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II-RamadhanAndQuran are Related. It is Important to Pay their Rights.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you….Thus The Holy Quran is:
= such a comprehensive and perfect Book which has none second to it.
= it mentions everything fully.
= it corrects mistakes of all previous religions.
= it completes all what lacked in previous religions.

It is Allah the Exalted’s another favour on us that He made us in this era and enabled us to accept Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) and provided us means to understand importance and wisdom of Holy Quran through him….He (a.s.) granted treasures of knowledge and wisdom to us. Its true comprehension can be / is achieved by reading his books.

Some of his quotation about Holy Quran’ status and grandeur and about our responsibilities in this regard are being presented so that we pay attention to recite, teach and practice on it. [a quote is already given earlier]


‘The expression Khatam-un-Nabiyyin which has been applied to the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] demands that the Book that was revealed to him, should be the most perfect of all books and should comprise all excellences; and indeed so it is. The rule is that whatever degree of spiritual power and inner perfection is possessed by the person upon whom the word of God descends, the same degree of power and majesty is possessed by that word. As the spiritual power and inner perfection of the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] were of the highest degree, which no one exceeded or will exceed, therefore the Holy Qur’an occupies that high station and rank which has not been reached by any of the previous books or scriptures. The capacity and spiritual power of the Holy Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be on him] were the highest of all, and all excellences had reached their climax in him.

Therefore, the Holy Qur’an that was revealed to him is also perfect and as the excellences of Prophethood reached their climax in him, the excellences of the miracle of the word reached their climax in the Holy Qur’an. Thus he was the Khatam-un-Nabiyyin and his Book was the Khatam-ul-Kutub. From the point of view of every aspect of a miraculous word, the Holy Qur’an is at the highest stage. The perfection of the Holy Qur’an is seen and its miraculous character is proved from every point of view, that is to say, from the points of view of excellence of composition, of the sequence of its subjects, of its teaching and its perfection and of the fruits of its teaching. That is why the Holy Qur’an has not demanded its match from any particular point of view, but has issued a general challenge demanding a match from any point of view. From whichever point of view it is looked at, it is a miracle. (Malfuzat, Vol. III, pp. 36-37 – Essence of Islam, Vol. I, p 356- 357)


‘If we did not have the Holy Qur’an and only had collections of Ahadith as eminent sources of faith we would have been embarrassed to face other people. I have reflected over the word Qur’an and it was disclosed to me that this blessed word contains a great prophecy which is that this alone is the Qur’an, that is, a book worthy of reading. A time will come when more than ever it alone will be the Book worthy of reading when other books will also be read along with it. At that time this alone will be the Book worthy of reading in order to protect the honour of Islam and to eradicate falseness and other books would certainly be worthy of being discarded. This is what ‘Furqan’ means: that is, this Book alone will distinguish between truth and falseness and no book of Hadith or any other book will be of the status. Therefore leave all the books and only read Book of Allah night and day. Extremely faithless is the person who does not show regard to the Holy Qur’an and is inclined to other books all the time. Our Jama’at should try and be occupied with the Holy Qur’an and ponder over it wholeheartedly and give up being inclined to Ahadith. It is of great regret that the Holy Qur’an is not deliberated over as Ahadith are! Take the weapon of the Holy Qur’an in hand to triumph at this hour. No darkness will be able to withstand this light!’ (Malfuzat, Vol. I, p. 386)


‘How can change and reformation be brought about? The answer is with Salat alone, which is real Prayer. Reflect over the Holy Qur’an for it contains everything; detail of virtues and vices and news of times to come.’

[Hazrat Khalifah tul Messiah V (a.t.) explains: First thing is to pay attention to Salaat. In these days, special attention should be paid to congregational Salaat and special arrangements should be made. Since Holy Quran has special relation with Ramadhan, therefore if one makes habit to read, ponder, understand and apply it on self it in these days, it will remain helpful for future.]

[quote continues]..‘Know very well that it presents the religion on which no objection can be raised because its blessings and its fruits can be found afresh. Religion was not perfectly presented in the Gospel. Its teaching may have been suitable for that time, but it is not suitable for all times and all situations. It is the distinction of the Holy Qur’an alone that Allah the Exalted has given the antidote of every ailment in it and has explained the training of all faculties. Removal of any evil that is mentioned is also given. Therefore, continue to recite the Holy Qur’an and continue to pray and try and keep your conduct in line with its teaching.’

[Hazrat Khalifah tul Messiah V (a.t.) mentions: Hazrat Khalifah tul Messiah III (ra) used to say that once, in the time of Mao Tse-tung in China, a visiting Pakistani minister asked him how he had brought such revolution in China. Mao replied why do you ask me, go and observe the model of your Prophet and read your Quran and practice it then you will get every thing….Thus, others, they accept it or not, see a light in Quran Karim. ]


Reference: Friday Sermon (11 July 2014), by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), UK, alislam.org and mta.tv