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How The Democrats Will Still Lose

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I personally don't know, but I believe that's Newsom's problem., not mine. I live on the other side of the country, and it's a big country.
And it's the job of the right to see it stays that way.

To have the People's Republic apply to the national level is the goal of the modern day Democrat party who are clearly vying hard for established national rule rather than individual state rule.

If that happens, people like you and me will have no place to run to.

We Never Know

No Slack
What do you think Newsom should do about the 180,000 homeless people in California? Seriously? What will solve the problem?
Evidently remove/tear down their homeless camps.

Newsom issues executive order to begin removing homeless encampments in California


Well-Known Member
Do you initiate involuntary incarceration for mental illness? I don't have an answer; it's a slippery slope. How to balance freedom with moral obligation, and how many wouldn't want the state to be the arbiter of that.
Since it's inception the supreme court has ruled only once on the 8th amendment. I said a person cannot be imprisoned just because they are sick.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
There was a bipartisan reform of the laws, but Trump sabotaged it. That's on republicans if you don't like the status of the border.
This is the first thing you've written that I've agreed with.
This is an ongoing obsession with the democrats in power: that they love to paint themselves as 'oh so morally superior' And liberals as the only intelligent and true Americans
They are morally superior if one adheres to the principles of Americanism and the Golden Rule.
To their credit, they at least stopped short of accusing conservatives and republicans of being mentally retarded and morally bankrupt haters of freedom and democracy.
They might not use those words, but that is correct in my opinion, has already been Harris' message, and will continue to be.
Harris needs to get out there among the people and start touting the things Biden got done to help out the average citizen in the last 4 years.
She will do that as well.
The two major issues that are most important to Americans, are illegal immigration; the border crisis, and the supply side inflation economy.
Not for intelligent people. Intelligent people understand that the "border crisis" is hype that affects few Americans, that Biden has reduced the number of illegal border crossings compared to Trump, that Trump scuttled progress on the border, and that Biden and the Democrats have done an excellent job of reining in inflation.

Intelligent Americans consider the major issues to be climate change, Christian theocratic advances, this Supreme Court, the Republican party and the threat to democracy at home and abroad.
The diversity stuff is sugar coated racism and sexism, to pander to their base.
You don't pander to liberals using racism and sexism. That's how you appeal to MAGA. That's what MAGA means in dog whistle-ese: make America a country dominated by straight, white, male Christians again.
Socialism tries to steal this individual pursuit and assign it to their own operatives
If you mean collecting taxes and spending them, no, that's not what "socialism" does. It builds roads and school, puts police on the streets, and protects the weak.
Republican Blacks are a minority among minorities, so why are there not more of these in DEI positions?
Why would you put any kind of a Republican in charge of anything?
The DNC puff up their fake leaders with lies and fairy tales, and demonizes the other side, with lies and false accusations. They will use their lock step fake news propaganda wing in the media for both. They all now deny Harris was ever called the Border Czar.
I don't mind the title, but it's you who is lying now. That trope comes from the Republicans and the media, not the Biden administration. From Media outlets backtrack on ‘border czar’ title after Harris assumes Biden’s mantle

"Vice President Kamala Harris’s role in overseeing U.S. relations with Central America in 2021 quickly earned her the label of “border czar,” with Republicans and news outlets referring to her as such, but now media outlets such as CNN, ABC News, and MSNBC are backpedaling."
If you assume a lie, you will be one step ahead of each scam.
Agreed, but probably not in the way you meant it. I assume that anything coming out of Trump's mouth is a lie. I assume that anything coming from any MAGA Republican is a lie. And I assume that whatever people like you bring from their conservative indoctrination media to venues like this one will be a lie like your last several comments above (not necessarily YOUR lie if you've assimilated it uncritically and believe it). And the evidence supports making such assumptions:

"A Manchurian candidate is a person, especially a politician, being used as a puppet by an enemy power. The term is commonly used to indicate disloyalty or corruption, whether intentional or unintentional."


