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I received a Kufi, gift from the Prophet's daughter Fatima!


Veteran Member
Oh wow! I was talking about the prophet's favorite daughter on RF right before a walk... During the walk I found an Arab Muslim Kufi.

Largely, I was talking about his daughter, because I had a dream about her as Queen of heaven. And I was typing a letter to her in the dream, that I felt I had to end with the letters 1917, and the words were going into the Queen of Heaven, and making her more powerful....capable of helping put an end to this madness and save the world. THe hamsa, hand of Fatima, will be the hand that holds the globe together.
1917 being the year of the miracle of Fatima.
The fire alarms here also went off , and fire trucks showed up. IT all felt mildly connected.


Do I look Muslim? I am in the sense that I pray to "the most compassionate, the most merciful", which is the most common description of who Allah is. Which eliminates the possibility that he was the author of a lot of the Quran, Allah did not write those verses about torturing and mutilating infidels. The most compassionate, the most merciful, does not approve of hate or bigotry. So, anything that is not the "Most compassionate, most merciful", is a false God.

The prophet's daughter I feel is my friend. Since I have been to Fatima, where the miracle happened, even though it was the virgin Mary, she took the title "Lady of Fatima", and it was a solar miracle. Fatima means "Arab Moon Goddess, source of the sun." Pagans who didn't like the prophet Muhammad , actually did like his daughter Fatima, and people wanted to bow before her when entering a room or kiss her face, because many thought she was an incarnation of the Arab Virgin Queen of Heaven, Prehistoric moon Goddess, source of the Sun, Fatima."

My grandma was named Appolonia (female for Apollo, sun God. JFK was born the year of the Fatima miracle. He started the Appollo program, to get us to the moon), she was born the year of the Fatima miracle of the sun Miracle of the Sun - Wikipedia, and she died May 13, feast of our lady of Fatima. May 13 was the day that the pope who made the first consecration of Russia to Mary's immaculate heart, got shot , anniversary day of Mary first appearing to the children on top of a tree. The tree of paradise, is one of the symbols for Fatima. Atheists tried unsuccessfully twice to blow that tree up.

One of the times. They blew up the wrong tree. The next time. They could not get the bomb to go off.

THe other Fatima symbol, is the Hamsa, the hand of Fatima, the hand that guides us to destiny.

The all seeing eye of DIvine femininity. Ra was the original Sun God of Egypt, the main Deity. But the Eye of Ra, were women who fought all his battles and handed politics. So, her being the source of the sun, would probably be greater than AmunRa, (Sun God) and "the Eye might imply multiple different independent female sentient beings."

Either way one looks at the Fatima miracles, when you look at the fact that atheists who kidnapped the seers, put them in an adult jail, threatened to boil them with oil, and the children would not take back their story.... when you look at how militant atheists , from the militant atheist government, showed up that day, to mock the event and encourage the crowd to kill the seers, also use the event of 70,000 people in the rain showing up from long pilgramedges , to see nothing of the promised sign....it would be good for promoting atheism and hurting the seers.

When those very militant atheists wrote in the secular paper that they could look at the sun without it hurting their eyes, that it changed many colors, that it danced in the sky for about 12 minutes, and that it started growing larger and larger like the world was ending. It caused the atheist government in portugal to fall, and what mary said about the coming of world war 2, how to avoid it, the consecration of Russia to her immaculate heart (and all the problems russia would cause in the world), and the first pope that made the consecration got shot multiple times, survived, and put the bullet in the crown of the fatima pilgrim statue, thanked her, anniversary of our lady of fatima first appearing to the children.....

...With those factors, it's hard to find another single miracle since the invention of photography, that comes close to being more significant on how to stop wars and terrible disorders breaking out on earth,.... or harder to find another miracle in the 20th and 21st century harder to prove wrong, since so many communists, anti catholic freemasons, atheists, (in a government that was at that time militant atheist,) who saw it, wrote about it, promoted it in secular newspapers, and it caused the atheist government to fall. Fairy tails and delusions don't get that powerful.

When we were in Fatima, I was kidnapped, it wasn't legal. My mother had a very immoral house. My dad was trying to save my faith. It was one of the best things that happened to me, but, kidnapping children to save their souls is clear sign I don't have healthy parents on either side.....we lived in the basement owned by the children of direct siblings of two of the three seers. That was quite the grace.

