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Hypothetically speaking


If we as souls have free will and choose to come to this earth influence.
If we are trapped here (sometimes many lifetimes) until we can let go of self and the pleasures of earth.
Would we try to get out or do we like the doninion games that are played here?
Would we choose to get back to father of such Love that we seldom get even a taste of on this earth plane? A place where souls connect as one in Love.
My question is when you die would you (given the choice) go back to father of love or be reborn here for another round of this earth plane because you love it so much?
All responses are appreciated.


High Priestess
^happy said:
If we as souls have free will and choose to come to this earth influence.
If we are trapped here (sometimes many lifetimes) until we can let go of self and the pleasures of earth.
Would we try to get out or do we like the doninion games that are played here?
Would we choose to get back to father of such Love that we seldom get even a taste of on this earth plane? A place where souls connect as one in Love.
My question is when you die would you (given the choice) go back to father of love or be reborn here for another round of this earth plane because you love it so much?
All responses are appreciated.
We have chosen to come back, over and over again. For me, personally, it was not because I love the material world, it was to perfect myself.

If you wanted to be a doctor, you would keep going to school. Or if you wanted to be a professional athlete, you would keep going to practice. Reincarnation is the same thing, on a different level.


to enhanced spirit, I believe it to be true that we choose to come back again and again. My understanding is we come back because we like the dominion or the tickle(pleasures) here. Could you explain what "perfect myself" means.
Thank you


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
^happy said:
If we as souls have free will and choose to come to this earth influence.
If we are trapped here (sometimes many lifetimes) until we can let go of self and the pleasures of earth.
Would we try to get out or do we like the doninion games that are played here?
Would we choose to get back to father of such Love that we seldom get even a taste of on this earth plane? A place where souls connect as one in Love.
My question is when you die would you (given the choice) go back to father of love or be reborn here for another round of this earth plane because you love it so much?
All responses are appreciated.

My question is when you die would you (given the choice) go back to father of love or be reborn here for another round of this earth plane because you love it so much?

There's no contest. "Go back to the father of Love' everytime; the trouble is, you have to 'earn' the entrance fee. The only way you can do that, is by proving yourself worthy. I reckon I have a few lives to go..........:D


High Priestess
^happy said:
to enhanced spirit, I believe it to be true that we choose to come back again and again. My understanding is we come back because we like the dominion or the tickle(pleasures) here. Could you explain what "perfect myself" means.
Thank you
"perfect" as in become the best I can be. Some would also call this 'balancing karma'. Sometimes we come back to right a wrong we have done, sometimes we come back to help another soul in our 'soul group'. But with each incarnation, we either increase our vibration, or decrease it. I think most of us would prefer to get out of this 'thick place', it's rather like swimming in jello.

Outside of our bodies, we can love stronger and create instantly. Here on earth, our creative abilities are weighed down by the veils of 'matter', our ability to love unconditionaly is blocked by the pain caused by these veils. Do you know that professional swimmers practice with extra weights, and exagerated friction, so when it comes crunch time, they can shed all the weight and the friction (including all body hair) and go even faster. Well this is kind of how our life on earth 'perfects' us spiritually.


M ichel,
I agree we must earn the fee, My understanding is that we make a choice in everything we do, If we choose Love we move towards father, if we choose dominion we move toward the earth influence. How do you see us earning the fee?


Enchanted spirit
Can you explain increase/decrease of vibrations? And do you have or is there a plan to eventually get out of the earth influence back to Father/Love?


we are only limited by our body. without it you can accomplish anything. (but this is not me telling anyone to die, b/c you guys rock so, no dead rf ppl)


High Priestess
^happy said:
Enchanted spirit
Can you explain increase/decrease of vibrations? And do you have or is there a plan to eventually get out of the earth influence back to Father/Love?
Well, I'm going to use our scientific knowledge of our material world as the analagy (as below, so above).

On the basic level, all matter is a group of molecules vibrating at different levels. Some substances vibrate at low levels (solids) and some vibrate at higher levels (gas).

The perfect example to use here is water. The molecules in ice are locked into a rigid three-dimensional structure, like slowly vibrating balls connected by stiff springs. In liquid water the individual molecules are still joined, but not in the rigid and structured crystal lattice of ice. The vibration of the molecules are slightly higher.
In the gaseous state, molecules are un-bonded and free to move about, but at low temperatures they are frozen into the crystal lattice because they do not have enough energy to overcome the attractive forces of the hydrogen bonds. At higher temperatures, the molecules vibrate faster until the melting temperature of 32 F is reached and the average speed of the vibrating molecules is fast enough that they have enough energy to break away from the crystal lattice.

