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III-Purpose of Ramadhan: Taqwa and Nearness of Allah the Exalted.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you…….So if one has to:
- get blessing of Ramadhan,
- see better end,
- get doors of success opened for one,
- get mercy of Allah the Exalted,
- be recipient of His blessings.

Then do not be like those who have no guide and who are scattered, and who fall prey to anyone who excites their passions on the name of Islam and deen.

Allah the Exalted wants that one should act upon Holy Quran, see its directives, get their true understanding, learn and ponder on the directives of Holy Quran through the wisdom of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) – who is sent by Allah the Exalted in this era. He is taught directives of Holy Quran because he truly loved and followed Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him).

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said that a person who leaves knowingly one directive from seven hundred directives of Holy Quran, such a person falsely claims to be among his Jama'at and in his Bai'at. ….[sense]……As it has been said in an earlier quote, it is matter for great fear that, surely Allah the Exalted is “arrahmur rahemeen” : very much merciful. But He says that doors of My Mercy remains open and will continue to open on those who will try to practice my directives with Taqwa. Thus get benefit of it. Do not take any commandant lightly because it is the path of Taqwa and makes one Muttaqi (righteous).

Human sometimes does not give importance to certain directive of Allah the Exalted because worldly benefits put curtain on his eyes. He finds more attraction in wealth, children, businesses and other worldly preferences. He, sometimes, does such acts to get these things which have nothing to do with not only Taqwa but they are far away from common morals. Allah the Exalted wants: Are you forgetting deen for these temporary benefits and not following my directives? Do you think that by speaking lie, by saying false praise to an earthly person, by taking others’ wealth wrongly, you will get worldly benefits? Will you increase your wealth by taking unjustly denying someone’s right? Listen all kind of rizq / sustenance comes from Allah the Exalted. He is the source of all wealth. If He does not want, you cannot get wealth. Even if you get it temporarily, this wealth will become evil for you, not good. In the end, you will be seized by Him. If you want to get safety from His catch, He tells that you should find Halal sustenance. Halal sustenance is granted to righteous; comes for Allah the Exalted; comes from channels which a common person cannot think of. He says:

[ch 65 : part of v3] “…wa main yattaqillaha yaj-al lahu makhraja.”
‘….And he who exercise Taqwa of Allah, He will make for him a way out.’

[ch 65: part of v 4]“wa yarzuqho min haitho la yahtasib. wa main yatawakkal alallahey fahowa hasbohu……..”
‘And will provide for him from where he expects not. And he who puts his trust in Allah — He is sufficient for him……….’

Inthis regard, Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) says: “It should always be remembered that upto what extent, we have progressed in Taqwa and Purity. It is standard in Quran. Allah the Exalted has put a sign among signs of righteous that, by freeing the righteous from unpleasant of world, He takes care of his matters, as [Allah] said: “…wa main yattaqillaha yaj-al lahu makhraja --- wa yarzuqho min haitho la yahtasib.” : The person who fears God the Exalted, Allah the Exalted makes for him a way out from every difficulty. And makes such means of sustenance for him which are not in his knowledge and guess. This is a sign of muttaqi [righteoeus] that Allah the Exalted does not make muttaqi dependant of useless needs. For example, a shopkeeper thinks that his work cannot be maintained except speaking lie therefore he does not leave lie and shows compulsion for speaking lie. But it matter is surely not true. Allah the Exalted Himself becomes guard of muttaqi [righteous] and saves him from a situation which force him to speak non-truth……Remember when someone leaves Allah the Exalted, He leaves him. When Rahman [Rahman God] has left, then Satan will definitely make his connection.”

He (a.s.) also said: “Promise of God the Exalted cannot be false. ” [that I provide sustenance to muttaqi from Myself].

He said [gist] that those who claim to be righteous and yet they are short of rizq [sustenance], either their worldly desire are too much and are not being fulfilled, or their claim to practice Taqwa is false. The words of God the Exalted cannot be wrong, in any case………………..Some people say that non-believers have very much wealth and they are enjoying luxurious life. I tell you truly that they appear happy in the eyes of low earthly people, but in fact they are embroiled in burning and pain. [it is proved practically that earthly life has caused them pain, that is why they have adopted various methods of peace, viz, people use drugs when their desires are not met; they seek peace through drugs.]

If someone is righteous and is trying to seek pleasure of Allah the Exalted, he gets peace with little. Not having unnecessary desires is a benevolence and grace of Allah the Exalted.

Thus an Ahmadiyya Muslim should keep eye on this too that, in Ramadhan, they should try to bring their Taqwa to that standard, where worldly desires and pleasures are within the permissions of God the Exalted. If there is achievement of wealth, it should be with eyes on Taqwa. Such wealthy righteous spend their wealth to seek pleasure of Allah the Exalted.

Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (a.t.) futher says:
“He was looking at a book a few days ago about Chaudhry Zafrulla Sahib written by Bashir Rafiq Sahib. It had an incidence about a wealthy political leader who when visiting London with his family used to book an entire wing of a hotel. Once he came by himself but still booked the entire wing and said he had the money to pay for it so he could not live in claustrophobic conditions. He asked Chaudhry Sahib where he was staying. Chaudhry Sahib told him his stay was at the mission house with Bashir Rafiq Sahib where he also took his meals. The wealthy politician remarked why did Chaudhry Sahib not avail his wealth and stayed in such constrained conditions!

Chaudhry Sahib told the politician that while he spent money lavishly, Chaudhry Sahib saved it and used it on education of students and on meeting the needs of the impoverished and helping the helpless. He added that the peace of mind this gave him could not be achieved by a worldly person and said that he prayed the wealthy politician would also find out about this peace of mind.

These were people who were successful in worldly terms yet they were disinclined towards worldliness. It is such righteous people who have been given the glad-tiding of paradise in both this world and the Hereafter.”

May God enable us to derive beneficence from Fasting of this Ramadan in such a way that high standards of righteousness become a constant part of our life. And may we, by absorbing blessings of Allah the Exalted, get share form paradise of both worlds. May our ending be good in this world and in Hereafter. May we be true picture of Islam after coming into the Bai'at of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). May we reject and turn table at each attack on Islam, by opponents with our words, deeds and taking our prayers to maximum. Today, Satanic forces are joined against Islam, they will be contested by the Jama'at of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace). InshaAllah. Holy Khalifah (a.t.) said: As I have said that they are making such plans against Islam that somhow entrap Muslim countries and attack on them. Common Muslims are not understanding this move and some leaders (maybe one or two who have good intention) are not understanding it too. They think they are being successful by getting help from outer ones. But in reality they are being entangled in this net more, where they will not get anything other than their destruction.

They do not understand by our advice; there is no effect. They are against those who feel deep pain for Muslim Ummah.

Its cure is nothing except prayer. In this Ramadhan pray for safety from opponents and seek mercy for Muslim Ummah. May Allah the Exalted, through his mercy, grant them wisdom. Wherever Ahmadiyya Muslims are being persecuted, pray for protection against cruelties, May Allah the Exalted save them. Pray above all that may Allah the Exalted grant us real Taqwa in this Ramadhan so that we may be able to get pleasure of Allah the Exalted and by His help and blessing, we see the opponents of deen and foes of Islam fail. May Allah the Exalted produce a real revolution in us in Ramadhan. [Aameen]

Reference: Friday Sermon (4 July 2014), by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), UK, alislam.org and mta.tv
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