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I need help on deciding my religion!

Me Myself

Back to my username
well hence the title of this whole thread..I believe in Satan, but I am still trying to locate which religion name I am trying to take. So I am just settling with this until my search is over!

Why take a title?

When people hear such things they put you in uncomfortable rigid boxes which are bad for your neck.

Many times they even forget to put holes in there.

For when you wake up, you have your body completely destroyed by some kind of storm that raged outside, barely alive and with a lot of weird make up and a very untasteful tutu.

Those sort of titles are just not worth it.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Perhaps this God is actually a demiurge for the supposed devil, creator and enslaver of the physical world. After all, the belief in chaos and irrationality existing before creation is common and ancient, and this devil definitely stands for that. Nature is also more harmonious than humans these days, though we once got along fine without and established order or set laws or anything of the kind. Your creator, this "God", could easily be an enslaver who's used propaganda to get you to swear your soul to him. As opposed to "Satan" which is distant and impersonal and requires individuality and free thought to discover (which your God has labeled as sin).


رسول الآلهة
I myself gave Satanism a day, did not like it. Not very big on hedonism and self indulgence. Most theistic Satanist I have come into contact with are rather nutty and seem to be a little odd.
But why do you choose to accept a deity of destruction over one of light? WHy do you believe there is a difference in god and his nature? Why is he not dualistic? is it just the name Satanism that sounds so appealing?


Can't brain. Has dumb.
I myself gave Satanism a day, did not like it. Not very big on hedonism and self indulgence. Most theistic Satanist I have come into contact with are rather nutty and seem to be a little odd.
But why do you choose to accept a deity of destruction over one of light? WHy do you believe there is a difference in god and his nature? Why is he not dualistic? is it just the name Satanism that sounds so appealing?

I was reading a novel, in which a God called Orandula, who manifests as a carrion bird, is the God of death and balances. In a similar sense, some people would see that reality has its own balances. Death is the balance to life, up to down, hot to cold... You might suggest that the balance of a God of light, life and creation would be one of darkness, death and destruction. In fact, I feel it must be necessarily so, that if one exists, so to does the other. Perhaps, they are but the balancing sides of one God viewed through different eyes


Active Member
that is great you know where you want to be because we do too. and also maybe God hasnt abandoned you, but maybe he abandoned others..maybe we dont trust him. but if you want to know, God has led me only down the roads of destruction and despair..Satan has led me down peace, happiness and security. if you are trying to say i am living a destructive and sad life, i advise you to think other wise. i am perfectly fine with how my life is, yes there are things i dont like that happen but i move on

well, indeed i can't give you an advice about which religion(s) fits you but i'll advise you another advice it's about looking to god's actions.

most of us not understanding the actions of the god and getting it in a wrong meaning like abandoned us, but the fact it's sometimes being to pull us to him, to know him, to pray for him and to hear our voice calling him in the heaven
Why Allah created Good and Evil? - YouTube
in our Quran Allah said" And whoever turns away from My remembrance - indeed, he will have a depressed life" 20:124
so it's like he's telling us just to remind you by myself and to refuge to me
and said too "And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient,
Who, when disaster strikes them, say, "Indeed we belong to Allah , and indeed to Him we will return, Those are the ones upon whom are blessings from their Lord and mercy. And it is those who are the [rightly] guided." 2:155-157
just think about them may you change your idea about god

good luck in your journey :)


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
I myself gave Satanism a day, did not like it. Not very big on hedonism and self indulgence. Most theistic Satanist I have come into contact with are rather nutty and seem to be a little odd.
But why do you choose to accept a deity of destruction over one of light? WHy do you believe there is a difference in god and his nature? Why is he not dualistic? is it just the name Satanism that sounds so appealing?

I think nutty and odd just come with the territory of occultism in general haha. Reasons for choosing the title of Satanist vary rather greatly, it's the Left Hand Path. But also this devil figure gives knowledge, power, freedom where God has sin, destroys cities, floods the world, so who's the destructive God and who's the light? As for dualism, again God is the one who seems to have a single goal in mind. Meanwhile chaos seems to simply be, the devil figure can be friend and foe, hell in Egyptian mythology Set himself helped keep Ra from being swallowed by Apep and therefore helped save all existence. Prometheus was helping the people. The serpent in the garden gave us knowledge. Satan is a suitable title as it means adversary, and this force, whether objective or simply intellectual, is certainly the adversary to this God of the masses.


رسول الآلهة
I was reading a novel, in which a God called Orandula, who manifests as a carrion bird, is the God of death and balances. In a similar sense, some people would see that reality has its own balances. Death is the balance to life, up to down, hot to cold... You might suggest that the balance of a God of light, life and creation would be one of darkness, death and destruction. In fact, I feel it must be necessarily so, that if one exists, so to does the other. Perhaps, they are but the balancing sides of one God viewed through different eyes

I agree with you on this except I have always been unsure if it is a separate entity or a dualistic singular god, I just never made up my mind about this issue but have always worked in a monotheistic attitude. My primary issue is that people believe that using the title Satanist is somehow unique and impressive. Satanism is just stained by childish games it seems.
I have met a rather unique Satanist though who calls his branch "Demonic Satanism". It is quite unique in theology and solves this issue


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Plus the demiurge is part of the ultimate God anyways, perhaps it's just a test of worthiness, seeing who's willing to think, to embrace "freedom", to work for "salvation", etc.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Hi, anybody and everybody who is reading this! My name is Madison and I am in desperate need. I know what I believe, but I have no idea what it is called and I am desperate to know. I do believe in the Devil, Satan, Lucifer etc. so anything about God is immediately scratched off. I do believe he is a being, kind of like God if you know what I mean?


You're in despair.............!:eek: We can't have that!
I can see you are......
you write:- ....God is scratched off.....
Then you write:- ....I believe he (Satan?) is....... kind of like God.....
See? You do have a God!:)
Then (much later) you write:- ......... i am perfectly fine with how my life is, yes ................

Then (much later) you write:- ...........I believe in Satan, but I am still trying to locate which religion name I am trying to take............

It is so sad....... to read that you are so despairing, and seeking, yet 'perfectly fine', and then you 'have found'.

Just so you know, apart from a very few, many hundreds of faiths, religions and creeds do believe in the devil. So in some ways, you have something in common? :yes:
Are you sure that you have the DEvil and God the right way round? You could have muddled them?
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