Veteran Member
Differences, Race: This is perhaps the most obvious of the many moral differences between liberalism and leftism. The essence of the liberal position on race was that the color of one’s skin is insignificant. To liberals of a generation ago, only racists believed that race is intrinsically significant. However, to the left, the notion that race is insignificant is itself racist. Thus, the University of California officially regards the statement “There is only one race, the human race” as racist. For that reason, liberals were passionately committed to racial integration. Liberals should be sickened by the existence of black dormitories and separate black graduations on university campuses. to the LEFT America is essentially a racist, sexist, violent, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamophobic country. The left around the world loathe America, and it is hard to imagine why the American left would differ in this one way from fellow leftists around the world. Leftists often take offense at having their love of America doubted. But those left-wing descriptions of America are not the only reason to assume that the left has more contempt than love for America.
I see nothing accurate and truthful in this text of yours.


Veteran Member
Not exactly, but competition is a good thing in a well-regulated environment. It's also the human condition and the condition for all life including vegetation, which competes with other vegetation for resources.
Competition is insanely wasteful. Even the capitalists themselves will not employ it once they have control. It makes no sense to have ten people trying to attain the same goal when just a couple of people cooperating can do it better and faster.
Robber baron capitalism isn't about competition. It's about monopoly and exploiting workers and despoiling the environment, hence the need for regulation, unions and minimum wages to help workers compete against the oligarchs and captains of industry.
It's about control. Competition is just the red herring "solution" that the capitalists like to throw out to confuse the masses. Like, "It's OK if we capitalists own and control everything you need to live as long as we are "competing" with each other. That way we will keep ourselves in check".


Veteran Member
The two major issues that are most important to Americans, are illegal immigration; the border crisis, and the supply side inflation economy.
These are the two most important issue for the republicans. They are not the most important issues for the American people.
Both were made worse by the DNC.
The border issue was made worse by the republicans themselves because it's their main campaign issue. The democrats gave them everything they demanded to solve the crisis and they rejected it because they don't want to solve the crisis, they want to blame it all on the democrats.
They also say they are for the elderly, and that Social Security is going broke. So the DNC decided to give SS to millions of illegal aliens to speed up the death of that SS program that the elderly need. What are they thinking?
This never happened. There are no illegal aliens collecting SS unless they are doing it illegally. In which case FOX news and the republic claiming this should be turning them into the authorities.
The DNC knows they need to avoid these issues and try to spin and lie about them.
The DNC knows these are lies. So do all the reputable news outlets.
The diversity stuff is sugar coated racism and sexism, to pander to their base.
The anti-deversity whining of the white right is just undisguised racism and sexism.
Diversity is where Big Brother decides, and not the people.
The purpose of government is to make the decisions that need to be made for the good of the people as a whole, but that the individuals within the collective are too selfish and narrow-minded to make on their own.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
To liberals of a generation ago, only racists believed that race is intrinsically significant. However, to the left, the notion that race is insignificant is itself racist.
I think that depends on context. "All lives matter," which was a MAGA comment, is racist in the context of it being a reaction to "Black lives matter," but not if taken alone.

Seinfeld spoofed liberals with this:

Jerry: I love Chinese women.
Elaine: Isn't that a little racist?
Jerry: If I like their race, how can that be racist?
those left-wing descriptions of America are not the only reason to assume that the left has more contempt than love for America.
It's a mixture. I love what America used to be, but not what it is now. I feel a sense of community and common culture with liberal America but find MAGA foreign and repulsive.

How much contempt for America, its Constitution, and its founding principles is represented by the right's anti-democratic, anti-egalitarian, anti-church-state separation, and anti-rule-of-law attitude? This is what the left has contempt for. Once upon a time, so did the right. The Republicans turned on Nixon when he was exposed, but today, Republicans object to a criminal former president being prosecuted. That's what America used to be but is no longer.

