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If You Were to Describe Yourself, How Would You?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I'm sure my online persona varies significantly from my real-life counterpart...

I think there are ways in which mine does too. :)

...although it's true that we are all indeed self-centred to a degree, I would argue I'm probably more self-centred than the average person.

Although I will admit, it is difficult trying to "determine" a quality like that, in relation to how much of it you have versus others. :shrug:
I would think in many cases it's very difficult to determine how self-centered a person is. It also seems to me that different people can mean very different things by "self-centered". I have a friend who is something of a bench mark for me when it comes to comparing people in this regard. She's in so many ways concerned almost exclusively with herself -- to such an extreme, that I know of no one more self-centered than her, in fact. My hunch is you don't see yourself as that self-centered.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
I'm not certain my description of myself is 100% accurate, but some of these have been pointed out to me by other people as well:

Pros: Intelligent, level-headed, extremely calm and composed, concerned about the well-being of others, respectful even to most people I don't like and those I'm not on good terms with.

Cons: Shy, mostly silent, not easily motivated to do things (which can lead to laziness and slacking off), generally impatient with reading, not very social (especially with strangers), sometimes easily flattered, and very confident in my intellectual abilities (which can be seen as a con in that it indicates a degree of vanity, depending on how you look at it).


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Well, well, well, Badran. Are you yourself going to chime in here with a self-description or are you going to sulk in your tent while everyone else does the heavy work?

I'll take sulking in my tent over heavy work any day of the weak, thank you very much!

I bet the real reason you haven't posted is you don't even know yourself. At least not nearly as well as even your favorite camel knows you!

That's probably true. :D


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Yikes! Just so ya'll know, I didn't intend that post to elicit concern or anything. Just trying to make a dispassionate observation. :eek:

I'm not sure how you could find yourself uninteresting. Displeasing, sure. But we all have to have a base amount of interest in ourselves, after all.

No, I'm fairly certain that I must be rather dull to most people. I think that if I wasn't me, then I'd probably find myself uninteresting.

Personally, i wasn't as much concerned as i was genuinely surprised. Reason being that i felt it was a very unfair characterization of yourself. I haven't had the chance to interact with you as many other people did, but i did a bit, enough to know certain things.

Since the first time i discussed the idea of god with you way back when i first joined, your intellectual honesty and compassion stuck out to me. As time went by, and i found out more stuff about you, i just kept finding you more and more interesting.

As time went by i gathered a picture of a person who has a very keen and observant intelligence, someone who loves nature, who appreciates the little things in life and is not as demanding as most people tend to be. Despite having no apparent reason to be that way.

I don't see how you could call that uninteresting, and i haven't even done you your proper justice in this description. I've left out more than one aspect, like your endearing sense of humor.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
Personally, i wasn't as much concerned as i was genuinely surprised. Reason being that i felt it was a very unfair characterization of yourself. I haven't had the chance to interact with you as many other people did, but i did a bit, enough to know certain things.

Since the first time i discussed the idea of god with you way back when i first joined, your intellectual honesty and compassion stuck out to me. As time went by, and i found out more stuff about you, i just kept finding you more and more interesting.

As time went by i gathered a picture of a person who has a very keen and observant intelligence, someone who loves nature, who appreciates the little things in life and is not as demanding as most people tend to be. Despite having no apparent reason to be that way.

I don't see how you could call that uninteresting, and i haven't even done you your proper justice in this description. I've left out more than one aspect, like your endearing sense of humor.

I completely agree with this, and I'd add that I believe it would be hard for someone so sweet and thoughtful to be uninteresting. I'd pick that kind of "uninteresting" over most people any day of the week. :D


Big Queer Chesticles!
I think this is an interesting subject, also I imagine that it can help one better themselves when it comes to being true with yourself.

So how would you describe yourself, personality specifically.

Your pros and cons.


Over compensating others
Sometimes harsh in situations


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
... I'd add that I believe it would be hard for someone so sweet...

Sweet? Lemur, sweet? Sir, I must beg to differ. Lemur is far too argumentative to be sweet. Far too argumentative! Why, she's practically a contrarian, I'll have you know. The very moment anyone asserts anything in her presence, and it certainly need not be a controversial assertion, but the very instant someone asserts something, Lemur is on it quick as a prom dress comes off on prom night pointing out the flaws in it, arguing against it, criticizing it, and attempting to disprove it. It's her nature, I'll have you know. No, sir, I cannot accept your calling her "sweet". Not at all, sir! Not at all!


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I'm not certain my description of myself is 100% accurate, but some of these have been pointed out to me by other people as well:

Pros: Intelligent, level-headed, extremely calm and composed, concerned about the well-being of others, respectful even to most people I don't like and those I'm not on good terms with.

Cons: Shy, mostly silent, not easily motivated to do things (which can lead to laziness and slacking off), generally impatient with reading, not very social (especially with strangers), sometimes easily flattered, and very confident in my intellectual abilities (which can be seen as a con in that it indicates a degree of vanity, depending on how you look at it).


Got you worried, didn't I?

