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Human Rights Campaign


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
From Human Rights Campaign; (an extract from an email)

Now, radical right wing groups and their supporters in Congress are gearing up their base to try again to put discrimination against same-sex couples and their families into the United States Constitution. Are you ready to speak out with HRC to defeat the "Marriage Protection Amendment"?
This week, the American Family Association alerted their members to expect a vote in the Senate in early March on the Marriage Protection Amendment, formerly known as the Federal Marriage Amendment. In late January, anti-gay Senator Rick Santorum (R-Penn) stated, “I have asked the leader to hold a vote on defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. The intention is to bring up the Allard constitutional amendment.” Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist has promised the radical right wing groups a vote in the U.S. Senate this year.

Please contact your United States Senators and Representative in the House of Representatives and urge them to keep the Constitution free from discrimination. Click here to take action now.

Some important things to remember:

  • <LI class=MsoNormal>We shouldn't write discrimination into the Constitution, and the so-called Marriage Protection Amendment is discriminatory. Throughout American history, the Constitution has been amended to protect and expand the rights and liberties of the American people. The Constitution should never be amended to single out any group of Americans for discrimination. <LI class=MsoNormal>The so-called Marriage Protection Amendment would seriously endanger civil unions and domestic partnerships.
  • The Constitution should not be used as a political weapon. Some Republican leaders are using a vote on the Constitutional amendment to increase voter turnout among their political base.


†ßig Dog†
Signed it with pleasure. Stuff like this, what a few homophobes in Congress are trying to do, is really starting to jerk my frog. For the life of me I just don't understand how allowing gay couples to marry is harming them in any way.