How could there be so many intellectually and morally failed people living there? How much of a moral failure does one have to be to support Trump for president? And how clueless does one need to be to not see the danger there?


Well-Known Member
Agreed, but probably not in the way you meant it. I assume that anything coming out of Trump's mouth is a lie. I assume that anything coming from any MAGA Republican is a lie. And I assume that whatever people like you bring from their conservative indoctrination media to venues like this one will be a lie like your last several comments above (not necessarily YOUR lie if you've assimilated it uncritically and believe it). And the evidence supports making such assumptions:
Trump exaggerates but he does what he says, when it comes to policy.The Left does the two faced shuffle; bait and switch. Trump in 2016 warned about illegal immigration and he did something. It got worse under Biden-Harris. Trump promised a middle class tax break and he did it. Biden said he would unify the country, to help get elected, but it got worse. If Trump says drill baby drill, do not expect him to go electric. If Trump is for the working class, expect that to happen.

Most of the Union and Nonunion workers are the working class. They are the lower and middle, middle class. They are people and family going after their America dream and paying taxes, with wages close to the breaking point, especially with inflation; worker and small businesses.The DNC does not understand or care when they tamper with the economy, that the crap end of that stick is given to the worker class. Business pass on the cost, trim jobs or go oversea shutting down the America factories; rust belt.

This ripple effect is why the Supreme Case got rid of the Chevron Deference. This scam was how the DNC and swamp bypassed Congress and allowed liberal formed and biased agencies, to make laws that harmed workers. Only Congress can make laws, but there was a tendency to hand this off to the agencies. This way politicians do not have to go on record to vote on an issue, say one thing, and then get the agency to pull the bait and switch.

Trump may exaggerate saying something is the best thing since sliced bread. That is entertainment and not policy. This is why people smile at his rallies. The Liberals denying Harris was the border Czar is not entertainment by lying, trying to rewrite her history. That type of lie is disinformation. The Chevron deference used to allow the DNC politicians lie about things, that hurt the middle class, by saying one thing, in public, and having an agency do the dirty work; opposite. They cannot do that anymore, but will still try another scam.

All the cost of illegal immigration was never funded by Congress. The Agencies under Mayorkas opened the border and force all this tab on the American people. The way this scam is supposed to play out is Congress will provide money after the fact; rip off. This may be use by Trump to dock the agencies and use that money to pay down the debt they illegally created.

Harris is being investigated for using law fare while the AG is California. She decided to audit charities who took contributions greater than $5000. She was using that data to illegally target political opponents, by getting their tax information, illegally, based on IRS policy. She is a snake. Going after political opponents is what Democrats do, but they blameTrump for saying the words, but not taken any such actions.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Trump exaggerates but he does what he says, when it comes to policy.
Not according to this: Trump-O-Meter : Tracking Trump's Campaign Promises | PolitiFact
Trump in 2016 warned about illegal immigration and he did something.
What he did was cruel and criminal.
If Trump is for the working class, expect that to happen.
Trump is only for Trump, and the Republicans in general see workers as capital like they would a business machine, a slave, or a farm animal. You give none of those any more than it takes to keep them working, and if they become too costly to maintain, you throw them out and replace them.

You haven't figured that out yet?
The DNC does not understand or care when they tamper with the economy
Trump tanked the economy. Biden has restored it. And Trump is threatening to tank it again: https://www.cnbc.com/2024/06/25/nobel-prize-economists-warn-trump-inflation.html
The Liberals denying Harris was the border Czar is not entertainment by lying
Call her that if you like, but she never held that title. This is much ado about nothing. it's you that is lying here.
Harris is being investigated for using law fare while the AG is California.
This is politically motivated, and will no doubt go the way the Biden impeachment investigations went (nowhere): America First Legal Launches 7 Investigations into Kamala Harris’ Record As California Attorney General

"America First Legal (AFL) is an American conservative public interest organization founded in 2021."

