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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Yet you displayed an utter lack of understanding as to how speciation works.

Not to mention an utter lack of understanding of how similar humans are to the other apes. Sure must have been a great "college course" he took "on evolution".

On the internet, you can lie about pretty much anything -- except, maybe, how much you know.
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Bible Believer
So his thing is evolution is wrong because humans were created. Thats begging the question there big time.

There is no evidence anything has been created. All manifestations are rearrangements, which means evolution applies to everything and creation applies to nothing in reality we ever come across.

Dear idav, Correction. Humans were "formed" of the dust of the ground, physically. SOME Humans are born again Spiritually, in Christ, by the Trinity, Gen 1:26 and John 14:16 because ONLY the Trinity "Creates". Everything God creates is an ETERNAL, EVERLASTING, Creation.

Nature doesn't "create" because it's nothing more than changes within THEIR (Trinity) kinds, which today's scientists mistakenly call "evolution".

Gen 1:25 And God made the beast of the earth after His kind, (Jesus kind) and cattle after Their (Trinity) kind,

IF you could understand what this verse is saying, you would easily see the difference between the kind Jesus made with His own Hands, (common ancestors) and the kinds which God, the Trinity, created and brought forth from the Water "naturally" on the 5th Day Gen 1:21 which began some 3.7 Billion years in the water of our Planet, when the First bacteria appeared.

You are also confused because you THINK Natural means that Nature produced it, without God, when in Fact, God the Trinity CREATED the Natural, from the water and then the creatures evolved or changed genetically, over time, within a population. God has confounded the all knowing scientists who THINK they know more than God. God Bless you.

In Love,


Premium Member
Dear idav, Correction. Humans were "formed" of the dust of the ground, physically. SOME Humans are born again Spiritually, in Christ, by the Trinity, Gen 1:26 and John 14:16 because ONLY the Trinity "Creates". Everything God creates is an ETERNAL, EVERLASTING, Creation.

Nature doesn't "create" because it's nothing more than changes within THEIR (Trinity) kinds, which today's scientists mistakenly call "evolution".

Gen 1:25 And God made the beast of the earth after His kind, (Jesus kind) and cattle after Their (Trinity) kind,

IF you could understand what this verse is saying, you would easily see the difference between the kind Jesus made with His own Hands, (common ancestors) and the kinds which God, the Trinity, created and brought forth from the Water "naturally" on the 5th Day Gen 1:21 which began some 3.7 Billion years in the water of our Planet, when the First bacteria appeared.

You are also confused because you THINK Natural means that Nature produced it, without God, when in Fact, God the Trinity CREATED the Natural, from the water and then the creatures evolved or changed genetically, over time, within a population. God has confounded the all knowing scientists who THINK they know more than God. God Bless you.

In Love,
Your correction doesnt change at all what I said. My points stand.


Admiral Obvious
Dear idav, Correction. Humans were "formed" of the dust of the ground, physically. SOME Humans are born again Spiritually, in Christ, by the Trinity, Gen 1:26 and John 14:16 because ONLY the Trinity "Creates". Everything God creates is an ETERNAL, EVERLASTING, Creation.

Nature doesn't "create" because it's nothing more than changes within THEIR (Trinity) kinds, which today's scientists mistakenly call "evolution".

Gen 1:25 And God made the beast of the earth after His kind, (Jesus kind) and cattle after Their (Trinity) kind,

IF you could understand what this verse is saying, you would easily see the difference between the kind Jesus made with His own Hands, (common ancestors) and the kinds which God, the Trinity, created and brought forth from the Water "naturally" on the 5th Day Gen 1:21 which began some 3.7 Billion years in the water of our Planet, when the First bacteria appeared.

You are also confused because you THINK Natural means that Nature produced it, without God, when in Fact, God the Trinity CREATED the Natural, from the water and then the creatures evolved or changed genetically, over time, within a population. God has confounded the all knowing scientists who THINK they know more than God. God Bless you.

In Love,

Revelation 22:18

God bless you.


Bible Believer
Revelation 22:18

God bless you.

Dear Mestemia, False accusation, since I haven't added anything to what is written. That is WHY NO one here can refute me Scripturally. What I post IS what is actually written, and cited. It just sounds crazy to religionists of all kinds including the members of the Evol Religion of Apeism. Be careful for there are some Apeists on these boards. Since they think of themselves as nothing but animals, any evil, no matter how horrible, is possible for them. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
Your correction doesnt change at all what I said. My points stand.

Dear idav, Keep telling yourself that long enough and you might come to believe it. I showed you the difference between being "created" by God and being "formed" by Jesus, and you don't seem to agree. This information blows your notions out of the water but you will probably have to find a fourth grader to read it to you and explain. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
Genetic relationships, actually. The very simple fact that every living thing on this planet has DNA means that we're all genetically related, however distantly. Human beings are biologically classified as apes, because we share the most amount of DNA with other apes.

Do you have a problem with calling gorillas, chimps, and orangutans apes?