Muhammad said that no one resembles Mary closer than his daughter. That was many centuries before Mary appeared in Fatima , as "our lady of Fatima", taking his daughter's name, to prove that at least he was right about that. Then working a Solar miracle, because theologically, Fatima was the Source of the Sun.

His daughter would not be in favor of how Islam is displayed with hate. She and her husband Ali were supposed to inherit the religious leadership. The prophet did not write the Quran. Non Muslims are most likely to believe Muhammad wrote the Quran. Muslims know better. It wasn't written down while he was alive.

But she (Fatima) was violently martyred by Sunni Muslims while pregnant. Oviously, ( with people to this day worshipping her as Divine, who do not respect the Quran , who do not give a lot of credibility to her father , but believe she was heroic, saint, divine, courageous, and martyr. She was all of the above)many Muslims saw the love that the average person had for his favorite daughter, was greater than the average love found for the prophet, and so, she became hated by those who also resented her lack of anger at people starving for her love. It seemed she should condemn the idolatry, and an extremely misogynistic man whose marriage proposal she turned down, also took advantage of this , to stirr up the need and duty of Sunni Muslims to prevent her and Ali inheriting the religious superior office of shaping +molding a new religion.

That resulted in violence against her while she was pregnant, leaving her with broken ribs and internal damage as they raided her house, that she would quickly die from after the raiders left her house. The purpose of the attack was to arrest her husband Ali, right after Muhammad died, to prevent him from inheriting the office.

Abū Bakr Abu Bakr | Biography & Facts was Muhammad’s closest companion and adviser, who succeeded to the Prophet’s political and administrative functions, thereby initiating the office of the caliph.

He clearly betrayed the Prophet, because Fatima would not permit him to be at her funeral. The prophet would have sided with his favorite daughter that he said resembled Mary more than anyone on earth, and she was the most likeable person he knew.

She lived long enough after the attack to let that be known to enough people , that the traitor who hijacked Islam, he wasn't to be at her funeral . So, the man who was supposed to be Muhammad's closest friend, his daughter won't let attend his funeral. His favorite daughter. Is probably making the prophet role in his grave with how that has shaped the relagion. Continuing to hurt people today.

And she and her husband were violently prevented from being successor. Abu Bakr hijacked Islam, initiating the office of Caliph.

The polytheists hinking she was an incarnation of Fatima , moon Goddess, (to this day)and the fact that how humble , how loving, how inoccent she was, made her more loveable to many people than the prophet. SO, Sunni Muslim's were worried what would become of Islam, if Fatima, and her husband Ali woul inherit religious superior office, and have such a powerful influence over shaping Islam, and even the sacred texts.

Also, starting yesterday, I've been watching Islam videos, which I never do, largely to get a better understanding of the west bank and gaza issue. Making it an interesting coincidencce for the Kufi to show up as well. The Gaza attacks happened on October 7. That is feast of our lady of the Rosary, October 7th. The lady of Faima said "I am the lady of the Rosary". The Rosary is attributed to a battle known as Lepanto, known as "The battle that saved the West!" That happened on October 7th. I was praying the Rosary when I found the Kufi.

I am against hate , racism, and bigotry, coming from people on both sides. But there are humble compassionate people on both sides who are victimized. I want everyone to be set free and reach eternal satisfaction, freedom, peace, joy, understanding.

I don't see what good comes from putting hateful people in hell if they are already tortured and don't experience freedom+ peace+ being alive. I want them fixed, recreated, to have the ability to see and love, and be saints .

I was praying the rosary when I found that Kufi. It fits my head perfectly. It is the color for Mary and Inanna, Color for ocean and sky.

The hamas attacks being feast of our lady of the Rosary, is why I started watching what role Islam plays in the behavior of Hamas yesterday. But if the prophet's daughter never got murdered, (she lived a few months after the raid and broken bones + misscarriage, but betting anything that is what killed her) Islam would be far different.

To say Islam was hijacked by those who violently murdered the Prophet's favorite daughter, I've studied and prayed enough on the issue to be convinced of, is accurate. And that upsets no one more than the Prophet, (Peace be upon him.)

. (So, no coincidence I found that Kufi while praying the Rosary, after I watched those videos, dreams about the prophet's daughter as one of the "Queens of Heaven" , and I typed her a letter with numbers, in the dream, signed the year of the fatima miracle in the dream. She actually came in multiple dreams throughout that day and morning when I would awake briefly between the next dream.

Her husband was Ali. Princess Jasmine husband was Prince Ali.
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