A few Christians would want that. Most Christians are not white racists, by the way.
Some Hindus would be comfortable with that statement, but I’m not. The god of the Qur’an approves of murdering cows, Buddha was a man who did not even pay lip service to the Vedas, and the god of the Hebrew Bible does not acknowledge the existence of Durgā and Rāma.
A few? Sorry I disagree - it would be the majority, not a few
There is a lot of racism in this world
Look up any religious faculty in the US - they are limited to the 4 white religions - the 3 Abrahamic religions and Buddhism. Why Buddhism? Number wise they are far less than Hindus - but the Buddha went east and picked up white followers and so Buddhism has gained respect
Philosophy is limited to whites only - mostly male - pick up any book on philosophy - you will be hard pressed to find any women, black or brown philosophers
Try this - What if God comes down as a brown man and says his name is Rama - will you accept him?
You can see this is a loaded question and you can ask around but you will NOT get a straight answer
Being a Hindu means being open to ALL religions, ALL ideas - that is why we say the Buddha was an incarnation of God Vishnu
It is knowledge we seek - not cheap pleasures of the flesh in Heaven
And as per the Vedas - we must seek not only Vidya(Knowledge) but also Avidya(Not Knowledge)
That means being open to ALL ideas - not everything Muhammed said or the Buddha said is wrong
Muhammed gave women more rights than most other religions of the day and even today Muslim women had more rights back in the day than today - Muslim countries have become these openly sexist countries that Muhammed would be ashamed of
The Buddha taught us to find peace and contentment in a turbulent world