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If God exists, would It have a sense of humor?


You can learn a lot about someone just by observing their work and that goes for God too.

I agree, but according to some here, God is unknowable.

As a believer in the existence of a creator, when I look at nature and see so much purpose, imagination and diversity, in my mind God is someone with an incredible personality. I see His sense of humor in many things. Animals for example: spend some time looking at penguins, dolphins, monkeys or meerkats to name just a few and you find yourself having a laugh.
God is the opposite of cold.

Yes, but I would hope that God would be above slapstick, sit-coms and potty humor, and have a more sophisticated taste in humor, like mine :) , such as ironic, dark and even (dare I say) gallows humor. I wrote this little parable several years ago as a response to why God would have created us, and why humor--and disdain--would play a part.

The Parable of the Lonely God:

***BIG BANG!***



<<><>The Universe Begins<><>>

God (Voice of James Earl Jones) : Gabriel, isn't this a beautiful universe I created?
Gabriel (Voice of Sylvester Stallone): Yes Boss.
God: (Sigh). Adam, what about you, what do you think of the universe?
Adam (voice of Eddie Murphy): Oh, it’s absolutely delightful. I particularly like those sparkly little galaxies, and you just can't beat a brilliant sunset on the beach or a thunderstorm over the Grand Canyon. I can’t even get started about women, you hit the jackpot with that one. But those black holes are a holy terror. And WHY is everything SO----FAR----APART. Man-o-man, the nearest star is 4 light years away. What were you thinking? And couldn't you at least do something about those damn mosquitoes. I hope I'm not stepping on any toes here, but if I'd have arranged things......
God: (Sigh)………(**Smile**)

Seems to me that the sense of humor is a survival tool for us complex gregarious animals.

Yet we also crave humor in the best of times. And I don't really think it's a survival tool as much as it is a tool for dealing with and for laughing at death.

So perhaps if you're immortal you don't need one. And you never understand why people might laugh.

Not need one so much as want one--see parable above.

I thought the Republicans had made great azzes out of themselves the last many months. Their leader seems to epitomize a strutting ostrich.

Yeah, I shouldn't have brought it up, but since I did, it's not the Republicans per se. Trump is a much needed dose of reality, and if he can do that, he can strut all he wants. Our problem is the entrenched corrupt establishment in the Democrats, media AND the Republicans, which is the real problem we face. Step back and take a look at who and what they defend, and what they're attacking, with nothing but emotional daggers.


God would have to have a sense of humour in order to create it.

I'm not sure why that would be necessarily so.

Or did you think only humans had the exclusive rights on that? :D

I just asked the question. But now that you mentioned, whether we have an exclusive right to it or not, that would have to have been determined by God in any case, so....


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
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My favorite example of God's humor as expressed in the Bible is in the answer to this question: "Does God have a sense of humor?"

The answer is: "Perhaps the best indication that God does have a sense of humor is that He created man in His image"

I believe our self-awareness is the primary trait we might have been made in the image of.

You're making me smile because you went on to write this:

Makes it "necessarily so".

Yes, IF God exists and created us with or without a sense of humor. But God might not have a sense of humor and could have created, or created the universe which spawned us, without any regards to it. It could be we're the only being in the universe who laugh. I doubt it, but....


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Yes, IF God exists and created us with or without a sense of humor. But God might not have a sense of humor and could have created, or created the universe which spawned us, without any regards to it. It could be we're the only being in the universe who laugh. I doubt it, but....

Rats laugh, so do other animals... and I believe any "intellect" which can spot "irony" can laugh. Vulcan's don't exist - we can think them up but they don't exist.

The Turin test on AI also proves that mankind has programmed "humour" into machinated code so that a well designed robot can learn algorythms which allow it to to imitate irony and thus, by way of extension - humour.

What we must fundamentally ask is not "how" - but "why". Why did God create Humour - if not for moments, like these? :D



अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Vulcan's don't exist - we can think them up but they don't exist.


Sorry, I couldn't just pass it up. I now return you to your regularly scheduled discussion...