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If You Were to Describe Yourself, How Would You?

I think this is an interesting subject, also I imagine that it can help one better themselves when it comes to being true with yourself.

So how would you describe yourself, personality specifically.

Your pros and cons.


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
Con: No matter how hard I try, I'm just not very interesting.
Pro: At least I've recognized this fact, if not fully accepted it.

I'm a pretty middle of the road sort of person. I am hard working... but not very ambitious. I am kind... but I don't volunteer. I can be a leader... but I prefer to be a follower. I am intelligent... but not particularly knowledgeable.

I don't have any special talents, I tend towards introversion, and I love my dog.


Possessed Bookworm
Pros: I'm interested in a lot of things, so it's fairly easy to strike up a conversation with me. I'm clever and artistic and generally a very patient. When I talk, I try to talk about something relevant. Very distinct type of humour, so if it clicks, I make good joking company.
Cons: Occasionally sarcastic and a flammable temperament (count as pros if you're into that kind of stuff). Perfectionistic towards self and with a tendency to babble madly about things that bother me (this generally only in real life). Extremely introvert, needs lots of time away from people.

I don't know what to tell about myself. Most of the time I'm a pretty boring person you barely notice and at some other point I might be everywhere doing everything at once. The company and the situation I'm in effects it a lot. I spend 90% of my waking time thinking about things no one else is interested in.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Con: No matter how hard I try, I'm just not very interesting.
Pro: At least I've recognized this fact, if not fully accepted it.

I'm a pretty middle of the road sort of person. I am hard working... but not very ambitious. I am kind... but I don't volunteer. I can be a leader... but I prefer to be a follower. I am intelligent... but not particularly knowledgeable.

I don't have any special talents, I tend towards introversion, and I love my dog.

May i ask whether you mean not very interesting to others or to yourself?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Tough question! This isn't something I think much about, so I'm probably all wrong about my reply. But, off the cuff, it seems to me now that I tend to talk most about my beliefs and experiences. When I talk about my tastes, preferences, and values, I think it's most often in the context of agreeing or disagreeing with something someone said. I seldom talk about my aspirations or goals. And although I freely talk about my experiences, I don't recall having attempted to give someone a chronological overview of my life story since grade school.

I think I do know one thing for sure, though. I've changed since I was in my early 30s. Back then, my second wife, who had known me for half my life at that point, characterized me as "taciturn". Nowadays, I'm a veritable ever flowing fountain of information about myself! Especially, it seems to me, when online.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Tough question! This isn't something I think much about, so I'm probably all wrong about my reply. But, off the cuff, it seems to me now that I tend to talk most about my beliefs and experiences. When I talk about my tastes, preferences, and values, I think it's most often in the context of agreeing or disagreeing with something someone said. I seldom talk about my aspirations or goals. And although I freely talk about my experiences, I don't recall having attempted to give someone a chronological overview of my life story since grade school.

I think I do know one thing for sure, though. I've changed since I was in my early 30s. Back then, my second wife, who had known me for half my life at that point, characterized me as "taciturn". Nowadays, I'm a veritable ever flowing fountain of information about myself! Especially, it seems to me, when online.

I just realized the OP is asking us to describe ourselves, rather than asking us to describe how we talk about ourselves. D'uh Sunstone.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I'm moody. I am an inventor. I learn things quick. I am observant. I like people but not too close and not too often. I mean it is nice to touch base with people I like some of the time. I do not enjoy being with people all of the time. In real life I am very quiet. I do not give my opinion often in the real life. This isn't real life, is it?

Me Myself

Back to my username
pro: I am extremely determined
con: I am extremely stubborn

Pro: I am extremely honest
Con: I am extremely honest

Pro: I am loyal
con: I am conchudo (take things from friends almost without asking ask things I maybe shouldnt, etc)

Pro:I think in general it is hard for me to rise my voice in anger
con:I do raise my voice in excitement without noticing, I can be very loud. I also can annoy people quite easily

Pro:I can make people forget about their problems. I can be very good defusing anger (provided I didnt cause it, those I generally make worst)
con: while the only think they can think of us strangling me and shaking me

Pro:I honestly want the best for everyone
con: I am terrible at making other people find that out

Those are the ones I can think of for now.


Ah! Remember another one:

pro: Friends say I am a very good listener, and some rely on me foremost for advice (though they find out I dont really tell them what to do anyways)
edit: con: only applies with serious stuff or honest problems in their lifes. For other stuff I interrupt people without noticing.
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RF's pet cat
Pros: Empathic, caring, modest, curious, artistic, dreamer and learn things quite easily.

Cons: Don't like to ask for help, perfectionist (to the point of stressing), feel I should know/understand everything from the start and very hard on myself.

Neutral: Laid back and introverted. They both have some good and bad, so neutral.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Con: No matter how hard I try, I'm just not very interesting.
Pro: At least I've recognized this fact, if not fully accepted it.

I'm a pretty middle of the road sort of person. I am hard working... but not very ambitious. I am kind... but I don't volunteer. I can be a leader... but I prefer to be a follower. I am intelligent... but not particularly knowledgeable.

I don't have any special talents, I tend towards introversion, and I love my dog.

maybe in rl? at least I find you very interesting, honestly.


Premium Member
Cons: Social Phobic, impatient, wallflower, non-assertive. On the good side, I am working on those and made some progress on those.
Pros: I don't steal, I try to be honest, I don't judge others more harshly than myself (or at least I've worked on that one), and I am a good cook.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Con: No matter how hard I try, I'm just not very interesting.
Pro: At least I've recognized this fact, if not fully accepted it.

I'm a pretty middle of the road sort of person. I am hard working... but not very ambitious. I am kind... but I don't volunteer. I can be a leader... but I prefer to be a follower. I am intelligent... but not particularly knowledgeable.

I don't have any special talents, I tend towards introversion, and I love my dog.

Lemur, you ditz! You're so clueless about how very interesting you are that if your cluelessness were an ocean, sea levels would rise more than global warming will ever raise them. You're answer just flubberbusts me! It struck me months ago you'd be endlessly interesting if I was 30 years younger and married to you for life. Now you go and have made a mockery of my my thoughts!

I'll be brutal: Your only totally serious honest flaw in my eyes is I've sometimes thought you were a wee bit too argumentative.
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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
May i ask whether you mean not very interesting to others or to yourself?

Well, well, well, Badran. Are you yourself going to chime in here with a self-description or are you going to sulk in your tent while everyone else does the heavy work? I bet the real reason you haven't posted is you don't even know yourself. At least not nearly as well as even your favorite camel knows you!


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Cons: Social Phobic...

I somehow managed to get that sense of you over the years, Christine. I myself have gone through periods when I preferred my own company to that of others, but I don't recall having a phobia about people. Do you find yourself inconvenienced by it?


Premium Member
I must not be very interesting since no one in my house ever listens to anything I say and no one ever lets me complete a sentence. My mom used to interrupt me all the time, too. :)


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I think this is an interesting subject...

So, FreeThinker! Are you going to deign to post in your own thread, or are you going to be like Badran and sulk the day away? Sheesh! It's shameful I ever need to beg you to describe yourself!