on social media, it is pretty weird.

Also looking at kids, for instance my brothers kids are glued to the computer screens or mobile phones, playing games with their friends rather than actually playing. When we go on vacation, they have close to no imagination or initiative to do anything, they simply don't know what to do. Basically its me and my brother that has to entertain them, but most of the time, they would rather just watch YT or play with their phones etc. Its only because these are forced from them that they manage to do anything else. That to me, is pretty crazy.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
I grew up in the 1950's. What hasn't changed is human nature. What has changed? Colonialism and the Soviet Union are gone. Science and technology have moved at light speed. In the US, women were homemakers, "Negroes' "knew their segregated place, gays were in the closet, the Republican Party was basically politically where the Democrats are today, conformism was king, companies treated workers well with retirement plans and much much more.

Two examples of tech. First a 1950's computer that was less capable than the fitbit watch I'm wearing


1950's typewriter (for those who have never seen one, think manual keyboard with an inked ribbon putting letters on paper)



I'm a planet
It seems to me that in the 1970s politics, news, and media were more dignified and civil.


Veteran Member
This comment made me want to ask this question.

What are some noticeable changes in the world or society or culture that you've seen growing up? Whether it be how people changed, how etiquette changed, how technology advanced, to music evolution, to fashion styles, etc. anything you want to mention. Bonus points if you share where you think it's going.
One noticeable change is in the technology. I can remember corded dial phones and phone booths and typewriters.
I also remember drive-in restaurants and drive-in movies.

I still have two corded phones but at least they have buttons. :D

I can remember my husband typing my college papers for me on an electric typewriter and then we got a computer around 1990 but there were no windows.

I can remember my first job ad a cartographer in 1977 and I used a drafting board and pens and ink on mylar.
Now all maps are done is on the computer and it is easy peasy as long as you know the software.

I think where it is going is additional advancements in technology. The sky is the limit as far as what humans can do with science and technology.


This comment made me want to ask this question.

What are some noticeable changes in the world or society or culture that you've seen growing up? Whether it be how people changed, how etiquette changed, how technology advanced, to music evolution, to fashion styles, etc. anything you want to mention. Bonus points if you share where you think it's going.
I’ve seen a lot of changes as those you and others have already mentioned. One of the biggest changes I’ve noticed has been the increase in lawlessness and rude behavior between people. It’s not that this kind of activity or behavior hasn’t been around throughout history, but it’s seems to be so much more blatant and out in the open now. I think it lines up with the Bible’s description of the last days when lawlessness abounds and good is called evil/ evil is called good.
I think at this point things will continue to deteriorate and we are headed toward a technocracy where everyone will be under 24/7 surveillance and freedom will be gone under the malevolent global rule of the one the scriptures call the beast or Antichrist.


Rogue Animist
Premium Member
I grew up in the 1950's. What hasn't changed is human nature. What has changed? Colonialism and the Soviet Union are gone. Science and technology have moved at light speed. In the US, women were homemakers, "Negroes' "knew their segregated place, gays were in the closet, the Republican Party was basically politically where the Democrats are today, conformism was king, companies treated workers well with retirement plans and much much more.

Two examples of tech. First a 1950's computer that was less capable than the fitbit watch I'm wearing


1950's typewriter (for those who have never seen one, think manual keyboard with an inked ribbon putting letters on paper)

View attachment 57476
The latter appears to be on a base...making it a portable, if there's a lid for it...


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
So many changes, both driven by culture and technology.
The single biggest one in my lifetime was the introduction of the three point line, late 70s.


Err...we are talking about the biggest changes in basketball, right?


Well-Known Member
The biggest change is the meaning of the word "skeptic". It used to mean someone who doesn't believe and now it means someone who does.

It's just as dangerous as the word "inflammable" which used to be something that could explode.

The language will be butchered ever more and people will let google do more of their thinking until the whole thing implodes.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
1950's typewriter (for those who have never seen one, think manual keyboard with an inked ribbon putting letters on paper)

View attachment 57476

The first (and probably last) time I saw a working typewriter was in the early 90s. I remember playing on it when I must have been 4 or 5 when I had just started primary school and really liking it. I have a weird nostalgic desire to own a typewriter that probably comes from that. :D

This comment made me want to ask this question.

What are some noticeable changes in the world or society or culture that you've seen growing up? Whether it be how people changed, how etiquette changed, how technology advanced, to music evolution, to fashion styles, etc. anything you want to mention. Bonus points if you share where you think it's going.

I was born in the late 80s and am basically part of the last generation to remember a time before mobile phones, the internet and social media took over the world and our lives. It was quieter and less stressful, if admittedly very boring.

I also remember visiting the cinema with my parents to see the Lion King and Toy Story when they first came out. We bought pop corn.

