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HowToMakeReformsStable? Consider All Virtues and Sins Big – Don't Copy Evil - Guide Children


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you…Practical reformation is not limited to few matters, there are many directives given in Holy Quran for teachings of Islam...Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) [who was sent to establish the government of ordinances of Holy Quran on us and to enable us to follow the practical way / sunnah of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him)] said: “I say to you truly that the one who evades even a most little commandment from seven hundred commandments of Holy Quran, he shuts the door of salvation for himself by his own hand.” [Reference: Ruhani Khazain, volume 19]..It is matter of great fear and concern; one has to be very careful in actions.

HONEST SELF ANALYSIS reveals that most people reform themselves as long as advice continues. Then again they are deformed. It is like jack-in-the-box matter; door pressure is released, spring pushes him out.

MANY SINCERE BELIEVERS wrote to Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah (may Allah be his Helper) that they are trying and praying to achieve permanent reforms and they and requested him for prayers in this regard.

REFORMATIONS STAY ONLY IF reasons are known behind a certain deficiency and appropriate attempt is made to correct it.

FIRST HURDLE WHICH OBSTRUCTS THE REFORMATION is the incorrect understanding of the people that some sins are big and others are small. They make this distinction at their own or base it on statements of religious scholars. This false idea leads one to think that carrying out small sin is not dangerous and punishment will be smaller. Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) says:
“That if someone becomes ill, regardless of whether his illness is small or great, if no remedy is sought for the illness and no pain is taken to find a cure for the illness, the person cannot become well. A small dark patch once it appears on the face of a person causes great concern lest it should grow and darken the whole face of the person. There is a similar dark patch that evil deeds cause to appear on a person’s heart. Small sins become big sins due to one not taking care to avoid them. The small sin is that same small dark patch that grows ultimately to darken the entire face of the person afflicted.”

HOLY PROPHET (PEACE AND BLESSINGS OF ALLAH BE ON HIM) DESCRIBED SMALL AND BIG DEEDS DIFFERENTLY FOR DIFFERENT PEOPLE. It was according to their conditions. To one person, he said the great and virtuous thing was to serve his parents. To another seeker, he said it was offering Tahajjud [Pre Fajr, additional, non mandatory but very highly desired Salaat] and to third person, it was to join Jihad.

JIHAD OF THIS ERA IS SPREADING TEACHING OF HOLY QURAN AND KNOWLEDGE. It should be noted that in the times of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), Islam was attacked with sword, thus to defend with sword was very big virtue and not joining without valid reason God had deemed it punishable. Holy Prophet (s.a.w) said that the Promised Messiah would end wars……It was so because ways and means to attack Islam would have changed……Press and means of communications are used to attack Islam thus Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) and his Jama'at used and using same means to defend and convey true Islam. He said now Jihad with sword is forbidden. He meant that though it was a virtue in the early times but since with the change of opponents’ tactics, it is unlawful till such times when someone should lift the sword again against Islam…This era is era of Jihad of spreading the teachings of the Holy Quran, Jihad of knowledge, Jihad of spreading the beautiful teaching of Islam using the press, media and available means of communication…….If someone is unable to take part in this Jihad of corrections and conveying the Divine message due to lack of knowledge or some other reason, he or she can take part in it by financial sacrifices…….But if someone who is doing this Jihad, is not discharging the duties towards his wife and children, he becomes guilty of grave sin……In the time of Holy Prophet (s.a.w), despite the obligation of Jihad, he told some Muslims that big and virtuous thing for him was to serve parents….Thus big virtue depends on circumstances and occasions.

SOME PEOPLE PLAY GAMBLING BUT they do not lie normally, they do not go to excess and do not mistreat or kill people because they think these are sins. For such people the big sin to be avoided would be gambling.

IF MODEST DRESSING, PURDAH, HEAD COVERING, HIJAB ETC is not being practiced by a believing woman but she offers financial sacrifices, dislikes dishonesty and lies then what she is neglecting would be the great sin for her.