Are the Republicans still trying to impeach Biden, or did they just give up and slither silently away without an apology, explanation, or admission of failure? It seems to be the latter: https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/24/politics/house-gop-biden-impeachment-effort/index.html


Veteran Member
All points stand until a rebuttal is offered "not so because its not so "is not
You do the political version of the Gish Gallop where you write a series of claim after claim, none of which are understood as being true or even likely true. That’s why i rejected your series of untrue claims without wasting my time to correct, and others who would read my corrections of your errors.

Try being a considerate member and avoid your habit of endless right wing rhetoric.
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Active Member
You do the political version of the Gish Gallop where you write a series of claim after claim, none of which are understood as being true or even likely true. That’s why i rejected your series of untrue claims without wasting my time to correct, and others who would read my corrections of your errors.

Try being a considerate member and avoid your habit of endless right wing rhetoric.
.....as opposed to endless 'left wing rhetoric?' I could post facts excluding rhetoric, but like with debating creationists leftists belief paradigms are notoriously subjective immune to facts. Like Ben Shapiro puts it "facts do not care about feelings. "


Veteran Member
.....as opposed to endless 'left wing rhetoric?' I could post facts excluding rhetoric, but like with debating creationists leftists belief paradigms are notoriously subjective immune to facts. Like Ben Shapiro puts it "facts do not care about feelings. "
See? I pointed out how you post non-factual right wing rhetoric and you didn’t deny it.

That’s funny.


Active Member
See? I pointed out how you post non-factual right wing rhetoric and you didn’t deny it.

That’s funny.
what you disagree with is non factual , what you agree with is fact. In a science related field empirical falsifiable evidence is a premium. Facts(objective) vs feelings( subjective.) as one moves to the extremes of left or right assertions are more visceral. A rhetorical arm wave will not render facts inert. Strange as a Libertarian being called 'right wing.'

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Strange as a Libertarian being called 'right wing.'
You're MAGA, not libertarian. Libertarians overlap both liberals and conservatives. I am a liberal, and you and I have nothing in common in terms of our political worldviews. You may recall when I recently quoted the first line from your wall-of-words Gish gallop (link), and I commented that it was the first thing from you I'd seen that I agreed with, and was later informed that they weren't your words (you forgot to put quotation marks around them). @Revoltingest is Libertarian, and not surprisingly, we agree on many points and disagree about many others, but with you, there is no overlap.

Libertarian is often a word conservatives use when they don't want to be associated with the Republicans despite being indistinguishable from self-identifying Republican voters. It became popular beginning with Bush, who badly damaged the Republica brand, back when conservatives could feel shame. Today, they are proud of those same qualities.

It's analogous to the way following the tarnishing of the word religion with the endless sex scandals of that same era that people began distancing themselves from it with phrases like "spiritual, not religious," but were also indistinguishable from self-identifying religious people.


Active Member
No, strange is someone who calls himself a libertarian but is highly opposed to others having liberties via a huge government authority. @Revoltingest is a libertarian. Little of what you write resembles libertarian ideology. But feel free to hide behind that label.
What people do in their homes is not mine or anyone else's business. I support say a 50% reduction in the size of the federal government. As I can see all none leftists are labeled 'Maga'


Active Member
No, strange is someone who calls himself a libertarian but is highly opposed to others having liberties via a huge government authority. @Revoltingest is a libertarian. Little of what you write resembles libertarian ideology. But feel free to hide behind that label.
What other do on their own homes is not mine or the government's business. As I stated to someone else here, if some guys wanted to dress up as women or dance naked and frolic around in their own homes,, or in a bar, club that's none of mine of the government's business. I would fear a government with that sort of power. If such frolicking were to take place in the public or in schools. that is a matter that would need to be addressed. Children must be protected caustic behavior or ideology. Now if i were to run around the public square day or night in the nude I would be arrested for public indecency . If I was running around nude in a parade in June with hundreds of others that would be 'acceptable ' and opposing it would render me a 'hater.' This alone displays the moral bankruptcy of the movement.