I made one final trip to Mc Donalds with my dad when the BSE (mad cow disease) outbreak happened in the UK before we stopped eating beef altogether. I had a happy meal and there was a toy in it though I can’t remember what.

The first Pokemon cards came out at the end of primary school. I didn’t like that as people played with the cards rather than each other. It was weird.

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
This comment made me want to ask this question.

What are some noticeable changes in the world or society or culture that you've seen growing up? Whether it be how people changed, how etiquette changed, how technology advanced, to music evolution, to fashion styles, etc. anything you want to mention. Bonus points if you share where you think it's going.
I was born in 1977, and it seems like everything has been turned upside down from that time to now, the world is more hostile and chaotic. Others may see it totally different of course

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
This comment made me want to ask this question.

What are some noticeable changes in the world or society or culture that you've seen growing up? Whether it be how people changed, how etiquette changed, how technology advanced, to music evolution, to fashion styles, etc. anything you want to mention. Bonus points if you share where you think it's going.
In the UK especially and after the end of WWII - some changes I've noticed, but mainly in technology or science:

The end of trams and trolley buses (some of the former brought back though); Change from valve radio to transistors (and further); First use of nuclear power for electricity generation and propulsion systems; The nature of DNA discovered; Development of the Hydrogen bomb; The development of psychopharmaceutical drugs; Widespread adoption of TV, and colour TV later; First satellites launched; Development of the integrated circuit; Greater adoption of car ownership; Change from steam to diesel trains (and then to electric); Fading out of steam locomotives altogether; Development of the hovercraft and the hydrofoil; Last common use of the horse and cart in the UK; First human in space; Full understanding of Plate Tectonics; Widespread adoption of audio recording technology; First man on the moon; Widespread use of credit cards (and then contactless); First supersonic passenger aeroplane in service; First VTOL aircraft; Advent of portable music players; First use of IVF; Widespread use of microwave ovens; First home computers; Widespread use of plane travel; Development and use of planetary probes, space vehicles, and space stations; First CD players, digital music, and video-taping technology; Development of DNA testing; Advent of digital photography; Development of the internet; Widespread use of GPS systems and associated mapping technology; First animal cloned; First transplants of human organs and limbs; Development of laptop computers and similar devices; Human genome mapped; Development of surround-sound systems; Further development of portable music players (digital); Widespread use of mobile phones; Widespread use of cashless payment systems; Widespread use of radio time-keeping; Development of virtual reality technology; Development of 3D TV :); Widespread adoption of internet shopping; Widespread use of Social Networks on the internet; Development of robotic systems and autonomous automobiles; Discovery that planetary objects, such as moons, around stars are very common; advent of AI, quantum cryptography, and crypto currencies.

So not a lot went on/going on in my lifetime. :oops:

As to anything else, well we have become a lot more open and relaxed in many ways, particularly as regards sexuality and gender issues, with homosexuality being decriminalised, for example, and this perhaps allied to religious notions becoming less important for so many. Education for children probably has improved in many ways - no caning or smacking, for example, and where I had lots of that - and where the mental lives of children are taken care of better now probably. To counter some of the benefits, we have social media and the ease of obtaining pornography, both of which are having negative effects for children and something I never had to contend with. And it seems that good old money-making has driven both without concern as to the nastier effects of either.

Oh, and we know a lot more about how other life behaves, especially the more intelligent and/or social ones, even though many humans still seem to be carrying on regardless as to such knowledge. :oops:

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Veteran Member
I was born in the late 50s, and the world has gotten progressively more ruthless since then. It's not that we have become worse human beings, though, it's that technology has given those among us that want to abuse and exploit everyone else better tools with which to do that. They are using information technology to ferret out every available dollar and extract it. Leaving everyone else increasingly frightened and willing to do the same just to protect themselves.

Our fear and greed are running amok, and we are destroying our own society as a result. And we humans need our societies to survive and thrive. We are social-cooperative creatures. But thanks to a marked increase in technology, and no corresponding increase in our collective wisdom, we are using that technology to enslave each other, and to destroy ourselves.
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Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
This comment made me want to ask this question.

What are some noticeable changes in the world or society or culture that you've seen growing up? Whether it be how people changed, how etiquette changed, how technology advanced, to music evolution, to fashion styles, etc. anything you want to mention. Bonus points if you share where you think it's going.
Significant improvement in the status and freedoms enjoyed by minority groups and women (in many but not all countries). Large increase in the number of goods and gadgets. Large increase in connectivity and growth of an entire virtual world, on cell phones, computers and the net. Virtual Socialization is now 24-7 instead on only when one goes out to meet people. Steep decline of free time with carefully choreographed and planned leisure and online activities taking its place. Hence more people are stressed with large increase in stress related diseases. Steep decline in environmental quality (in many but not all countries) with growing industrialization and destruction of natural ecosystems.
Human beings have remained the same. But there are many more of us now. So competition (social, professional, otherwise) has increased.