THUS GOOD OR BAD VIRTUES, BIG OR SMALL SINS depends on context of occasion and situation of every person….Big evils are those which one find difficult to get rid of and they become habitual actions….Big virtues are those which one find difficult to accomplish……If we consider adultery, murder, theft and back biting as big sins and others as small; if we consider Fasting, Zakaat and Hajj are big virtues and others are small then sustainable reformation is unachievable and actions will remain weak. One has to remember that if one does not act on 700 commandments of Holy Quran one closes the door of salvation on oneself -- as Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said.

Some people wrongly give importance to selective worships, e.g., they keep Fast but do not offer Salaat in congregation and they avoid Zakaat…..A country deducts Zakaat from muslims’ bank-accounts forcibly. To avoid it, many people provided false affidavits that they were Ahmadiyyas. Why? Because, eventhough no worldly power has right to declare about anyone’s faith but unfortunately Ahmadiyya Muslims were declared non-Muslims (+)in 1974 by that country and their banks do not deduct Zakaat from them. -- [(+)This non human right step was taken to please fanatic mullahs who, historically, were against the very making of that country. Currently these fanatics are allies to worldwide ongoing terrorism.]

Not following God and Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) but following little divines has resulted in ideas of bigness or smallness of virtues and sins.

Once Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) traveled to go to other city. During his lecture, his felt dry throat, a sincere person presented him a cup of tea which Promised Messiah (a.s.) turned away. Dryness increased, but he again turned away the tea. When problem increased too much, he was presented tea third time and he took a sip; he avoided the false show off that he is not getting benefit that traveler does not Fast…….But there non-Ahmadiyya audience made a hue that claimant of being Mahdi did not Fast in Ramadhan… For them, the importance was of having Fast, not obeying commandment of God which prohibit Fasting during traveling. A large majority of them perhaps, did not offer obligatory Salaat, did not tell truth and had other weaknesses but they were Fasting surely. They ignore the saying of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) that if one does not stop speaking lie and back biting, God does not need him to be hungry and thirsty for Fasting.

With such self-made mindset of small or big virtues and sins, righteous deeds and standards of sinfulness cannot be established in the world and one can never be able to contend evils.

Thus Ahmadiyya Muslims must try to adopt every good and virtuous act and do their best to save themselves from every evil and sinful deeds.

If some evil deeds are not abandoned, they act as dormant seeds and sprout at favourable conditions.

Collective effort and unified thought is needed to end one or more evil deeds. For example, regardless of station and status, a muslim never not eat swine meat.

To achieve practical reformation, wake up every soul of every member of the society and realize that even a small act of righteousness is big virtue and even a small virtue is grave sin.

THE SECOND HURDLE WHICH OBSTRUCTS THE REFORMATION is environment and the tendency to copy others…. Allah, the Exalted, has placed the faculty of copying in human for their benefit and it manifests since childhood. Child learn language, morals and other useful things due to copying from parents and environment. Abuse of this faculty leads to destruction.

If parents are virtuous and observe Salaat, recite Holy Quran, live with love and abhor falsehood then under their influence, children will adopt virtues….. On the contrary, lying, fighting, disputes, abusive talks, mutual disrespect, not taking due regard of Jama'at affairs or other bad actions in house exert ill effects on child.

Child learns a lot from outside of house and from T.V internet etc too. Parents should keep check. Children start learning at very early age. As they grow, they start copying so train them at age 2 or 3. Girls copy mothers and boys fathers. If parents do not practice morals and worships, do not expect it from children too, in general. Children strongly learn eating preferences from parents too. They learn their and their friends’ weaknesses too. For the real reformation of future generations, parents must reform themselves.

Belief has little circle of spread. Their spread is like propagation of plant by attaching a plant cutting. But actions are like spread of plant by sowing seeds in soil which spread fast….Bad actions are spread by own people and outsiders too. Societal impact is great in the spread of good or bad deeds.

May Allah enable us always to keep attention focused on practically reforming ourselves and our children.

Also narrative about a pious scholar engineer’s martyrdom in Syria

Reference: Based on FridaySermon, Dec 13- 2013 by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah strengthen him with His Mighty Help), UK, mta.tv - alislam.org
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