Now define something without that requiring a human.
So here is your trick used on you. I define you as worthless therefore it is fact, because I define what is useful.
As long as you don't understand that all your definitions require a human and that defining X is Y doesn't necessarily make it a fact that X is Y, we will play this game.
They only 'require a human' in the trivial sense that I am a human and the one doing it.
Yes, a definition that the word X means Y *does* mean that X is Y is true.
So sorry, but I know you can take it. Learn the limitations of your big beautiful brain or I will continue to point it out.
I am quite aware of human limitations.
So here it is. There are no things in themselves in practice, because you are in the world and all you know is in relationship to you.
So what? Why should I regard myself as that significant?
So, yes, all *I* know is because of information *I* get and is in relation to *me*. So what? That only says something about how I relate to the larger reality. But I do not define that reality.
So if you read the results on an instrument, that requires that you read the results and some human has made it and calibrated it to a standard.
Again, so what? If dogs get intelligence and can calibrate machines, does that mean it is all about dogs?
Objective is the relationship between human cognition and something not human cognition, because otherwise you can't know that it is objective as a relationship.
Humans are just one species on this small planet. Why would we be the ones to define meaning for the whole?
If there is another intelligent race, does everything still only depend on human cognition? Or is it about cognition in general, no matter what the origin?
Phenomenon: plural phenomena : an observable fact or event.
What does those words require? It is that simple. When you claim what matters however you do it in practice, it is only a fact, because it matters to you. That is so for all humans, who have the cognition to do so.
Yes, questions of values are subjective opinions. What 'matters' is a question of values.
And, again, why only humans? Why not dogs and cats? They certainly consider some things to be important. How about lions? And maybe plants determine some things more relevant than others.
It seems to me that you are giving way too much weight to human cognition simply because we are human.