All I ask is some sincere effort to accurately reflect how people talk in terms of choosing in daily life.
Go to this address:
CORPORA: 1.9 billion - 45 million words each: free online access
First select the link Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA). You can sign up for a free account even without being a researcher (there are three levels of access, if memory serves, and the lowest one still allows you 10 queries or something). Once you have an account (which you can use for all the other corpora) enter the COCA database and first enter the query "choose" in the column on the left (see below) then hit search:
The main screen, which will display the initial results, is divided into 2 frames:
The upper frame gives you information about your query. I order to make that information useful (i.e., to see how the word "choose" is used), check both boxes in the upper-leftmost circled portion. I've also indicated in that frame where you will see your queried term(s) and the information in the upper-right square tells you the number of results. The lower frame, which I've indicated by a large rectangle, contains important information about your account, information, but most importantly links for help/information. Once you've checked the boxes, click on the queried term (again, I've indicated it by circling it in red). You should see something like this:
In the circled portion, I've indicated how you can navigate pages and also how to select the number of results per page. The arrow points to the source (this is a balanced corpus, so they don't just randomly collect examples. Rather, they make sure that they use diverse sources, both spoken and written. You can click to see additional context for any result. In the rectangle I've indicated the first examples you will find for how "choose" is used. As noted, there are over 30,000 results. You can then repeat this process for "choice" (also, you can do wildcard and similar search such that you can search for all words that begin with "choos" so that you get both "choose" and "choosing").
Once you're gone through these, you can go back to the main page by clicking on the main link on the upper right corner of the page:
This will switch the lower frame back to the main/default screen:
If you click on the link I've circled, you will get the list of other corpora. The only two you'll want to use are The BYU-BNC corpus and (maybe) the GloWbe corpus. The first can be searched in the same way I've indicated. The second is a little more complicated in that you have more boxes to click (corresponding to countries)
FYI- as this is global the results for common words are large: "choice" yielded 265,479 results and as for my wildcard "choos*", well:
There's your "common discourse".