*Staff edit*. Here is why.
He failed one of the first OT prophecies which was to be descended from king David and king Solomon. Genesis 49:10 states that the messiah would descend from king David's side and king Solomon in Chronicles 22:9-10. Jesus already failed this due to a virgin birth. Mary in the NT has no genealogy except for it being hinted at in Luke 1:34-36. The angel confirmed Mary is biologically blood related to Elizabeth. And Luke 1:5 clearly states that Elizabeth is descended from king Aaron. Therefore since Mary is blood related to Elizabeth, she also follows that lineage. So we can conclude Mary is descended from king Aaron of the Levi tribe. There is no mention other than this of her genealogy.
We can also disregard her being descended from king David and Solomon at this point and also because she is not mentioned anywhere in the NT that she was descended from those two anyway. Now, even though Joseph is descended from king David and Solomon, he is disqualified from having any affiliation with Jesus since he made no biological contribution to Jesus' birth as clearly mentioned in Matthew 1:22-25. Only after his birth did Mary and Joseph biologically "consummate." This is a clear indication that Jesus failed this OT prophecy.
What can we logically conclude from this fact alone? That Jesus is NOT the messiah. And I just made the case for Judaism that much stronger ironically...
No not really you are responding to a pagan perception of Jesus.
Jesus actually never claimed to be THE Messiah or HA Messiah in Hebrew. He claimed to be Annoited.
Jesus says very clearly "Do not imagine I have come for peace, I HAVE NOT COME FOR PEACE"
THE messiah relates to 3 different people within the Jewish faith- The annoited high priest of the temple, Yehoshua the annoited high priest and olive tree and The messiah the Jews await- who will bring peace to the earth.
Ofcourse the one the Jews await is never actually called an annoited in scripture- they simply call him The messiah, traditionally.
I have no issue calling Jesus- the messiah because he is- just not the messiah most consider him to be.