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If You Become Mine, All World Is Yours.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you….When God sends His servant for spiritual reforms, people from various groups opposes him but divine support helps him…. New dimensions of station, status and divine support with Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) are seen when his promised son Hazrat Musleh Mo’ud (may Allah be pleased with him) mentions events about divine support from the life of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.). Some of the events are being mentioned here…… Words of caution: It should be noted that names of certain people (or their affiliation to certain faith) who were adherent to certain religions will be mentioned, this mention is not because of any hatred, but it was part of historical chain of events.

1) Allah the Exalted has mentioned a principle of truth of a Prophet in Holy Quran in Surah Yunus, as Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) was taught to say to disbelievers:

[ch10:v17] “…..faqad labisto fikum omoram min qablehi afalaa ta’qeloon”

‘……..Thus I have indeed lived among you a (whole) lifetime before this. Will you not then understand?’

The past of a Prophet manifests his life.

Hazrat Musleh Mo’ud (r.a.) convened a meeting and he answered the objections raised in gathering of opponents [held in Qadian, in which they spoke very evil about Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.); they wanted a clash but failed] piously and proved the truth Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.).

Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) said: When we see the life of Hazrat Mirza sahib [Promised Messiah (a.s.)] before his claim, we find that he repeatedly announced for local Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims, ‘Can you raise any objection about my previous life?’…No one could do so. On the contrary they acknowledged his (a.s.) life was always pure….This testimony and inability to raise objection was in accordance with

[ch10:v17] ‘……..Thus I have indeed lived among you a (whole) lifetime before this. Will you not then understand?’

The later-turned-severe-opponent clergy Molvi Muhammad Hussain Batalvi wrote a testimonial about the pure life of Hazrat Mirza sahib before he made claim of coming from God. The father of Mr. Zafar Ali Khan also furnished same testimony in his newspaper….Thus the person [Promised Messiah (a.s.) ] who remained spotless for 40 years and lived pious life, how could he become something else overnight and turned evil? The scholars who study the self (the psychologists) has recognized moral weakness develops slowly. Thus the past of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) was so flawless and pure that no one could point anything.

2) Allah the Exalted says in Surah Momin:

[ch40:v52] “inna la’nansoro rosolona …….”

‘Most surely We help Our Messengers……’

How do we see this help for Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace)….. Various attempts were made for his killing. People were appointed to kill him. They were exposed. False murder court cases were filed against him; a Dr. Martin Clark filed such case that Mirza sahib [Promised Messiah (a.s.)] sent someone for his murder. Even a witness was produced in court who said he was appointed for suggested murder…..The magistrate was a person who had earlier commented, ‘Why have someone not caught this claimant of being Messiah and Mahdi till now, I shall seize !’. But when the case started, the very same magistrate repeatedly said, ‘To me, this is a false case’. Then he separated the accuser (basic witness) from Christian (pastors) and gave him to the custody of police safety. When he felt safe, he cried and spoke the truth how he was being used… That is how God demolished this false accusation.

3) A devotee Muballigh of Jama'at Molvi Umer Din Shimlavi became Ahmadi by gauging through the standard of:

[40:52] ‘Most surely We help Our Messengers……’

Umer sahib, prior to becoming Ahmadi, in Shimla area, met clergies Molvi Batalvi and Molvi Abdur Rahman and some others, who were discussing Now which method they should adopt against Mirza sahib [Promised Messiah]. One said: Mirza sahib has announced he will make no more debates now on. We should issue an advertisement for debate. If he accepts, we will say he lied regarding no more debates. If he declines, we will make roar that Mirza sahib is defeated….At this Molvi Umer Din said what was the need of all this, I go and simply murder him. At this, Molvi Batalvi said: Boy, what do you know? All this has been tried

It pierced into the heart of Molvi Umer Din that the person whom God is protecting so much, he is surely from God…..He went and did Bai'at. When he was going back, he was met by Molvi Batalvi at Batala railway station who asked Umer sahib: Where are you? . Umer sahib told him: Coming after Bai'at in Qaadian!..... Molvi Batalvi said: You are very mischievous, I shall write to your father…..Umer sahib said: Molvi sahib! whatever is done, it is due to you!.

Thus opponents wants to kill but Allah the Exalted saves. Rather if opponent is of pious nature, he becomes the victim of truth! (i.e. he accepts the truth).

4) Details of false murder case mentioned in # 2 above.

It was started by [Christian Pastor Waris Din through] Martin Clark. Molvi Batalvi, a Muslim clergy [admirer of Promised Messiah but turned biggest opponent after his advent], came as witness but he was belittled by Allah the Exalted….. Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) said that Martin Clark claimed in the court that Mirza sahib sent a man to murder him. Those who were called Muslim Ulama (scholars, clergies) they joined him. Thus Molvi Batalvi sahib came as witness for Martin. Allah the Exalted had told Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) before time that a Molvi (clergy) would come against him but Allah the Exalted would humiliate him.