Liquid water is a transitory state that exists between the solid and gaseous states. So are we in a transitory state. Also should be noted that these changes in 'matter' only occur after being subjected to either extreme heat, or extreme pressure, which is a mirror for why we have to suffer through adverse situations in life.

Our energy levels are indicated by our emotions. Happiness, love, compassion are indications of our spirit vibrating at high levels. It's been described as being 'on top of the world' or 'floating on cloud 9'. Depression, hatred, guilt are all low levels of vibrations and are described as feeling 'down in the dumps' like 'the weight of the world is on your shoulders'. You can physically feel the difference in these changes in vibrations, and scientists are starting to realize that these also affect our health. People who are generaly happy will heal faster than a sour person, and those who are constantly in lower vibratory states will develope illnesses.

Unconditional love is the highest vibration of them all and if we could feel unconditional love all the time, we, too, could walk on water.


I am not telling anyone to die, Everyone is eventually going to die, My question is If the choices are to come back to this dominion/tickle world in another body or go back to Father/love which would you choose?

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Which would I choose?

Hmm... Part of what I think I believe is that we are given the chance to stay in the Summerlands (Heaven, Vallhalla, whatever one wishes to call it) until we decide that we are once again ready to return to another realm of existence. (And there might also be the choice that one doesn't wish to incarnate again.) So I suppose I would most certainly come back to this realm, even if, given the choice, I might prefer to stay one the other plane.


Enchanted spirit:
We should strive for higher vibrations then?
As you perfect yourself is there a plan to get back to Father/love?
Say a path perhaps? What can we do to "hurry" the process? Can we choose love in our actions instead of dominion? Shouldn't the unconditional love of father be our goal?


Feathersin hair
What is your view of summerland? Is it unconditional Love and fellowship? Is it is why would we choose to come to this earth plane where there are so many atrocities and such little love? So many people trying to better one another?


High Priestess
^happy said:
Enchanted spirit:
We should strive for higher vibrations then?
As you perfect yourself is there a plan to get back to Father/love?
Say a path perhaps? What can we do to "hurry" the process? Can we choose love in our actions instead of dominion? Shouldn't the unconditional love of father be our goal?
My answer to this is yes. I feel our purpose is to create Heaven on earth. We do this by following our heart's desires. By doing that which brings us the utmost joy and appreciation for life. But we have to learn to distinguish between what is our heart's desire, and what is our heart's fear. Most of us go through life being driven by our fears. We go to work because we fear loosing our house, or not being able to pay the bills. We should instead go to work because we love our work. We should do things because we want to, not because we feel we have to. This gets complicated when we start talking about every individual, because each and every one of us is different.

Our purpose is not always some elaborate grandious ordeal, like Edison, or Ford, sometimes it's just about being in the right place at the right time.

Scarlett Wampus

Hypothetically speaking of them none of the beliefs mentioned have any relevance to my view personally. Directly speaking there is nothing I could say.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
^happy said:
Feathersin hair
What is your view of summerland? Is it unconditional Love and fellowship? Is it is why would we choose to come to this earth plane where there are so many atrocities and such little love? So many people trying to better one another?

Well, why would we choose to immerse ourselves in a violent video game or horror movie?
This world is not Real. It's all a subjective illusion. It is a sophisticated interactive cosmic game we chose to play.
When the game's over or we discover how to click on "exit" The illusion disappears and we wake up again to the Real, Objective Reality.


Enchanted spirit:
What would be the purpose for trying to creat heaven on earth? The Fallen one is winning here, Dominion grows by leaps and bounds? Would it not be a far better plan as souls to try to get back to Father/love?


Scarlett Wampus:
Hypothetically means putting yourself in a place not necessarily relevant to your current beliefs.
If for one brief moment you pretended to believe that the choices were to be reborn in this dominion world or go back to Father of Love which would you choose?


I so appreciated your response. Tell me how you see the Exit path. That is the path I am desperate to find.


High Priestess
^happy said:
Enchanted spirit:
What would be the purpose for trying to creat heaven on earth? The Fallen one is winning here, Dominion grows by leaps and bounds? Would it not be a far better plan as souls to try to get back to Father/love?
If this was the case, I would think suicide would be acceptable and possibly even expected. As of right now, the only way to get to Heaven is to die.

Heaven is not some place up in the clouds, and I'm not talking about building or constructing some city that looks like what we think Heaven looks like. I'm talking about learning how to increase our vibration so that we may transcend into Heaven without dying.

I'm not entirely sure where I originally got this idea. Maybe it was from the Celestine Prophecy where they suggested this is what happened to the Mayans. But I would not hold a belief in something if there wasn't a pattern to it. I know there is some biblical support for this odd idea of mine, I just don't remember where. I will have to do some research and get back to you on that.