I just realized that there would be no way that you could know how excited I got seeing the picture of the Trillium MV . Not from my posts at lest . I phoned my father Monday afternoon { he still lives in N.S. } and said " You will never guess what I saw . A guy on a forum posted a picture of a flower that I haven't seen since I was a kid ." He thought for a sec and replied " That flower with the three petals ... "
He couldn't recall the name before I said it , but he knew the flower , just from the little I had said . Oh , and he says that they are more common there now ?
The Trillium was one of the first flowers to bloom in the Spring . And being rare , I would search for them each year . Always found a few . Mayflowers were another that we hunted in the spring , but they were much more common . And then one year , my mother told me that I couldn't go swimming untill I found a Tiger Lily . She had no idea how early they sometimes bloom . I had one for her within a week . And they also became a flower that I would search out and usually find much before I wanted to go swimming .
So you see that your picture brought back many memories for me MV . Thank you .
BTW I haven't seem one in years , because they don't grow this far west . I hope that you don't mind if I take a copy of your picture ?