Veteran Member
I was thinking about whether we had childrens and then left them in a place where they could learn everything except religion or faith
No one will find faith in Jesus
They will not imagine that there is a god who came to earth to sacrifice himself
Likewise, other religions such as Hinduism or some of the Buddhist sects that believe in the incarnation of Deity or even Baha'i
They will never believe in any deity on earth because they will think they are a human element but it is mathematically or educationally superior
But they can easy think about that there is a great Creator outside the field in which they live
This is what I want to deliver
What if a world war occurred or we moved to live on another planet and lost all the information related to the scriptures
All beliefs will disappear, and only faith in the existence of hi Creator, the Risen One, which is the ancient God that Jews and Muslims believe in, will remain.
Faith in Jesus or any faith in human existence on Earth will not survive
Only the belief in the existence of a great supreme creator over the heavens
Children's who grow up without religions will have a questions of where they came from and will not be atheists
Children's who grow up without religions will have a questions of where they came from and will not be atheists
I visualize that children of the Atheism/Agnosticism/Skepticism (as they are only recent phenomenon) won't belong to these ideologies/no-ideologies. Right, please?
Human beings as ,I understand, had always been most of them, if not all, as there is no compulsion, believers in Oneness-of-God and only a few confused of them were non-believers.Right, please?