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How to Find The Way & Peace of Heart.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you…In visiting Denmark, Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t.) obserevd in his Friday sermon (at Nusrat Jahan Mosque Copenhagen) that he came here 11 years ago. The past-children have become youth and the past-youth have become parents…. Adjacent to mosque, now there are new offices, hall and library. The house in front of mosque is extended and have missionary house, guest house and hall….By the grace of Allah the Exalted, there has been progress in number of members, wealth and buildings. We should be surely thankful to Allah the Exalted for progress.

How to be thankful for this and what it demands?

We believe in the Imam of this era. We believe that the one, for whom Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) said If Faith would go to Pleides, he would bring it back.

Thus we shall have to make our thoughts, thoughts-of-true-beleivers. We should not be satisfied with apparent thankfulness.

=We should have to check whether we are practicing directives of Allah the Exalted.

=Are we living life of a true-believer; the life, the detail of which is mentioned by Allah the Exalted and His Messenger (s.a.w.) and which is explained by Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) in this era for us.

The words of Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t.) reach to Ahmadis by Muslim Television Ahmadiyya (mta.tv) and he reminds members of Jama'at that Allah the Exalted enabled them or their forefathers to accept Ahmadiyya-Islam by His special grace. This grace came due to some goodness.

To continue getting this grace, it is essential we should progress in virtues and better our conditions.

If our steps stopped or we paid no attention or continued to ignore matters of Deen / faith, we shall be depriving our progenies from Deen, and thus taking away that special grace from them which was prophesied by Holy Prophet (sa) i.e. the advent of Promised Messiah (a.s.) and to accept him. Those whose forefathers became Ahmadi, if their progenies drifted away from Deen, they shall be deprived off from prayers of their elders.

Allah the Exalted grants reward of virtue, and surely He does. If virtue is purely to gain pleasure of Allah the Exalted, progenies get benefits too. Also He says that you will have to correct your deeds so that benefit of His blessing should always continue.

The elders who became Ahmadi, they fulfilled pledge of Bai'at. They departed the world with desire and prayer that their progenies too should fulfill this pledge.

1) There are many among you who need to think:

= Are we fulfilling that pledge, the divine path, which was liked and urged by elders for us.

= Are we fulfilling our pledge of Bai'at in reality or Are we just copying our elders’ Deen traditionally, or we included in Jama'at only due to any relationship or communal pressure?

2) Those who have accepted Ahmadiyyat they should make reviews:

=Have we made or making effort to progress in our Eaman / faith and deeds or we accepted Ahmadiyyat due to a temporary passion or any influence, and we still stand where we were on first day?

We shall get benefit if each of our steps shall be towards progress.

3)Those who have migrated to advanced countries, they need to constantly check that whether the better conditions have moved them away from Deen? Have they forgotten Deen by getting impressed by Europe’s worldly progress.

4) By the grace of Allah the Exalted, here are many people from Kosovo / Eastern Europe , who accepted Ahmadiyyat and believed the Ardent Servant of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him). They should remember too that Allah the Exalted has granted them a great blessing.

So here Ahmadiyya-Muslims are from various sections of society; some are Ahmadis by birth, some joined latter, some are immigrants and others are locals. All of them should reflect on these matters that now they should make effort to practice real teaching of Islam so that they pay the right of doing Bai'at of Ardent Servant of Hazrat Muhammad, The Messenger of Allah, (peace and blessings of Allah be on him).

All kinds of Ahmadi men and women need to check:

=Are we paying or trying to pay the right of doing Bai'at.

=Are we fulfilling responsibilities, given by Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace).

=Are we trying to mold our conditions according to the teaching of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.).

=Are we trying to train our children in way that Consciousness in them to give precedence to Deen over worldly matters is developed since childhood.

=Are our own acts, role model for our children.

=Are our Salaat(s), worships and each deed according to teaching of Allah the Exalted and His Messenger.

