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The satan's genius guidence for degradation of humankind is historically obvious: Garden of Eden, Theocracy, Monarchy, Despotism, Democracy, Demonocracy "this is your hour-when darkness reigns." Luke 22:53. Latter is the dictator-ship of literal demons, which causes the disbelievers to become fully unreachable to Good News that Christ is Risen. The Demonocracy leads to Grand Finale: trans-humankind (falsely known as “trans-humanism due to technological singularity”). The trans-humankind and the “toxic masculinity” with the “trans-sexuality” (falsely known as “trans-gender”) by their titles show, that it is just the old evil genocide hidden by scientific cover. Indeed, the improvement of medicine and technology does not require the re-definition of humankind, as it was not needed in technological revolutions in the past. The satan was the very first murderer, thus the spirit of murder itself and even today he lies: “you will not die, but become trans-humans!” (cf. Genesis, Bible). The satan has become much more crazy, than he was in time of Jesus Christ: he has not told the Jesus, that he is an “alien and Bible is fake”. The masculinity is not toxic, and the sex, and the humans are not “post” or “trans”, because the God is not evil, and does not create from the Nothing the New Nothing. Look video by the male-friendly activist DeAnna Lorraine: “MASCULINITY is NOT to blame”
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