I have tended to be very judgemental in the past - and I am fast trying to rid myself of that way of thinking. I used to think that the Royal Family - for one - ought to be seen to be 'perfect' - morally. I have 'judged' Prince Charles, Dianna, The Duke of Edinburgh, all of them - and found them to be human - yes, that's the point- they are humanpublic representatives are in the Public eye.
Newspapers feed on gossip, and love nothing more than some stunning revelation about someone famous...........
I don't need to know if the Queen pours her cornflakes straight from the packet or from a solid silver pourer.............
I don't really agree with politics as centered around people rather than ideas so I feel that the personal doings of those in office should be private, just like anybody elses. It should only become my business if there is a chance that it might affect their job since their job affects me.
This links in with my feelings about presidents and prime ministers. People often vote for the person rather than the politics which I rather disagree with. If the system is democratic then the nature of the person should be irrelevant, a party would always do the will of the majority.