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How important is it to vote this year?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I just heard a talk show host say that he thought this election was the most important in his lifetime. I've heard other people express the same opinion. Do you agree? Disagree? How important is it to vote this year?

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
Well if it is true that this years electee will get to put up 4 new supreme court justicies than it will be pretty important, Bush would put up 4 conservatives, while Kerry will most likely put up 4 liberals which could change the course of all the cases that goto the supreme court.

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
Oops, well I meant to say if that is true than yes it is important.


The cake is a lie
I say we're screwed either way. "No matter who wins, we lose," to borrow from Alien vs Predator.

We may be screwed, but we can get ourselves out of being screwed over quite as badly if we vote for the right candidate.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
I believe it's incredibly important to vote in this election, even if the choices aren't what I'd want them to be. If nothing else, I think the saying of "If you didn't vote, don't feel like you can complain about the results" is true. Of course, knowing what happened with the last election, I also think hope it's more clear whom the majority of the people support in this one. Even if the candidate I vote for doesn't win, knowing conclusively who more people wished to be president would make me more inclined to support the one who did. Whatever the outcome, I hope it begins a healing between the various political parties and (more importantly) their supporters. People have seemed more inclined to judge a person based on their party affiliation in the last few years, it seems.


Well-Known Member
Considering Bush took my state by a grand total of 537 votes I`d say it`s pretty important.


Well-Known Member
Yes I do think it`ll be close.

I don`t know if the rest of the country is aware of all the GOP BS thats going on here in Florida as far as these new computer touch screen, bogus voter felon lists, racial intimidation police tactics, and the political right wing propaganda that our Secretary of Elections is sending out in voting mailers but it`s pretty damn scary down here.

Even if I believed in the stance of the republicans I couldn`t morally vote for such an obviously corrupt organization.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Mr_Spinkles said:
Whoah! I have never heard of this...could you you tell us more about this?

Sadly, it's fairly well documented. The only one I know about specificially is in the last election, though. I know there are a number of people that worry that the same thing will happen in this one. A search came up with this article about it, although it was the only one I could find quickly, so I haven't researched the article to make sure it isn't biased.

They say
In the Miami-Dade area of Florida, another electronic voting system, created by a firm linked to the Republicans, was equally disastrous. One precinct reported a 900% turnout and another showed just one ballot cast out of 1637 registered voters. The machines need to be left on all night to have any hope of working, creating an opportunity for voter fraud.

In Florida – as in six other states – prisoners do not have voting rights restored on leaving prison. The American Civil Liberties Union says 600,000 people, many black, in Florida are disenfranchised in this way.

In other cases, 20% of people who registered to vote with the department of motor vehicles didn’t get their voting card. There have also been reports of absentee ballots being sold among Florida’s Cuban community for £10, and voter registration forms from black people have turned up in rubbish bins.

So, again, I wouldn't support that research without making sure it didn't have an agenda, but that was fairly good summary of what apparently happened.


Prince of Dorkness!
linwood said:
Yes I do think it`ll be close.

I don`t know if the rest of the country is aware of all the GOP BS thats going on here in Florida as far as these new computer touch screen, bogus voter felon lists, racial intimidation police tactics, and the political right wing propaganda that our Secretary of Elections is sending out in voting mailers but it`s pretty damn scary down here.

Even if I believed in the stance of the republicans I couldn`t morally vote for such an obviously corrupt organization.
Mr_Spinkles said:
Whoah! I have never heard of this...could you you tell us more about this?

The Dept. of Justice is currently investigating the intimidation of elderly black voters in Florida. Apparently Florida state troopers were making house calls to elderly black residents claiming that they are investigating voter fraud. Whether it was simply a case of racial profiling or scare tactics...in either case, it is sleazy.
That is extremely sleazy, I can't beleive that in this day and age there slimeballs would still stoop to that kind of thing.


Sunstone said:
I just heard a talk show host say that he thought this election was the most important in his lifetime. I've heard other people express the same opinion. Do you agree? Disagree? How important is it to vote this year?
It is always important to vote. Each election is the most important one in a lifetime.

I believe this was evidenced in 2000. (I live in Florida.) It is much better for the citizens to elect a president than to have the supreme court intervene because we failed to act.


Well-Known Member
Whoah! I have never heard of this...could you you tell us more about this?

Sorry Mr Sprinkles I sort of forgot about this thread.
The info you`ve already recieved pretty much tells the story.

The thing is these older black people were involved with "Get Out The Vote" type promotions which were under investigation for things such as faulty applications and other fraud.

This investigation was deemed unbased and dropped/dismissed.

Then the State Police started showing up at these older black folks homes asking them questions about their voting practices.

They claim they did it as part of the previous investigation but that investigation had already been dropped therefore there was no investigation and no legal reason for the cops to be at these peoples homes.

Now it`s just speculation but these older black folks are all old enough to remember when a white armed cop showing up at the house could get you killed or jailed.

The really odd thing is that the State Police "NEVER" are used for this type of investigation even when it`s legitimate.

A truly scummy thing to be doing.

I would advise everyone who has an interest to watch Florida extremely closely this election.
It`s going to get ugly.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Mr_Spinkles said:
That is extremely sleazy, I can't beleive that in this day and age there slimeballs would still stoop to that kind of thing.
Ah politics! It never seems to get any better. But I think it would be a lot worse without competing political parties, constitutional checks and balances, a bill of rights, and a free press. Those things are to be cherished and safeguarded, because without them, the sleazeballs would have their way with us.


Well-Known Member
In Florida – as in six other states – prisoners do not have voting rights restored on leaving prison. The American Civil Liberties Union says 600,000 people, many black, in Florida are disenfranchised in this way.

To clarify another of my accusations about the felon list for those who don`t know.

The state of Florida hired a firm to create a database of felons who are not eligible to vote.

Considering the last election used this list inappropriately to keep those from voting who were not felons my local paper asked the state of Florida for a copy of this new list for this years election.
The state refused.
My paper asked again.
They refused.
My paper ran a story about how this is public property and the state has no right to keep it from the press the state responded.
We don`t care.
MY local paper sued.
The court forced the state to release the list.
My local paper found that while there were 22,000 blacks on the list there were only 61 hispanics.

Blacks historically vote democratic.
Hispanics historically vote republican.

My paper further dug up memos from the offices of the secretary of state and the company repsonsible for this list which proved they knew about the discrepenc between blacks and latinos but decided to do nothing about and hope no one noticed or some such crap.

Another scummy thing to do.

My question is why is no one facing legal charges for all this blatent criminal activity?

Editted to correct numbers.