I like to think of myself as being very tolerant of other people's religious beliefs. Well I admit I have expressed some bigotry towards beliefs system I consider odd. I always believed that even the oddest of these religions deserved their day in the sun and that I should be more tolerant and try to educate myself.
But today I learned that there is a limit. There comes a time in a person's life where she can no longer find the strength or will to understand something that is so utterly alien and foreign. There comes a time when you must shake your head in confusion and say "WTF". Where understanding is almost impossible.
There is one religion that I will refuse to understand and tolerate, even upon the pain of death.
I was surfing Encyclopedia Dramatica, when I happen upon this article about a geek subcultures and and of course there was mention of the furries, the furries are mildly amusing in a human train wreck sort of way. So for a giggle I decided look further into the subculture. And what I found out shocked me.
The furries have a religious equivalent! The Otherkin! I was reading this articles about something called Otherkin Awakening, which some sort of process in which you become well...something other than human. And then I went further into this and discover that some of these other believe that they aren't truly humans and that there is going to be some sort of apocalyptic Otherkin vs Human war in the future.
It's not like I am making fun of these people or even want to, but I am truly and sincerely perplexed at all this. It just seems too weird, even for me. So if anyone is familiar with this belief or if you are of this belief, can you please explain it to me?