Be your own guru
What is the purpose of your religion (which is slightly different from mine)?Interesting. None of these accurately describe the purpose of my religion.
Changing goal-posts?Of course, but for some it might apply. I'm just feeling a wee bit angry at the moment.
That is much like caste system in India.God and his sent ones (families chosen by God to guide humans) actually have a right to be listened to, accepted, remembered, held on to, and cherished, and sought guidance from and relied on for mental clarity and guidance.
Anyone who rejects God and his guidance is in an ungrateful rebellious state or a playful intoxicated irrational playful state by control of sorcery of a dark nature or too arrogant or combination of those (all, some, two you get the point).
But you have to have a God and his prophets. What proof you have for them?This is not force, this is laying down facts. Islam can be false, this still would be true.
if Mohammad (s) was false, then another Prophet would be true.
This is tautological truths.
You have not been able to frighten me enough. Try telling me that burning oil will be poured on my skull till my brain melts.Hell awaiting those too arrogant for God is a reality whether Islam is true or not.
It comes up as a reaction to people trying to force their absurd ideas down our throat.I find the antagonism towards religion to be strange.
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