Dear Riverwolf, Genesis 6:1-4 explains HOW and WHEN the sons of God (prehistoric people) INHERITED the unique Human intelligence of Adam, the first Human, who was made with an intelligence like God's. Gen 3:22 This Scriptural FACT shows the difference between the animal intelligence (prehistoric man) and the unique intelligence which is like God's. (Adam's descendants)

This ALSO explains HOW the DNA and ERVs of the common ancestor of Apes got inside the Human body. Since Today's "so called" Science, REJECTS God's Truth in Genesis, I suppose the Bumpkins will continue to falsely teach that Humans evolved from Apes, until they can learn to read the first 4 verses of Genesis 6. God Bless you.

In Love,


Well-Known Member
Genetic relationships, actually. The very simple fact that every living thing on this planet has DNA means that we're all genetically related, however distantly. Human beings are biologically classified as apes, because we share the most amount of DNA with other apes.

Do you have a problem with calling gorillas, chimps, and orangutans apes?

I think you should call gorillas gorillas.
I think you should call chimpanzees chimpanzees.
And I think you should call orangutans orangutans.


Woke gremlin
I think you should call gorillas gorillas.
I think you should call chimpanzees chimpanzees.
And I think you should call orangutans orangutans.

But do you have a problem with all three being classified as kinds of apes? For instance, would you have a problem with calling a chihuahua a dog? Would you only ever refer to it as a chihuahua?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Dear Riverwolf, Genesis 6:1-4 explains HOW and WHEN

No, it doesn't.

This ALSO explains HOW the DNA
No, it doesn't.

I think you should call gorillas gorillas.
I think you should call chimpanzees chimpanzees.
And I think you should call orangutans orangutans.

We do.

All three are apes, as well as being their own names.

Apes are primates. Primates are mammals. Mammals are animals. Not all primates are apes, not all mammals are primates, and not all animals are mammals.

Do you object to all umbrella terms?
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Well-Known Member
No, it doesn't.

No, it doesn't.

We do.

All three are apes, as well as being their own names.

Apes are primates. Primates are mammals. Mammals are animals. Not all primates are apes, not all mammals are primates, and not all animals are mammals.

Do you object to all umbrella terms?

Why would you call something an ape if it is not it's "own name"?

ape - a large and stupid or rude person
ape - a large uncouth person
Ape - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

I personally am not an ape, but you are free to believe as you choose to believe.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Why would you call something an ape if it is not it's "own name"?

Because then you're not even human. You're just whatever your personal name is. Not even your family name.

And Koko is not a gorilla. Koko is just Koko.

ape - a large and stupid or rude person
ape - a large uncouth person
Ape - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

I personally am not an ape, but you are free to believe as you choose to believe.
That's common vernacular, not the biological definition; not a single place in this thread have I used "ape" in that sense, nor do I ever use it thus in everyday talk. Notice how the definition you provided is the secondary definition, not the primary one. From your source:

a : monkey; especially : one of the larger tailless or short-tailed Old World forms
b : any of various large tailless semierect primates of Africa and southeastern Asia (as the chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, or gibbon) —called also anthropoid, anthropoid ape — compare great ape

When I say that you are an ape, I mean that you, as a member of the species homo sapiens, are of the ape (homonin) clade of primates.
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Well-Known Member
Because then you're not even human. You're just whatever your personal name is. Not even your family name.

And Koko is not a gorilla. Koko is just Koko.

That's common vernacular, not the biological definition; not a single place in this thread have I used "ape" in that sense, nor do I ever use it thus in everyday talk. Notice how the definition you provided is the secondary definition, not the primary one. From your source:

a : monkey; especially : one of the larger tailless or short-tailed Old World forms
b : any of various large tailless semierect primates of Africa and southeastern Asia (as the chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, or gibbon) —called also anthropoid, anthropoid ape — compare great ape

When I say that you are an ape, I mean that you, as a member of the species homo sapiens, are of the ape (homonin) clade of primates.

So you consider yourself a "semierect primates of Africa and southeastern Asia"? That is quite interesting. My stature is fully erect. And as far as I know, none of my ancestors lived in Africa. If your claim is that my ancestors do come from Africa, then please show your evidence.


Bible Believer
Dear Riverwolf, Genesis 6:1-4 explains HOW and WHEN the sons of God (prehistoric people) INHERITED the unique Human intelligence of Adam, the first Human, who was made with an intelligence like God's. Gen 3:22 This Scriptural FACT shows the difference between the animal intelligence (prehistoric man) and the unique intelligence which is like God's. (Adam's descendants)

No, it doesn't.

