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II-Purpose of Ramadhan: Taqwa and Nearness of Allah the Exalted.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.
…….Allah the Exalted does not only give directive to His servants that they should exercise Taqwa, as it is His directive and upon disobedience they will be punished. But He said that this Taqwa will be beneficial for you. He mentioned these benefits too, which are benefits of this world and of Hereafter.

Allah the Exalted says, if you will follow the methods of Shariah, and will practice commandments, He will be your Wali / Friend…..The earthly people cannot give you any benefit: “innhum lainyughnu anka minallahey sheyaa……” (ch45:v20) i.e. ‘Verily, they will not avail thee aught against Allah…’ Therefore instead of finding refuges of people, find that perfect refuge Who is “…waliyul muttaqeen” (45:20) i.e. ‘….Friend of the righteous’. He is their refuge.

Allah the Exalted says when you do anything for Me to seek My pleasure, keeping My Taqwa in heart, Allah loves such people: “….innallaha yohibbul muttaqeen” (ch3:v77) i.e. ‘…surely Allah loves righteous’…..Whoever finds love of Allah the Exalted, what else he needs more? He receives blessings of both worlds, and his worldly life and Hereafter become successful.

Allah the Exalted told about beautiful end of such people. He said that good end is for righteous, earthly people cannot reach it. The people who show patience at excesses / injustice committed by earthly people, they seek help of Allah the Exalted. They do not beg earthly people and do not bow to them for their apparent power. Righteous people will get power in this world and they will victorious end-wise. These days, Ahamdiyya Muslim are suffering in some countries; they are told if they follow opponents, they will end their hardships; they will be hugged…. Jama'at should remember that these are deceivers. What they are, these days, considering their apparent successes are about to become their failures. Their supports, on which they depend to commit tyranny, are about to fall like white-ants eaten woods and mix with dust.

Thus, exercise patience. It is directive of Allah the Exalted. Remain bowed before Him. Seek help from Him only. Surely, you will be made heir of earth. This is the promise of Allah the Exalted to Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). And this is also the promise of Allah the Exalted to Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him)….. This promise to Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) is through the agency of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), he was given promise that deen / religion would be revived by the coming of Promised Messiah. And those who would abide by Taqwa would see their good end in this world and in Hereafter. This path of success is associated with offering of sacrifices. Sacrifices raise the standard of Taqwa and gives the glad tidings “wal aaqebato lilmuttaqeen” : End remains in the hands of righteous….Thus we are happy that God the Exalted is with us and giving us the news of better ending.

If today, Muslim Ummah understand this wisdom and instead of opposing Promised Messiah (a.s.), enter among the helpers of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace), then the unrest in individuals and governments of all Muslim countries will end…. The ongoing mischiefs, brawls, mutual fights and mutual oppressions to each other on the name of Jihad will change into love and affection…Thus there is no Taqwa in leaders and Ulema /scholars. As the result, the common people, who are trained by these scholars, lack the understanding of real Taqwa / righteousness…The common people are trapped in the net of these so-called scholars and extremist groups with idea that they are seeking pleasure of God the Exalted; Due to it, commons are doing wrong and far-from-righteousness deeds. These Ulema / scholars have placed young generation on the path of oppression by exciting their passions and by tempting them of grant of pleasure of Allah. There is no one to advise these young people and Muslim Ummah in general that it is not Taqwa / righteousness, which you think is righteousness; this is not virtue which you think as virtue; this is not Jihad which you think it is…Mutual murders of believers of Kalima [la elaha illallah Muhammad ur rasullulah: There is none worthy of worship but Allah, Muhammad is His Messenger] is matter which takes far away from righteousness….God the Exalted has said the sign of believer: “rohamao bainahum” : they are full with passions of mutual love….How could these heart-splitter people be righteous? Does Allah the Exalted bring better end to such people? Does Allah the Exalted make such tyrant people the heirs of earth? It can never happen. Allah the Exalted does not like violence. There are those who raise slogan Khilafat Khilafat; Is God the Exalted going to give them Khilafat in land to make them His vicegerent? The God Who is Rahman, Will He be Helper of oppressions and oppressors? The God Who has sent Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) as “rahmatul lil aalamin” : ‘mercy for all worlds’. Will He let grow cruelty in the world, on the name of His beloved Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). Never Ever!

