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I know what I saw!

Rio Sabinas

Old Geezer
If anyone's interested....

Comming up, Monday night, March 29 th. @ 10:00 pm E.S.T. on TV-History International Channel,
a new UFO documentary, "I know what I saw".

Comments about the show after it airs, please post'em here.

Rio Sabinas

Old Geezer
The eye witness accounts of the massive size of some of the UFO's...incredible.
The detail of the encounter in the Rendolshom forest left me scratching my head, plus the number of witnesses, plus the higher radition levels........??

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
I've actually seen ufo's, so I know they exist. I don't know what they are, they might be secret government projects.


Tu Stultus Es
The eye witness accounts of the massive size of some of the UFO's...incredible.
The detail of the encounter in the Rendolshom forest left me scratching my head, plus the number of witnesses, plus the higher radition levels........??
I didn't catch the show but I do love me some UFO stuff. I think UFOs are a testament to the fallibility of human perception, psychology and sociology. The least likely explanation of UFOs is extraterrestrial.
As for the Rendolshom claims I still suspect a hoax first. The high radiation claims don't have substantial evidence to back them up- the amounts of radiation involved- numbers taken from Col. Halt's memo- were just 0.05 to 0.1 milliroentgens, basically background radiation. The rabbit holes mistakenly interpreted as physical evidence of landing gear, the unreliable eyewitness accounts, and the other information are classic examples or retrofitting mundane physical evidence as substantiating UFO claims.

Ian Ridpath has several great skeptical articles on Rendolshom and a skeptical UFO site as well.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
I know the government sure is funny about the ufo subject. They know more about it then we do.

Rio Sabinas

Old Geezer
The UFO incident I'd like to know the real truth about is the reported crash in Aurora Texas.
I'm not certain but I think it happened in 1898.


Tu Stultus Es
The UFO incident I'd like to know the real truth about is the reported crash in Aurora Texas.
I'm not certain but I think it happened in 1898.
Oh yeah, the April 17th, 1897 Aurora Texas UFO incident. There's even an alleged alien body buried there, victim of the crashed vehicle. I suspect that journalist S.E. Haydon fabricated the story to attract tourist dollars (the town had recently suffered several financial setbacks) as well as his being a well known prankster. The 1896-1897 flying airship hysteria sweeping the nation was prime material for a prankster to exploit and the town's financial woes made it a perfect hoax. There's also no record any windmills even existed in the town at any time (though some dispute this still). Wiki' has a decent writeup on it. Kevin Randle has also investigated the story and found nothing to support it.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
What about Roswell? You know that guy Lt. Col. Phillip Corso was able to prove he used to work for the Pentagon. The guy who said in his book before he died that we're using reverse engineered alien technology today.


Tu Stultus Es
What about Roswell? You know that guy Lt. Col. Phillip Corso was able to prove he used to work for the Pentagon. The guy who said in his book before he died that we're using reverse engineered alien technology today.
What is this? UFO day? :p

Roswell is a huge subject and deserves a thread of its own. It's been dissected so thoroughly by believers and skeptics alike that I wouldn't be surprised if someone has written their dissertation on it. My favorite book on Roswell is UFO Crash at Roswell: Genesis of a Modern Myth which, as the title attests, examines the Roswell crash from an anthropological perspective. Roswell was most likely the accidental crash of one of Project Mogul's weather balloons which was misinterpreted, hyperbolized and spun into an emic account of sci-fi folklore. It's an indispensable book for anyone interested in the Roswell incident.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
I've heard that it was a weather balloon, and I must admit, it does make sense. The material Jessie Marcel found sounds like weather balloon material, but like I said, the guy who said this can prove he worked for the Pentagon. He didn't make up his past employment by the government like Robert Lazar.

Rio Sabinas

Old Geezer
My emotional response to the Roswell Crash is that it wasn't a "Balloon" of any type.
All the top German Scientist recruited at the end of WWII at near by White Sands stands out.
Do I have any proof or any referals to go by?...No, it's just a "Gut Feeling" that it was some
type of expiermental craft, a "Black Box" project if you want to call it that.

If you think about it, the SR71 Blackbird is a prime example. The performance ability of that
aircraft is incredible. Another thing to think about along with the SR71, is that the Blackbird
technology is about 50 yrs. old....what's availible now that we don't know about?


Depends Upon My Mood..
I saw a UFO on Easter..I pointed at the sky and said "wait a minute what is that"?

My mother looked and said I dont know..but looks like maybe a piece of trash floating around in the air".

I knew for sure it wasnt a bird..and it wasnt a plane..everyone agreed..But no one could say definatively that it wasnt Super Man. ;)



Herr Heinrich

Student of Mythology
I saw a UFO on Easter..I pointed at the sky and said "wait a minute what is that"?

My mother looked and said I dont know..but looks like maybe a piece of trash floating around in the air".

I knew for sure it wasnt a bird..and it wasnt a plane..everyone agreed..But no one could say definatively that it wasnt Super Man. ;)



Maybe it was Jesus. It was Easter after all.;)


On a journey to the ocean
IMHO....it would be very presumptuous of us to assume that this humongous Universe was created and would only have one little planet with humanoids or similar life forms. Really now....