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How Japanese People View Message of True Islam // Mob: Burnt a Factory and Tried to burn 15 Alive.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.

Returning from Japan, Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) delivered Friday sermon in Baitul Futuh Mosque U.K. He presented the accounts of blessings of Allah the Exalted. He mentioned how our Japanese lawyer expressed his surprise that we were given permission to make a mosque [Baitul Ahad, Nagoya, Japan] in the area. At a stage he suggested to Jama'at to abandon the idea. The lawyer said mosque is wonder and a sign.

Huzur (a.t.) said Allah the Exalted continues to bestow upon Jama'at. There is time for each task, decreed by Allah the Exalted, when He decreed this mosque should be raised, He enabled us despite all hurdles. No doubt one mosque or center cannot fulfill the need of spreading of true Islam in the the whole Japan but we have laid the foundation of the task.

Some examples show how Japanese view the true teaching of Islam presented by True Servant [Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)] of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him)….[They are mentioned after few lines.]

Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) wanted a book should be written and translated for Japanese, and he said pious souls will accept Ahmadiyya-Islam in Japan…….All praises to Allah, besides translation of Holy Quran, literature is being made and available.



The true message of Islam is given to locals and now their misconceptions about Islam have been removed.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) said if one wants to introduce Islam, make a mosque. We are seeing it happening practically everywhere. Local people come to the inauguration of mosque and their views change amazingly.

For Baitul Ahad inauguration, many guests arrived. First there was an open house then they heard the Friday sermon and saw the Salaat, there were about 50 of them, they were from various faiths, they were government officials and preofessors.

Impression of guests:

“Director of Public Affairs of Church of Jesus Christ: We hope that this mosque will serve as a bridge between Islam and the Japanese people.

Priest: As a Buddhist, it felt really nice to enter a mosque. We thought it is not permissible for non-Muslims and Buddhists to enter the mosque but not only were we welcomed warmly but by joining the prayer and the sermon we were heartily pleased and our impression about Islam changed.

Member of City Parliament: We welcome the mosque in our area and we hope that in accord with the stand of the Ahmadiyya Jama'at this mosque will become a center for those who love humanity and who love to serve humanity.

Member Parliament (traveled 1,000 km to attend): When I saw this beautiful mosque, my fatigue was eliminated. The Ahmadiyya Muslim community has earned a great reputation through their humanitarian service at the time of the earthquakes and we hope this mosque will cause this good name of the Ahmadiyya Jama'at to increase.

Professor of University: It was very important for Ahmadiyya mosque to be constructed in Japan. This was a great need. The role of the Ahmadiyya Jama'at in conveying the beautiful teachings of Islam in the world is very prominent. We hope that through this mosque the Jama'at will be even better known and real peace and security will spread in the world.”


On November 21, Saturday evening, 109 Japanese and 8 Non-Ahmadis guests [politicians, directors of international tourism, professors and other professionals] attended a reception in the outside area of mosque. Out of 16 comments given in the link, 4 are following:

“Priest: The leader of the Ahmadiyya community came at a right time when we were experiencing sorrow over events in France. The fear we had of Islam during these days has been eliminated by the simple and beautiful way in which he has expressed the teachings of Islam.”

“A lady says: I want to thank you for this invitation to participate in such a great event. It is a matter of great joy for such a beautiful mosque to be built in this city. I am a university student and am studying different religions. After participating in this ceremony I have recognized that our understanding of Islam is very limited which is why we have many misconceptions. The address of the Imam of the Ahmadiyya Jama'at is the need of the hour. I have learned a lot about Islam through this address. We the people of Japan do not know much about Islam. We generally fear Islam but today's speech showcased what Islam really teaches. By participating in this event I also discovered that by merely reading books about Islam and its history we will not be able to see the true face of Islam. This is so because most of the books that they read are written by western orientalists. So many more such events should be organized in the future as well. After the building of this mosque I believe that such occasions shall arise in the future. I was able to meet the Imam of the Ahmadiyya Jama'at and I saw in their faces mutual love and peace.”