According to the prophecies of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), Khilafat was to appear through Promised Messiah (a.s.). With the Support and Help of Allah the Exalted, it has begun. Other than this, each slogan for Khilafat is method, on the name of religion, to gain worldly benefits and capture governments.

Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (a.t.) further said that last Friday, he gave an interview to TV channel, he told them that the Khilafat they are talking about, it is no Khilafat. The true Khilafat has already begun. True Khilafat was not to start with oppression but it was to start with Support of Allah the Exalted and it has begun.

Alas! May Muslim Ummah understand this. And their mutual disputes and disturbances and scuffles to get governments should end.

We should pray for them too in Ramadhan because due to their acts, non-Muslims are finding opportunity to defame name of Islam and Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him)

A professor of religious studies, here, few days ago, with respect to current Khilafat talks, spoke absurdly and foolishly about Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) and four Khulafa e Rasheydeen [righteously guided Khulafa].

Muslim Ulama, leaders of organizations and heads of states are busy in concern to get their power or to save it….If there is anyone who answer such evil-talk [like professor’s] that is Ahmadiyya Jama'at. He was duely answered.

Such opponents of Islam, who has malice and hatred for Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), they have made new film against Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and Hazrat Aisha (r.a.), which (was to) start in Washington (USA) and Berlin (Germany)…These people think that, they can target Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) with mockery, like this, nauzobillah [we seek Allah’s refuge]…The worldly life and Hereafter of these people will be perished. They are not foreseeing their ends. Allah says that they will reach their bad end….As worldly means, for the launch of protest and attempt within the circle of law, Ahmadiyya Jama'at Germany and USA has been guided by the Holy Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (a.t.).

But today, the manifestation of an Ahmadiyya Muslim‘s true love of Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) and of his grandeur and greatness, is to invoke unlimited salutation on him (s.a.w.):

Subhan-allahey wa behamdehi subhan-allahil azeem allahuma salley alaa muhammadin wa aaley mohadin

Glorified is Allah with His praise, glorified is Allah with His Majesty, O Allah, bless Muhammad and his people.
Every Ahmadiyya Muslim in the world should fill today’s air and this Ramadhan with Durud / salutation.

There is no better answer than this to the opponents’ attack on the prestige of Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him)………. It also produces Taqwa of Allah the Exalted. This Taqwa is giving glad tiding to us from Allah the Exalted, about that good end, about which He said: ‘the end is for righteous’. Eventually good end is for righteous. Opponents of Islam will be the losers and successes and better end will be of true believers and righteous. InshaAllah.

Muslim Ummah should understand too that Satanic and Djjal powers are causing them to fight with each other with a certain tactic. People think, the cause of fights is sectarianism. Why this sectarianism is developed all of sudden. Certain external powers have roused these sectarianism in them so that opportunity to defame Islam is obtained. Then they will do what they plan to do against Islam and Muslims.

Internal attack by these powers is to make the Muslims to fight with each other.

External attack consists of absurd films against teaching of Islam and the person of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and his life.

They know that, as a reaction, a wave of distress and anger in the Muslims will be generated.

Then there will be an unrest in the world and again these powers will take it and defame Islam.

These Satanic powers have produced such a Satanic circle, from which, there is no one to pull Muslims out now.



Peace be upon you.
There is the Way out but they are denying it. Thus, from this angle, pray a lot for Muslim Ummah.

May Allah the Exalted grant them wisdom. May they see, Allah the Exalted is giving glad tiding of good end of what people. Alas! May they observe the sights of victories of Islam by accepting the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace).

After knowing all this about others, about end, we should not be satisfied that we have accepted the Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and we have the system of Khilafat and we follow a system.

Allah the Exalted has pointed to raise standards of Taqwa with Fasting and He has given responsibility to each person that:
- to get blessings of Jama'at and blessings of Khilafat,
- to get right benefit of coming into Bai'at of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.),
- to get true grace of being from Ummah of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.),
- to be true servant of Allah the Exalted,
Taqwa / righteousness is the requirement.

The month of Ramadhan is a mean to get Taqwa; Acquire maximum benefit of it. Therefore, each member of Jama'at and each one who desire to be momin / believer should make individual self checks to raise standards of Taqwa. To achieve this, Allah the Exalted has guided us:

[ch 6 : v 156]‘And this is a Book which We have sent down; it is full of blessings. So follow it, and exercise Taqwa that you may be shown mercy.’


Reference: Friday Sermon (4 July 2014), by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), UK, alislam.org and mta.tv
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