Each of us can check these things with self review. To make better yardstick for these reviews, Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) have guided us. He said to his Jama'at, in a gathering, advising with great agony:

It is essential for our Jama'at, in this stormy era, when everywhere air of deviation, neglect, loss of path is blowing, they should adopt Taqwa. The state of world is that there is no respect for commandments of Allah the Exalted. There is no care of rights and directives….They have excessive concentration for world and its works. When they see a little loss in worldly part, they abandon part of Deen, and loose rights of Allah the Exalted [in legal cases, in problems of inheritance with partners and relatives etc]. With the intention of greed they deal with each other. They have shown weakness against emotions of self. Till God has kept them weak, they cannot have courage to do sin but when weakness is lifted and opportunity to do sin is available, quickly they commit it. Today in this age, find everywhere, it will be known that true Taqwa has gone and true Eman has completely not stayed.

But because God the Exalted intents that He surely does not waste the seed of their true Taqwa and Eman. When He sees now crop is about to completely ruined He grow other crop. The same fresh Quran is present as God the Exalted said:

‘inna nahno nazzalnazikra wa inna lahoo lahafezoon’ [15:10, i.e. 'Verily, We Ourself have sent down this Exhortation, and most surely We will be its Guardian.']. A great part of Ahadith is present, there are other blessings too. But, in hearts, Eman and practical condition is completely absent.

God the Exalted has made my advent for this very reason so that these things are developed again. When God saw that field is vacant, the demand of His Divinity absolutely did not like that this field should remain vacant and people stay away like this.

That is why, now God the Exalted wants to create a new people of alive-ones compared to them (previous-ones). For this, there is our Delivery-of-Message so that life of Taqwa is achieved.

Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) said: If we make a review, it is not the depiction of the people of era of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) when he was advising people of his time. We see these things too. How many of us apply directives of Allah the Exalted upon themselves. Let leave others, we who claim to do Bai'at with him (a.s.) how many of us, it should be checked? Allah the Exalted says I have created Jinns and human for worship. Do we sacrifice our worldly works for our worship or it is contrary to that, and our worships are being sacrificed for worldly works?...There are some too who if offer Salaat at time, they try to finish it fast. Let aside, the condition of those who did not accept Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.), there are among us too like this.

Allah the Exalted says to deal with people with benevolence. But there are many who, let aside benevolence, try to usurp right of others.

There are those who do not tolerate worldly loss but if there is loss of Deen is taking place they tolerate.

How many of us are there who cannot control passions. They get excited on petty things.

If others do these things we can say they are ignorant but if any of us do this it is regrettable.

Thus everyone can evaluate oneself in these matters. And we should always keep these words always before our eyes that Allah the Exalted wants to create a new people of alive-ones. We have done Bai'at to be among these alive-ones, that is why we shall have to pay attention to his words to be among alive-ones.


Guidance depends upon struggle and Taqwa. Until Taqwa is developed, until person make effort, until he is ready to offer each sacrifice for Deen by bring himself into discomfort, he cannot get real guidance. Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) says:

The person who purely due to fear of Allah the Exalted, makes effort to find in His way, and pray to Him to unknot this matter, Allah the Exalted -- according to His law ‘wallazeena jahado finaa lanahde-yannahum sobolonaa” [29:70] i.e. Those people who strive through us, we show our ways to them – Himself shows Way by holding (person’s) hand….And grant him peace of heart. If heart itself is chamber of darkness and prayer is heavy on tongue and is tainted with Shirk [making associate with Allah] and innovation, then what that prayer is! What is that request, for which good results are not obtained. Until person spreads hands before God the Exalted with pure heart, truth and sincerity and closes all prohibited ways and doors of hope for him, till then he is not able to get Help and Support of Allah the Exalted. But when he falls at the door of Allah the Exalted and prays to Him alone, his such condition absorbs Help and Mercy………..

Based on parts of Friday Sermon (May 6, 2016) by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), UK, alislam.org and mta.tv


Peace be upon you.

Nusrat Jahan Mosque (since 1967, The first purpose-built mosque in a Nordic country)