The lawyer from Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) was non-Ahmadiyya Muslim Fazal Din sahib of Lahore. He prepared some questions which he wanted to ask Molvi Batalvi. He showed these question to Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.). Among these, there was a certain question which would have surely humiliated Molvi Batalvi before everyone. The lawyer wanted to ask it so that Molvi Batalvi could be proved a dishonored man. But Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) strictly stopped his lawyer to ask such question.

This shows the high morals of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.). The case was false, clergy witness was false who came to hurt Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.), sure divine revelation was there but Promised Messiah (a.s.) did not allow such question which would insult the opponent……The lawyer Fazal sahib always mentioned this extraordinary demonstration of high moral in his circle.

God, on one hand, established the honour of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) as he showed high morals against opponent, and on the other hand He fulfilled His revelation regarding belittling the false witness clergy. It happened so that when the Deputy Commissioner [who had earlier said he would catch the claimant of being Promised Messiah and Mahdi] saw the face of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.), the state of his heart changed. Despite Huzur (a.s.) came before him as accused, he arranged a chair beside him and asked Huzur to have seat.


Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
(The Promised Messiah and Imam Mahdi a.s.)

Then Molvi Batalvi sahib came to present testimony, he came with hope to see Huzur hand cuffed or standing with dishonor. When he came he saw Huzur was sitting beside the magistrate, he demand a chair for him too, he said he was from an honorable family and governor offers him a chair…. Deputy Commissioner replied that a house-cleaner too is given a chair during a meeting too but this is court….. The family of Mirza sahib is a Rais (Lord, Noble) family, his matter is different.

The opposition by the Deputy Commissioner Captain Douglas [a Britain, who had earlier said that he would catch the one who had claimed as Promised Messiah Mahdi] was not a common thing. This opposition had gotten religious colour because few days earlier he had said that a person had claimed in Qadian, and by doing so he is insulting our God, why he is not caught by anyone yet? …….. When the file [this case of Martin Clark] came to Deputy Commissioner, he wanted to issue Warrant (of arrest), but the file reader advised him that case was not of Warrant it was case of Summon. A (non Ahmadiyya Muslim) Police Inspector too pointed same fact. Thus a Summon was issued and the same police officer took it to Qadian. After that Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) went to Batala in the court of Deputy Commissioner. When he saw Huzur, he treated him with honour, presented him chair and said that he can reply while sitting.

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Peace be upon you.

Molvi Balatvi sahib came as witness (as mentioned above). There was a large gathering of keen people outside the court. Molvi Batalvi sahib became furious when saw Hazrat Promised Messiah was seated (contrary to his expectations). Accuser was Britain priest Dr. Martin Clark and Judge was a Britain too, Captain Douglas….. Molvi Batalvi tried to get a chair too. Then Britains used to consider Molvis as insignificant. Judge said it is upto him whom he gives chair and whom not, the family of Mirza sahib get chair, that is why I gave him chair..What is your status! Batalvi sahib tried to debate with Judge, but he was refused and insulted and was told not to babble and back of and stand at areas for shoes. When the peon saw the mood of officer, he held Molvi sahib and made him stand in shoe area…..Molvi sahib thought there are thousands people standing outside, if they knew what is happening inside what will they think! So he came out of court room. In veranda, there was chair, he sat on it to show the mob that he was honoured at court. The peon thought if Judge saw it he would be angry, he asked Molvi sahib to get off the chair. Then Molvi sahib came in open place and sat on a cloth sheet which was spread on ground. It belonged to a non Ahmadiyya Muslim [who later accepted Promised Messiah (a.s.) ]; he came angrily and asked Molvi sahib to get off his sheet and said: You are a Molvi yet you came to be witness for Christians.

That is how Allah the Exalted belittled the false witness Molvi Batalvi.

These are ‘aayaat baiyenaat’ (clear bright signs) that God the Exalted freed Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) from the hands of an opponent Judge, Sir Douglas. And Sir Douglas was shown more signs too. He mentioned these to Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) when he toured England in 1924.

A Head Clerk of Sir Douglas mentioned that after the hearing, Sir Douglas wanted to go to Gurdaspur. Head Clerk went to railway station for booking etc. Later he saw Sir Douglas anxiously moving to and fro on the nearby street. Head clerk asked him what was the matter. Sir Douglas replied that he was not well and said, ‘Since I saw the face of Mirza sahib, I see an angel pointing to Mirza sahib and says, Mirza sahib is not sinful. Then I ended the session of court and came here. When I walk to one side, I see face of Mirza sahib and he says he have not done this (murder). It all is false. Then I go to the other side, there too Mirza sahib is seen standing, and says that all this is false. I did not do this.’..Douglas told the Head Clerk that if such situation persisted he would become insane.

