I've only put one twerp, er, poster on my ignore list and he lasted a full 24 hours.
I've only put people on <ignore> by accident or to test what happens.
No one ever remained that way.
I'm too compulsive & obsessive to have others' posts not visible.
I'd wonder what they're up to.
It's easier to avoid the ignoreworthy by seeing their posts, & simply not reading them.
Oddly, some posters will ignore my posts, but then occasionally try to address them
because they read posts from those conversing with me. They'll then pursue ridiculous
inferences because of their incomplete picture. One even admits not reading my posts,
but then proceeds to petulantly argue that I don't believe what I say I believe. Sloppy, eh.
I've even been accused of being a Christian anti-evolution creationist. Go figure.
This dumkopferie is always from the left side of the aisle.