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Hunger Banquet

Green Gaia

Veteran Member

The sign greeting 50 members and friends of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Greater Lynn in Swampscott, Mass., when they arrived for a fundraising banquet at the church November 19 said, “Warning: You are about to leave your comfort zone.” And for more than half of the diners, who ended up sitting on the floor eating rice with their fingers, it was an experience that pushed the comfort envelope.

Not all of the banquet-goers ended up on the floor. Fifteen percent of the participants, chosen at random, got to sit at a table where they were served a complete meal, including salad and dessert. This group, protected by guards, was designated the upper class. At a table in another part of the room, the remaining 30 percent of the diners, representing the middle class, ate a simpler meal of beans and rice. At one point during the dinner, an increase in the price of coffee was announced and one diner in the upper class was rewarded with extra food, one was demoted from the middle class to the lower class, and one of the lower-class diners had her portion halved.

Any of you ever participated in something like this? I've heard of them before, but I've never been involved in one.


Working-Class W*nch.
I've not participated in anything like this, but it sounds like an interesting, eye-opening experience. In fact, it's actually the perfect idea to do with a youth group. :yes: Thanks for sharing, Amy.


Veteran Member
Sounds like an interesting experience.

Reminds me how I was taught about the 60's and civil rights. My teacher divided the room up and one half were 'whites' and the other half 'blacks'. The blacks couldn't do anything without asking a white first, they couldn't use the white books, pencil sharpeners, etc., if they wanted get water, they had to use the one in the hallway, not the one in the classroom.

This was a big eye opener in 5th grade for me.


Working-Class W*nch.
That's a good idea too. These types of experiences, I find, are the ones that really stick with people, as opposed to just reading about it out of a text. What an awesome way to educate, and raise funds!


God's Nephew
Actually, the Catholic church I grew up in did this ever year as part of a fundraiser for Catholic relief efforts in the third world. It was It was quite an experience. One that has stuck with me long after I left the Catholic church.

One of the years I did it, I was among those who got to participate in the feast. But most of the other years I was among the rice eaters.

mostly harmless

Endlessly amused
Tigress said:
That's a good idea too. These types of experiences, I find, are the ones that really stick with people, as opposed to just reading about it out of a text. What an awesome way to educate, and raise funds!

I agree!