Head clerk told Sir Douglas to come to waiting room and talk to Superintendant Police Lemar Chand, a Britain, who was available there. Lemar Chand came and after listening to Douglas, he said: You are at fault, you have given the witness (who said that he was sent by Mirza sahib to murder Pastor Martin) to pastors, whatever they teach him he states in court, give him to police and then see what does he says…… Thus it was immediately ordered by Deputy Commissioner Douglas that Abdul Hameed, the witness be given to police.

Superintendent Police assured the witness that he was now with police and will not be given to pastors. Then the witness fell at the feet of police officer and said, ‘Sahib save me, I have been speaking lie till now.’ …..He told the Police Officer when he would come to court he would see his hand to read name [written with coal by pastors] of an Ahmadi so that he do not forget to mention that name in his forged statement. He would say that he was sent by Mirza sahib [to kill Martin] to stay with that Ahmadi….He disclosed all things correctly.

On the next hearing Sir Douglas acquitted Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.).

All these events are bright and clear arguments and signs. Douglas would see picture of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) which would say he was innocent.

Later….. Douglas told Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) that once he was sitting with a an ICS Indian guest who wanted to hear any strange event in the life of Sir Douglas. When he began to tell the guest this event related to Mirza sahib, the house-keeper came and said there was a man outside who wanted to meet Sir Douglas….The young man was brought in…Sir Douglas said, ‘Young man I do not know you’. The man said, ‘You do know my father’, ‘He was Pastor Waris Din’, ‘Just now a wire (news) has come that he has died.’……..Sir Douglas told the man that he knew his father and he was telling all those event before he came in.

Waris Din was the pastor who started all Martin Clark case against Hazrat Promised Messiah just to please Martin Clark but God the Exalted manifested the truth upon the Judge and the main witness admitted too that all matter was fabricated…..Later exactly when, Sir Douglas was mentioning Waris Din (to ICS guest), son of Waris came and gave news about death of his father; it was a strange coincidence………….Till his passed away, Sir Douglas would tell this incident to any Ahmadi whom he met. He narrated it to Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.), Ch. Fateh Muhammad Sial and to Sir Muhammad Zafrullah Khan.

Sir Douglas died at age of 93.

Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) said that these events are bright and clear signs, through which Allah the Exalted continues to manifest the truth of His Prophets in the world. A believer should try to be true believer, then Allah the Exalted surely develops such conditions from unseen which continue to refresh his faith. Without such faith there is no delight. If faith is not able to open one’s eyes, and keeps human in dark, what is benefit of such faith? The one who remain spiritually blind in this world, will remain so in the Hereafter too. If one does not see bright and clear signs in this world will not see them in next world too.

Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) said that above mentioned sign was a great sign and it is still being manifested.

a) The son of daughter of Captain Douglas sent a message to him [Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (a.t.)] that he wanted to do Bai'at and said that he ponders what was the virtuous work done by my maternal grandfather that there is strong desire in my heart that I should join the Ahmadiyyat. This is a sign that today he feels that even though Sir Douglas saw the truth but he could not join but today I do join.

b) The grandson of Martin Clark came here and made a clear announcement that Martin Clark was wrong and Hazrat Mirza sahib [Promised Messiah (a.s.)] was right.

Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) said that a momin (believer) should continue to pray and do remembrance of Allah the Exalted that he should be granted the day when Allah the Exalted manifest truth of Islam and His Being on him, and he see His and Holy Prophet’s illumined faces (metaphor). If it is achieved, all years of pain or happiness, become same for him. Human remains immersed in this love. Such a person always remains happy and has no fear of anyone. Just as:

5) When a case (of Karam Din) was made against Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.), the magistrate was a Hindu, Ariyas pressured him that he must write a punishment and he promised so…… Ahmadi lawyer was very anxious and said to Promised Messiah (a.s.) that he should go to Qadian and do not stay in Gurdaspur, otherwise tomorrow magistrate will surely announce a sentence for you….. Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) said they can make arrest at any place…..He was reclining on bed, he raised himself and said to lawyer, ‘Khawja sahib, why are you anxious. Upon God the Exalted’s lion, who can put hand?’

Repeat: Words of caution: It should be noted that names of certain people (or their affiliation to certain faith) who were adherent to certain religions will be mentioned, this mention is not because of any hatred, but it was part of historical chain of events.

