Reacting against or conflicting with one's environment is still being subject to the power of one's surroundings in terms of who and what one becomes. It's true the example I gave was one of environment being complementary to who I became, but the opposite has also happened. In either case it was something shaped by environment. I didn't mean to imply that the interactions were simple and straightforward - they are not. It is not possible to "break free" from environmental influences since one cannot exist without an environment. We are always subject to it. How it interacts with us varies.Perhaps I’m an outlier. Or perhaps it’s possible to break free from environmental influences. More than half of my life has been spent as a patriotic American who bled red, white, and blue. That was a result of my environment for sure. But I broke free from it through my internal beliefs developing. Most of my life was spent as Christian, but I am free of that through internal beliefs.