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I Quit Smoking! .....I hope!


Well it's been exsactly 25 hours and 32 min. since I had a Smoke. I went a got this laser treatment with a cold laser. the use accupunture points and stuff. Worked pretty well. I had some pretty bad cravings last night but so far 0 today!. Man I hope this works. I dono what the point of this was, just wanted to share I guess!


Well-Known Member
WeAreAllOne said:
Well it's been exsactly 25 hours and 32 min. since I had a Smoke. I went a got this laser treatment with a cold laser. the use accupunture points and stuff. Worked pretty well. I had some pretty bad cravings last night but so far 0 today!. Man I hope this works. I dono what the point of this was, just wanted to share I guess!
:woohoo: Good for you! I've never smoked, so I know I can't fully appreciate what you're going through. I've been told that giving up cigarettes is one of the hardest things a person can do. I'm hoping for a healthier, longer life for you as a result of this decision. It may be hard, but I'm sure it will be worth it.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
All the best! I gave up from 20-30 a day overnight after 20 odd years. What I found the most important element was the real determination; I had tried before, but it had always been for someone else's sake.........it had to me my own decision.

I'll be thinking of you........and you just keep remembering how much money you'll be saving!:bounce


Citizen Mod
I Quit Smoking! .....I hope!
Do or do not-there is no try.


Veteran Member
WeAreAllOne said:
Well it's been exactly 25 hours and 32 min. since I had a Smoke. I went a got this laser treatment with a cold laser. the use accupunture points and stuff. Worked pretty well. I had some pretty bad cravings last night but so far 0 today!. Man I hope this works. I dono what the point of this was, just wanted to share I guess!
You have my full, sincere, and heart-felt support. I quit smoking about 9 years ago, after having smoked 2 packs a day for 20 years. I used acupuncture, but to be honest, I don't think it did much to alleviate the cravings. Quitting smoking was very, very hard to do. But I think it's partly because it was so hard that I have not fallen pray to the temptation to smoke again. I don't ever want to have to go through quitting, again. And even after 9 years, I'm still exceedingly grateful on a daily basis that I don't smoke. THANK GOD I am free of that horrible addiction!!! And I truly hope that you will remain free of it, too!


Following Christ
Congratulations and I wish you much success. Like Squirt, I have never smoked, and for that matter, I've never even had the desire to suck on any thing burning.

One tip I've heard from people who have successfully stopped smoking is to get a 'change jar'. Everyday, put the money you would have spent on smokes, but didn't, in the jar, and it will give you a tangible benefit to go along with the health benefits that may take you a bit longer to recognize.:)


Active Member
Wow! Good for you. I know what it's like to quit and it ain't no walk in the park. I quit about 13 years ago and it was pure hell. However, I was able to get through it. I used the patch and that worked for me. I hope your laser treatment works as well for you.

Hang in there and know that you are getting lots of support from the folks here. I'll send lots of positive energy your way. Let us know how it's going.


Well-Known Member
Good Job!!!!!!!!!!!! I sometimes wonder, if I was a smoker, what I would do to quit. I think my first step would be to dispose of all the cigarettes in the house.


Mother Heathen
Way to go! I quit cold turkey several years ago, when my husband and I were just discussing having a second child...she's now fifteen months old and I'm still smoke free.

After about three weeks...the worst is over. Hang in there! I'm proud of you! :)


Wow thank all of you for the replys. Well so far I'm 36 hours into it and day two was more or less a brease. I only had one mild craving in the mornig, even though I had to diliver pizzas wich is were I smoke the very most. I really dident even want one, I thought i did but I dident. I'm pretty impressed with this laser thing. Must have worked well becuase I don't think it's sposta be this easy. I just hope it stays this way! Thanks again everyone!

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Good luck. Myself, I have went 8 hours since my last cigarette. Instead of just giving them up at once, my approach this time was first to cut back, which I went from a pack a day, to a pack every few days, to a pack a week, and I am now at a pack every 2 to 3 weeks. I found reducing from a larger to gradually smaller amount to be the easy part, even though it took along time for me to get to where I am. Now, when I get a craving, I go as long as I can, until it becomes maddening to go any longer.

To give those who wonder a good picture of what its like, just going cold turkey is very difficult. You can get rid of all the smokes in the house, but, you have to get gas sometime. The two most selling products at many gas stations are gas, and cigarettes. Thats usually when I have a very big craving, is when I'm paying for my gas. I had to start getting gas as its own seperate activity, not to be done while I was out shoping. The reason is, if I am planing on buying stuff, I will have extra cash, and that means money for smokes. I carry just enough money to a gas station to fill up and get a couple bottles of Coke. I also switched to Camel lights. I really don't like regular Camels, and I hate lights, but the nicotine is thier, it satifies an urgent craving, and I don't look foward to smoking. Those are the only tips I have now. I am tempted to buy a pack of Salem FF blacks, and the only thing that keeps me from doing it is carrying just enough cash. And since Camels are cheaper, I can buy what I hate, because I can't afford what I want.


Luke Wolf said:
Good luck. Myself, I have went 8 hours since my last cigarette. Instead of just giving them up at once, my approach this time was first to cut back, which I went from a pack a day, to a pack every few days, to a pack a week, and I am now at a pack every 2 to 3 weeks. I found reducing from a larger to gradually smaller amount to be the easy part, even though it took along time for me to get to where I am. Now, when I get a craving, I go as long as I can, until it becomes maddening to go any longer.

To give those who wonder a good picture of what its like, just going cold turkey is very difficult. You can get rid of all the smokes in the house, but, you have to get gas sometime. The two most selling products at many gas stations are gas, and cigarettes. Thats usually when I have a very big craving, is when I'm paying for my gas. I had to start getting gas as its own seperate activity, not to be done while I was out shoping. The reason is, if I am planing on buying stuff, I will have extra cash, and that means money for smokes. I carry just enough money to a gas station to fill up and get a couple bottles of Coke. I also switched to Camel lights. I really don't like regular Camels, and I hate lights, but the nicotine is thier, it satifies an urgent craving, and I don't look foward to smoking. Those are the only tips I have now. I am tempted to buy a pack of Salem FF blacks, and the only thing that keeps me from doing it is carrying just enough cash. And since Camels are cheaper, I can buy what I hate, because I can't afford what I want.
Well Good luck to you! Hang in there!


Veteran Member
Best of continued success! I hope you are feeling better already. I know it's hard but keep up the good work.

What's the laser treatment entail? Never heard of it.