"You've probably never seen this fruit in your life. This isn't a plum and it isn't a pomegranate. It's a plum-egranate, and it wasn't just created for you to discover a new flavor. It's one of many new hybrid fruit that are being developed to resist climate change... Welcome to Ben Dor Nurseries, a small family farm operating in Northern Israel that's been here since the late 1800s. Now this isn't any old farm. These farmers are developing new kinds of fruit that are going to be able to withstand all kinds of weather conditions to hopefully fight hunger in the future." (See video below for more.)
The reporter in the video states: "The bottom line is that, as the climate heats up, what we eat is going to have to change because not every crop will survive."
From a religious standpoint (as this is Religious Forums, after all) it's my understanding that, while the Torah says "nay" to propagating hybrid produce, there is nothing stopping an observant Jew from eating any of this hybrid fruit. I'm tagging @rosends (who I know is a rabbi) to either confirm or correct my statement on hybrid fruit.
I found this video fascinating, and would very much like to try a plum-egranate, watermelon plum, or aromacot. Anyone else?
The reporter in the video states: "The bottom line is that, as the climate heats up, what we eat is going to have to change because not every crop will survive."
From a religious standpoint (as this is Religious Forums, after all) it's my understanding that, while the Torah says "nay" to propagating hybrid produce, there is nothing stopping an observant Jew from eating any of this hybrid fruit. I'm tagging @rosends (who I know is a rabbi) to either confirm or correct my statement on hybrid fruit.
I found this video fascinating, and would very much like to try a plum-egranate, watermelon plum, or aromacot. Anyone else?