Dear Riverwolf, Sure it does as I will explain for you:

Genesis 6 King James Version (KJV)

6 And it came to pass, when men (Heb-Adam/Eve) began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 That the sons of God (prehistoric people) saw the daughters of men (Heb-Adam/Eve) that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

This means that the prehistoric people, who were CREATED and brought forth from the water on the 5th Day, by Command of God, the Trinity, Gen 1:21 were identical to Adam, the first Human, who was fashioned from the Dust of the ground on the 3rd Day, by the Hands of LORD God/Jesus, which was some 10 Billion years, in man's time, BEFORE the 5th Day when EVERY other living creature was brought forth from the Water. Gen 1:21

3 And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

One of my favorite verses since it shows that the sons of God are made of flesh, just as Adam was found AFTER He sinned. SOME misguided people Falsely preach that the sons of God were fallen angels. The FACT that Angels are NOT made of Flesh refutes this old wive's tale. God made the sons of God (prehistoric people) in order to populate our world AND Heaven with Humans, which He has accomplished with some 7 Billion Humans, the descendants of Adam, on Planet Earth, today. Here is HOW it happened:

4 There were (intellectual) giants (Humans) in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God (prehistoric people) came in unto the daughters of men, (Heb-Adam/Eve) and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

The DNA and ERVs of the common ancestor of ALL life on our Planet were INHERITED by Humans from prehistoric people...NOT by Magical evolution....but sexually, the same way Humans inherit EVERYTHING else, according to Science. The unique high intelligence which ONLY Adam and God had, Gen 3:22 was ALSO inherited and changed or evolved the sons of God (prehistoric people) into Humans, the descendants of Adam.

Your incomplete, untrue, denial of God's Truth is noted. If you don't believe me, then tell us what YOU think the above verses are saying.

BTW, Notice the "and also after that" for it is PROPHECY of what will happen again, just like on Adam's world when Cain had NO other Humans to marry, because Noah's grandsons had the SAME problem, on our Earth. In both cases, Humans married and produced other Humans with the DNA of the common ancestor of Apes AND the Human intelligence of Adam. IOW, Today's Humans are the "Giants" of Gen 6:4 and it is proven by our superior intelligence level which ONLY Adam and God have. Humans post but animals don't have enough intelligence to post. God Bless you.

In Love,


So you consider yourself a "semierect primates of Africa and southeastern Asia"? That is quite interesting. My stature is fully erect. And as far as I know, none of my ancestors lived in Africa. If your claim is that my ancestors do come from Africa, then please show your evidence.
I consider you one too:

  1. Andrew Lawler, Did Modern Humans Travel Out of Africa Via Arabia?, Science 28 January 2011: Vol. 331 no. 6016 p. 387, doi:10.1126/science.331.6016.387: Did Modern Humans Travel Out of Africa Via Arabia?.
  2. Trail of 'Stone Breadcrumbs' Reveals the Identity of One of the First Human Groups to Leave Africa ScienceDaily (Nov. 30, 2011) Trail of 'stone breadcrumbs' reveals the identity of one of the first human groups to leave Africa -- ScienceDaily
  3. Hints of earlier human exit from Africa, http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/69197/title/Hints_of_earlier_human_exit_from_Africa
  4. Wu Liu, et al., Human remains from Zhirendong, South China, and modern human emergence in East Asia" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2010; doi:10.1073/pnas.1014386107: Human remains from Zhirendong, South China, and modern human emergence in East Asia
  5. Dennell, Robin, Two interpretations of the Zhirendong mandible described by Liu and colleagues. : Palaeoanthropology: Early Homo sapiens in China : Nature : Nature Publishing Group;
  6. Modern humans emerged far earlier than previously thought, fossils from China suggest -- ScienceDaily;
  7. Kaufman, Rachel, National Geographic News: Oldest Modern Human Outside of Africa Found
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Bible Believer
I consider you one too:

  1. Andrew Lawler, Did Modern Humans Travel Out of Africa Via Arabia?, Science 28 January 2011: Vol. 331 no. 6016 p. 387, doi:10.1126/science.331.6016.387: Did Modern Humans Travel Out of Africa Via Arabia?.
  2. Trail of 'Stone Breadcrumbs' Reveals the Identity of One of the First Human Groups to Leave Africa ScienceDaily (Nov. 30, 2011) Trail of 'stone breadcrumbs' reveals the identity of one of the first human groups to leave Africa -- ScienceDaily
  3. Hints of earlier human exit from Africa, http://www.sciencenews.org/view/generic/id/69197/title/Hints_of_earlier_human_exit_from_Africa
  4. Wu Liu, et al., Human remains from Zhirendong, South China, and modern human emergence in East Asia" Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2010; doi:10.1073/pnas.1014386107: Human remains from Zhirendong, South China, and modern human emergence in East Asia
  5. Dennell, Robin, Two interpretations of the Zhirendong mandible described by Liu and colleagues. : Palaeoanthropology: Early Homo sapiens in China : Nature : Nature Publishing Group;
  6. Modern humans emerged far earlier than previously thought, fossils from China suggest -- ScienceDaily;
  7. Kaufman, Rachel, National Geographic News: Oldest Modern Human Outside of Africa Found

Dear Sapiens, False, since the above is a study of the sons of God (prehistoric people who evolved from the water) and NOT Humans who arrived on this Planet in an Ark. God Bless you.

In Love,