Thus it so happened…. There were two magistrates involved in this case. Both were seriously chastised. One was suspended….Other’s son became mad and died by jumping from roof. It affected him so much that once Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) was going to Delhi, he met Huzur at Ludhiana railway station and said, ‘Please pray, I have another son, may God the Exalted save him, I have done many mistakes.’…..In short, the words of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) were fulfilled: ‘Upon God the Exalted’s lion, who can put hand?’ and Arias could not get success in their purpose….Thus if human becomes God the Exalted’s then everything in the world becomes his as Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) was revealed by Allah the Exalted: Translation: If you become mine, all world will be yours……Nothing in world will be able to hurt you and no foe will be able to do mischief against you….Remember until Jama'at is not in peace, you cannot be in peace. Jama'at will be in peace if your next generations are in peace.



Peace be upon you.

6) Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) said (gist): I remember when Pastor Martin Clark filed case against Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.), I prayed anxiously....I saw in dream at night that I am coming from school, and tried to enter into my home through an alley. There I see lot of uniformed police personals. Firstly, one of them stopped me to enter in home then someone said he is family member he should be allowed to go in. From the entrance there were stairs to under-ground store room for fuel and scrap. I saw police has made Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) stand there and there were heaps of dung-fuel [used in rural areas] were in front of him and at back….. Police men were sprinkling kerosene oil on the fuel to burn it. I tried to extinguish the fire. Meanwhile few police men grabbed me. I was much worried lest they burn the fuel. During all it, I saw upward, it was beautifully written in bold above the door, ‘Translation: Those who are beloved servants of God, who can burn them?’.

Not only in Next World, here too, there is peace for believers. We have seen with our very eyes scores of events that even though Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) did not have sword or any other means of security, but Allah the Exalted granted means of his security.

7) Captain Douglas’ narrative to ICS officer (above mentioned) also included : I was anxious. Case was wrong. Truth was proved. I have never seen anyone of great heart like Mirza sahib. Despite he was falsely accused of a dangerous crime and he was jeopardized, when the court told him that he can file a case for defaming, he said, ‘No I do not want so’. ….. It was great heartedness.

8) Despite all oppositions, which Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) faced, he remained safe according to promise of Allah the Exalted and his Jama'at continued to increase, and Qadian continued to make progress.

Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) cites this progress that there was a time when Ahmadis were not allowed to go to mosques (in Qaadian). Door of mosque was obstructed, small rods were nailed in ground at crossroad so that people going to offer Salaat should fall. They were not allowed to pull water from well. Potters were prohibited to sell utensils to Ahmadis…….These troubles were present in a time but where are those trouble makers? Their children have become Ahmadis. Those who tried to wipe Ahmadiyyat their progenies are spreading it…….The madrassah (school) used be place of jinns [according to old (fasle) stories], no one would go through this path alone at afternoon…. Now see how those jinns ran away!

Once Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) narrated his dream when he was crossing through the ground of this high school: ‘Qadian is spread up to Bias (river) and its population has grown towards north to far.’

Back then there were only 8 or 9 houses of Ahmadis were present and they were poor. Others would come as guests only. But now see how much progress God the Exalted has given it.

Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (a.t.) said (gist) : Today, by the grace of Allah the Exalted, the expansion of Qadian has extended from that place. Ahmadis and Jama'at are making beautiful houses, flats and guest houses. We are seeing continuous progress of town of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.), even the house of an opponent neighbor of Mosque Aqsa has become the part of it.

9) Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) mentions about opponents’ persecution and boycott.

He said: We saw boycott against Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.). We saw the time, when home-cleaners and water-carriers was stopped. We the time when Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) would go out, opponents would through stone at him and mocked at him in every possible way. But what happened despite all these oppositions. Ninety five % of those who are listening sermon [decades ago] were opponents, but they are Ahmadis now.

Later, after Hazrat Khalifa I (r.a.) passed away, there was uproar in Jama'at, how it ended. The leader of this mischief were those who dominated Sadr Anjuman and they would say insultingly: Should they become slave of a child….. God the Exalted exerted such awe to them that they left Qadian….Then they said with arrogance that 98% of Jama'at is with them and 2% is with Khilafat. Now by the grace of Allah, situation is other way round.

Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (a.t.) said: Currently, the people here, before me [in Baitul Futuh Mosque, and even in the Friday Salaat, in Fazl Mosque too] are more than the people who were sitting before Hazrat Musleh Mo'ud (r.a.) back then…..It is among the special support of God the Exalted that He has spread the Jama'at worldwide….These matters are proofs of truth of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and are proofs of support and help of Allah the Exalted for Khilafat after him (a.s.); these matters increase our faith…May Allah the Exalted enable us to keep these things always in view and these matters always continue to increase our and our progenies’ faith. [Aameen].

Based on Friday sermon, December 12, 2014, by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), UK, alislam.org and mta.tv

The Hammer

Premium Member
Yeeeeaaaaahhhhhhh.... Soooo... This was way too long, I didn't read it. Can you summarize? Thanks.