Well, as a matter of fact, that is a spider monkey, and the most frightening experience I have had walking after midnight in Minnesota, involved what appeared to be a spider monkey, though they are not native to Minnesota.
I go to capitol hill to pay homage to the names carved into granite that died violently in vietnam, and something came out of the bush next to the big cliff size plaque that is lighted up. It was no larger than a spider monkey when it came out of the bush, and I looked away when we made eye contact , (looked like a spider monkey) because if they see fear, it can cause aggression.
I began praying to, paying homage to the soldiers carved into the plaque as the creature grew the size of a homo sapien bigger than myself. I closed my eyes, bowed, prepared to meet my maker, and walked towards the capitol building which has many lights all night long.
I am never afraid at Capitol hill saint Paul. It's modeled after Saint Peter's basilica, Vatican city, and many things endearing to my heart, like when they put 1,000 or more red tombstones over capitol hill with the name of a local woman who got violently murdered.
But that night, I must have been guilty of some sin, because I didn't feel that shield I usually feel there , like "Mom's gonna protect me, and if I die, I will die in a state of grace. I don't like living anyways. " That usually scares people who want to intimidate me, when I say with genuine sincerety "Blow my brains out!"
But that night I was definately spooked like never before, on turf I am most comfortable with. At one point I could hear and feel footsteps behind me, and I could actually see a figure right behind my shoulder.
I remember the brown and white hat and dress shirt they seemed to be wearing over my shoulder.
I turned around to try to look as comfortable and friendly as possible and say "Hello there. How's tonight treating you?".
But no one was there. Not on the entire capitol Hill. Then I got really scared because I realized I wasn't sane. I walked home as fast as I could and realized , my God , my Capitol Hill Queens, can take away my cocky "not scared of death. "
Indifferent because " i hate how stupid this world is. It's only gonna get more stupid and I'm not getting any younger....I hate my life! Would rather get shot than die of cancer. It's gonna happen anyways."
I learned how bad it is for some people, and that what ever confidence I have in dying fearless and prepared for death, that shield, that has scared people away, or won respect in situations like incarceration or the ghetto of New York....it can be taken away at any time.
I'm not sure why it was that night though. If I was a worse sinner than usual or if I just got picked at random.
Lol! It taught me a few lessons though. And it began with a spider monkey.