“A Japanese Doctor who is an Orthopaedic Surgeon who met me [Huzur] and has been working with us for the last three years in humanitarian work with us despite the fact that he is not an Ahmadi says: Persons following other faiths like Shintoism, Buddhism etc should have no difficulty in accepting the Islam presented by Imam of Ahmadiyya Jama'at.”

“A Japanese Lady School Teacher said: I met the Khalifa beforehand, before listening to his address. [She had come with a lot of her students, some 15 to 18 of them and there were four or five teachers] The Khalifa answered all of my questions in the meeting and through his address. I now have firm faith that Islam is a religion of peace. I had come here with some of my students. These students were before fearful of Islam but after listening to the address of the Imam of the Ahmadiyya Jama'at and by talking with him they have changed their views. In fact they were very amazed upon hearing this address and began to feel very safe at the mosque. I want that this connection between Ahmadis and the Japanese goes on increasing.

She had been accompanied by a Japanese student. He says that this address was a message of peace. I think now that through this mosque the gulf that exists between Muslims and the other people will be removed and Islam will begin to spread in Japan.”


By the grace of Allah the Exalted, message of true Islam Ahmadiyya reached to 52 million people through TV channels, newspapers, internet and newspapers which interviewed Huzur (a.t.), gave news about mosque and reception. Huzur (a.t.) gave details of these media.


Huzur (a.t.) mentioned Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) once said if a book about Islam is published by me in Japan, the opposing clergies will reach there to oppose me but only that happens which it is the will of Allah to permit happen.

Huzur (a.t.) told how an opposing clergy went to Japan to oppose Huzur; he prayed may Allah deflect their ploys back at them.


This was all a description of the events in Nagoya.


A Tokyo Function:

In our funcrion at Tokyo, 63 dignitaries attended the reception.

Comments from 15 people including The Chancellor of the University, A Buddhist Chief Priest, Chief Reporter of Newspaper, Car company CEO are given in the link.

In Tokyo also there was a function and 63 various dignitaries attended.

The Chancellor of the University said that message of Huzur (a.t.) should be spread all across Japan in English and Japanese.

A Buddhist Chief Priest who said in Huzur’s 2013 tour he do not even believe in God what to pray to Him. But today this same Buddhist priest when met Huzur (a.t.) again he prayed with Jama'at and stayed there tearful.

“Car company CEO said: Everything you have mentioned is relevant to our needs for the whole world.”

Huzur (a.t.) said:

“On the one hand people who hear our message say these things that Islam in reality is a religion of peace and on the other hand some of our western politicians keep saying there is a hint of extremism in teachings of Islam which is why Muslims are prone to violence. They do not think how many percent of Muslims are supporting these extremists? By saying such things that Islam's teachings contain extremism, these politicians, whether they hail from the UK or from some other places, they will thus make even peaceful Muslims against them. And then there will be discord and unrest. So western politicians who hold the view that Islam contains extremist teachings should ponder and think and should not make statements without due consideration. And those Ahmadis who have contact with such politicians they should counsel them and make them understand that at this time the need for the peace of the world is that we should talk with wisdom and insight and not make such statements as cause unrest to spread in the world. May Allah grant them wisdom also.

By the Grace of Allah, the Exalted, very positive results have emerged from the inauguration of the mosque. May Allah bless the Japan Jama'at with the ability to go on growing and expanding this widespread introduction of the Jama'at that has occurred. And may they fulfill the hopes that the Japanese have from them. May Allah enable the Jama'at to spread the message of Islam Ahmadiyyat there as quickly as possible as per the wishes of the Promised Messiah (as).”


Huzur (a.t.) mentioned the very sad incidence, in which a large mob and mullahs burnt a Jehlum (Pakistan) based chipboard factory of a grandson of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.), mob also tried to burn alive 15 people inside. But by the grace of Allah they made their ways into jungle area behind the factory. Then two local Jama'at chapters were attacked……. Despite such losses Ahmadis are in full patience and hope for Allah’s blessings…..The link provides more information.

Ref: https://www.alislam.org/friday-sermon/2015-11-27.html