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If you had $50,000,000...


Well-Known Member
If you inherited $50 million (after taxes) what would you do with it all?

I would
1. Give a couple million to my parents (at least, I would offer it to them. I'm not sure if they would take it, God bless 'em)
2. Marry my long-time girlfriend
3. Buy a castle (or have one built) in Southern California.

Those are my top 3. There's more, but I wanna know what you all would do.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I'd start a foundation to research the links between various attitudes toward intimacy on the one hand and violence on the other.


Vicar of Christ

1. Buy a new house and car.
2. Give half to my brother
3. Put the rest in the bank to save for my kids.


Uber all member
Build a T3 server and offer it to ReligiousForums (yeah, I really love this place. Plus I would get instant access)

Send my step kids and hubbies to school for any degree they would like.

Build a science center for QTpi's high school she would run and name it after her.

Travel whenever possible.

Buy a truck (with a gun rack but no guns) so I fit in with the neighbors


Green Gaia

Veteran Member
1. Pay off all my bills
2. Finish school
3. Put some aside for my kids college
4. Get Bastet over here, or move there :p
5. Buy a little house and land in Maine, nothing too big, just enough
6. Start up a little bookstore/coffee house
7. With the rest I'd save some, give some to my family and some to charity


Kal-El's Mama
Donate to all the societies that need donations. Pay of our house mortgage, purchase a nice private property and build a home that will be comfortable for us and extremely large enough and NEW for carrdero ;) . Give some to family and friends. Purchase the things we would like to have that we just drool over :biglaugh: . Adopt children that need a good family to call their own and provide them with the love that they are missing. What ever is left, carrdero and I will split in half. carrdero will retire from his job and work at home and build up his business and I will be working at my jobs cause I love working there :bonk: Oh....Go on a vacation for a few weeks. Meet all the great comic book creators. Also go on cruises to see different parts of the world :cool: .


Religious Zionist
I'd pay off all my debt.
Go back to school
Send my mother on vacation where ever she wanted to go
and then invest the rest

Cause you know what they say, Jesus saves, Moses invests!


Well-Known Member
jewscout said:
Cause you know what they say, Jesus saves, Moses invests!
Hahaha! :biglaugh:

But I think I'd invest a good 30 million of it, give 15 to friends/family, and continue to go to college for the rest of my life. Well, not all of it, around my mid-life crisis I'd probably buy a nice house (with a *****in' theater setup!), new car, ya know - that old chestnut...

This is all if money is worth anything 20-30 years from now...


Buy an island
Invite all my friends to live there

Maybe not in that order!

And hell why not give 10k to every religiousforums.com user!

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
I don't know what I'd do with the rest of it, but the first thing I would do is:

Fix up my house until it was in PERFECT condition, then go down to the unemployment office. I'd find someone in line that looked like they were a good person and ask them if they wanted to grab some lunch. Over lunch, if I determined that I liked them, I'd sell them my house for $1.00.

Then, I'd move to someplace close to Yellowstone and buy a nice house there.


PS - did I mention the hookers? Just kidding. :)


Well-Known Member
Wow...I don't know! I would probably put it all in the bank and keep it there until I got out of college and worry about what to do with it then. Well, I might take some of it out here and there....;)

Actually, I'd prolly take a couple thousand out immediately and treat myself to a week at some luxurious spa....aaaahhhhh yyyeeeesssss....

The Voice of Reason

Doctor of Thinkology
Come to think of it, I might buy myself that Glowing User Name that I've been pining for for so long. Maybe even throw in an oversized avatar. Yea - that's the ticket!

PS - did I mention the hookers?


Citizen Mod
I would rent-no!-I would buy,that's what I meant-I would buy a Convention Center, hold a Religious Forum Convention twice a year and spare no expenses.


Hmmm...well, let's see....I guess I would first off spread some wealth amongst my family-- my parents ( who need it the most ), my seven siblings, grandparents, aunts & uncles, cousins. Then I'd donate a large amount to a charity, or several charities. Whatever is leftover, I will use, first of all, to spend at least a year or so just traveling around the world. ( Whoopie! That would be a dream come true for me right there. ) And whatever is leftover after that, I will use to buy a large farm in Spain, where I would breed Arabian horses. And that's pretty much it, folks....:D


Uber all member
The Voice of Reason said:
- did I mention the hookers? Just kidding. :)

You want to go into the rug business? Why kid about it? There's good money in a personalized hooked rug.


(I'd like a huge stipend from your millions for pulling your chestnuts out of the fire)


Active Member
I'd pay off my couple small debts, buy a diesel pusher motor home and TRAVEL. Buy the house of my dreams, give some to our kids and our granddaughter and some to extended family and a few friends. I'd invest a major chunk of it and donate lots of my return on investment to Oprah's Angel Network.