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How much have you changed over the last year


Premium Member
As I was sitting in my room I was thinking of how much I have changed over the last year. I decided I am totally different.

A year ago I was a little emo kid who had no self confidence and hardly talked to people unless I knew them well. I was depressed and spent most of my time alone in my room, I'm not ashamed to admit I would sometimes cry myself to sleep and I genuinely hated myself and my life.

However now i sit here and am well totally different. I am confident or can at least hide my shyness to make people think I am. I am no longer obsessed with what other people think of me. I am happy, which is the main thing. I've learned to deal with my problems and only very occasional can't cope. However now I have some people who, although they were always there for me, I now trust enough to let them help me if I need it. In fact a year ago I wouldn't have been able to reveal even this much about myself to anyone, now I will happily talk about myself and share how I feel to an extent and even have people I trust so much that I share everything with. I like the "new" me far better than the old one. I also am much more huggable than before :p

How much has everyone else changed in the last year?


Flaming Queer
i've changed a fair bit. i've accepted myself more freely for who i am, i've confirmed my choices and orientations and am standing fast and proud with them when i was in doubt and confusion even just a year ago, i have loads of really good friends, i am a lot more independent that i was a year ago... all in all, my life has greatly upped!


Well-Known Member
This should be how much have you changed in the last 4 months...lol. My hubby left for basic training in March and I've only spent 2 days with him since then. He's in Texas right now at AIT school. I've had to learn how to run the house by myself and that's not as easy as it sounds. Aside from doing massive cleaning, and straightening out our credit, I'm having to get prepared to possibly sell the house. I've felt very independent all my life, but suddenly I have to prove it! In eight years of marriage, we had only been apart for a week prior to this. It's a totally different lifestyle. The funny part is I've found out that it's not as bad as I expected. I miss him really bad, but I'm also finding out more about myself. Just don't expect me to be this calm and confident during deployments...lol.


Deviled Hen
Hm. I lost 10 pounds and I feel better than a year ago.

But honestly, at my age things don't seem to change that fast -- time sure passes a lot faster, though. (where did I put my walker? :D)

My kids are changing quickly, though.

My daughter is very mature now, and is frequently mistaken for a 20-year old, though she's barely 16.

My son starts college this fall, so he'll be changing a LOT really soon.


The shy lurker
I've changed a lot in the past year, so much crazy stuff has happened. I spent time in a mental hospital, and then was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. So I definately got some strength from that experience. I was a loud mouth brat who made a few of my teacher's lives hell...I'll have to apologize to them whenever I see them again. Hehe.
I've become stronger, more independent. I think even my religion had changed this year. Then, the usual stuff for people my age: I graduated from high school. Now in a month I'll be off to college. Geez...I'm growing up. :eek:


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Become suicidal as begun to lose hope, there is any chance of rescuing Christianity to follow God and Christ’s words….


Religious Zionist
after living in Israel for the past 6 months i have to say my view has changed on some things...

1)never though i'd enjoy farming or milking cows...but i love it!

2) i find that non-israeli jews are often more hawkish than their israeli counterparts. I suppose actually living the life and having your friends and family serving in the army adds a different perspective on the conflict than those abroad.

3) i became a citizen of the state of Israel. That's a pretty big change.

4) learned to speak hebrew a bit...not fluent but i can chew the fat, so to speak.


I have purple hair and more tattoos now. I also came to realize that for all practical purposes, I wasn't agnostic afterall.


As far as how I've changed....hmmm....where to begin.

I guess the biggest thing is my faith. It has definitely strengthened and deepened since last year. I used to be afraid of sharing my beliefs, more afraid of what people thought, trying to be "nice" to everybody----now I don't care nearly as much anymore. What God thinks of me is far more important, no matter how unpopular some of my views may make me. God has become more real and more important to me, more than He ever has before.

I am also more confident in who I am and my abilities. I have much more boldness in public speaking situations, in particular (thanks to teaching English). I also have more confidence in working with kids, and dealing with difficult people (both thanks to my nanny job).

So, these changes have definitely been positive ones. The flip side to all this is that recently my life, externally at least, has been totally turned upside down. I came down with a mysterious illness/illnesses in April, which deteriorated my physical condition to the point that I had to quit my nanny job last month. So I am now unemployed, uninsured, still undiagnosed, and generally just have no idea where my life is headed next. But despite the bleak forecast, I'm doing my best to trust God and have hope that He'll bring me through this. :yes:


That One Guy
1. Me and my fianceé broke it off. I learned to rediscover myself and realize my true goals in life.

2. Moved in with my friends and learned the importance of good fellowship.

3. Became a judge on Remix: ThaSauce and learned that hard work can bring great results.

4. Turned 21 and learned the fun of alcoholic beverages. And the horror of a blackout hangover.

Ultimately, a few really bad things have strongly influenced me to turn around and head in the brightest direction possible. I think I am a stronger, more confident person now, and I will plow ahead in life faster than ever.

Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade
I suspect I'm less happy, but also less unhappy, and I'm no longer so content to simply drift through my life. I'm more confused as to what I want to be, but less vague in who I am. I'm (slightly) more confident in myself, and (fractionally) more open with others. (One reason for all this has been finding the love of my life in the past year :))

Most of all, I feel like I'm on the verge of something... Changing, and changing in a big way. Last year, I was vegetating.