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
Sweet? Lemur, sweet? Sir, I must beg to differ. Lemur is far too argumentative to be sweet. Far too argumentative! Why, she's practically a contrarian, I'll have you know. The very moment anyone asserts anything in her presence, and it certainly need not be a controversial assertion, but the very instant someone asserts something, Lemur is on it quick as a prom dress comes off on prom night pointing out the flaws in it, arguing against it, criticizing it, and attempting to disprove it. It's her nature, I'll have you know. No, sir, I cannot accept your calling her "sweet". Not at all, sir! Not at all!

What if Lemur argues 10 pages' worth against what you said above and proves it wrong? What are you going to do then? You will have to concede Lemur's sweetness, right?


Not your average Mormon
It's My Birthday!
Describing Katzpur:

Pretty much what you see is what you get. I'm the same person online as I am in person, so if you like me online, you'd like me in person. If you can't stand me online, you wouldn't change your mind about me by getting to know me personally.

Pros: Above all, I strive for integrity. I have no use for hypocrites. I really do want to be the person I claim to be. I am very, very much for the underdog (especially if the underdog is actually a dog. Or a cat. Or any four-footed creature.) I'm compassionate. I hate intolerance and bigotry. I am loyal and I can keep a secret. I am also very forgiving -- provided the person who has wronged me is big enough to apologize. (Otherwise, all bets are off.) I don't go looking for fights, and I try to be a peacemaker whenever I can. I am pretty patient when it comes to stupid people, but have no patience at all when it comes to rude people. I tend to be a perfectionist in certain areas. When I was working (I designed and wrote computer software), this trait served me very well. People do want their software to work right, and not just most of the time -- all of the time.

Cons: I am a lousy housekeeper and a lousy cook. Please don't ever show up at my place unannounced. I swear I don't have one domestic gene in my body. And when it comes to domestic stuff, I have absolutely no self-discipline. I am lazy and would have no trouble at all sitting here at my computer 14 hours a day and sleeping the other 10. I have an unbelievably bad temper when confronted by rude people. I also have a very foul mouth (not what you'd expect from a nice little Mormon girl). I'm very critical. I hate that about myself, but it's the truth, so there.

Miscellaneous: I am a Mormon enigma. I am a believing, committed Mormon, but culturally, I simply don't fit the mold.
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Curious George

Veteran Member
Pros: I laugh a lot. I am loyal. I try to understand all perspectives. I am compassionate.

Cons: I enjoy confrontation, I tend to disassociate, I don't feel adrenaline rushes. I seem to have an oppositional defiance towards people with authority.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
What if Lemur argues 10 pages' worth against what you said above and proves it wrong? What are you going to do then? You will have to concede Lemur's sweetness, right?

Dare you, sir! I say, dare you suggest that I, a man of 56 years and some months, a man in the fullest maturity of his wits, would lose a battle to a lemur? Why, the very thought of such an outcome is cause enough for me to rock the nearby mountains to their roots with my laughter. With my laughter, sir! To their roots, sir! To their damnable roots!
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De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
If you don't mind my asking, in what way(s) would you say your online personality differs from its real-life counterpart?

The main way is that usually, but not always, I am willing to talk more about myself online than off. In comparison, I'm a better listener offline than on.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
The main way is that usually, but not always, I am willing to talk more about myself online than off. In comparison, I'm a better listener offline than on.

I see. Thanks for clarifying.

For what it's worth, my conversations with you have given me the impression that you're someone who has a great ability to be interested in what others have to say.


Well-Known Member
Honest, sometimes tactless, extremely loyal, anti-social-preferring intimacy than crowds and easily turned off people, depending on who I am talking to I am either interesting or odd and boring, I am silly and often laugh to myself about silly things, I sometimes make weird noises when I am concentrating.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I'm direct, encouraging, giggly, and inquisitive. I love the arts and the sciences, and I admit my strong bias in favor of anything involving dance. Even if it seems pop-culture-esque, such as the Macarena. I'll get up and starting shaking my groove thang.

I'm also flighty, aloof, and fickle. I drive people crazy with how I can be much like Scarlett O'Hara by saying I'll worry about whatever it is later on. But I can also at the drop of a hat become confrontational. What puts my defenses up is when I feel nobody in the place is trustworthy, and that I am utterly alone. It's never true, but if I assume that, I'm a rotten ***** to everybody around me.

There never is a dull moment with me. I drive people crazy who like predictability and routine. But for people who welcome adventure day in and day out, they seem to tolerate me better.


Well-Known Member
I'm direct, encouraging, giggly, and inquisitive. I love the arts and the sciences, and I admit my strong bias in favor of anything involving dance. Even if it seems pop-culture-esque, such as the Macarena. I'll get up and starting shaking my groove thang.

I'm also flighty, aloof, and fickle. I drive people crazy with how I can be much like Scarlett O'Hara by saying I'll worry about whatever it is later on. But I can also at the drop of a hat become confrontational. What puts my defenses up is when I feel nobody in the place is trustworthy, and that I am utterly alone. It's never true, but if I assume that, I'm a rotten ***** to everybody around me.

There never is a dull moment with me. I drive people crazy who like predictability and routine. But for people who welcome adventure day in and day out, they seem to tolerate me better.

I think I come off as more of a b**ch than you do, at least on the forums, I think I am more patient in real life than the forums, but that could be because I don't hang around with that many people.