The problem is your evidence relies on anecdote and I can see no references to reputable scientific studies.
And therein lies the problem. The "reputable" studies come from what source? The same source that demonized cannabis in the first place. Do you really think they would cut their own throats by telling the truth? They have managed to keep the truth hidden for over half a century.
You know that doctors today face the increasing incidence of symptoms related to the western diet. Fatigue, bowel problems, skin problems, depression, obesity, sleeplessness, low energy levels, and general feelings of being unwell, which translate into problems at work, at home, at school or university and in relationships because there is no awareness of
why they are suffering these debilitating symptoms. Everyone you talk to has some, or all of them.
FWIW, this video explains why.
Its not from a source that you have been trained to recognize.....but I ask you to just listen to the information with an open mind and see why we are all in this predicament. Whatever takes place in America, usually infects the whole world, tied together by the same greed that sacrifices lives and health on the alter of profit. We are all affected and indeed "infected" with the same cause of this 'epidemic'. The solution is not rocket science....but how do you cure an addiction? Shouldn't we either prevent access to the cause, or show people a way to cure themselves....or both? Should ignorance be allowed to kill us?
With any medication there is always a large placebo affect and thats why we need randomised control trials to take that into account. Any medical researcher or doctor knows this.
It isn't just cannabis that is on trial here. Its the whole medical system......'alternative' or 'complimentary medicine' is often portrayed as 'quackery' by the orthodox medical system, and it is true that there are charlatans on both sides begging for our money.......but the orthodox system prevails because it has the best propaganda, and the most power over people...these are the ones who prescribe their very expensive drugs to an ignorant public.
If people are sick, they go to a doctor and usually get a prescription for pharma drugs. In western society, we are virtually locked into that system financially. I know we are in Australia....orthodox medicine is heavily subsidised, but alternative medical treatment is not. Pharma drugs are also subsidised by governments who gain enormous amounts of tax revenue from drug companies in a very cozy relationship. But alternative medicine, which is not as expensive as pharma drugs and consultation with its equally qualified practitioners, has to come out of someone's pocket....making it out of reach for many.
In the case of epilepsy in a young child, it is nigh on impossible to prove a case of the placebo effect. These kids in the throws of a seizure don't even know that the medicine is being administered. And that brings me to the placebo effect itself, and why it is not used in orthodox medicine? Who cares if it isn't the real drug? Isn't the most important thing that it works? Is this not tapping into the body's own ability to heal itself just by believing that they will get well? No money in placebos, is there?
I have heard of patients in double blind studies begging to be able to continue to take the placebo, even when they knew it wasn't the real thing......but were denied when the trial was over...can you explain that? It was an inexpensive fake, but it worked.
There are established and proven methods for proving the effectiveness and risks of any medication. We need to provide the same standards for testing MC as we do any other drug.
The "established and proven methods for proving the effectiveness and risks of any medication" are just ridiculous. They are not proof of effectiveness really, but proving what can be given to patients with limited or no real results, without actually killing the them....well at least not straight away. Treatments are designed keep a person coming back for more treatments, sometimes creating customers for life.....however short that life may be.
The same 'standard of testing' would mean seeing how many patients who already take MC, and have done for years, do not experience any detrimental side effects...and do not have morbidity or mortality issues even remotely close to what pharma drugs produce. I would find that more compelling evidence for efficacy than any short term drug trial. Anecdotal evidence to me is as valid as any drug trial conducted by those with a vested interest in its promotion.
As far as I can see, those who practice orthodox medicine are 'infected' by the propaganda of the drug companies who fund the medical schools and teach their students all about pharmacology but not much about diet or preventative medicine....these are not the ones who should be judging the efficacy of MC. Let the results of the people who have been taking it (often illegally) for years tell you how well it works. Lets expose the reasons why cannabis and hemp were made illegal in the first place and see what has been right under our noses all along.
You may also be interested in this expose'......
The True History of Deceit Within the Rise of "Western Medicine" - The Last American Vagabond
I am not interested in the politics, which we all know is corrupt anyway, but in the interests of the sick and dying to know why they are suffering needlessly....and who are preventing them from getting relief and even potential cures for their conditions. The wickedness of this world is enough to 'make you sick'! And is confirmation to me of the existence of the devil who, I believe is in control of all of it. (1 John 5:19)